[Creating own luck]

Creating one's own luck is an art form that in many a case believed to be a per chance notion, but rather an also rehearsed occurrence of convenience if work hard on its perfection. When you are creating your luck, you look first into the chance of emerging unscathed in the department of your reputation as doing so is a risk that may go either way in terms of you owning the success of it.

The core is in how you cease your opportunity, first in spotting the chance and secondly in how you execute your chance creation. If it be that you lack the courage to attack the target, don't force it until you're confident enough to do so.

A lot of people failed to woo their targets due to lackluster performance in attaching their being to the self-created opportunity by going in unprepared or attending to the chance with fear, and find themselves in the midst of that wished for luck that but got wasted by premature attack.

In conclusion: such situations of created luck needs one to be breaking seams to the brink with charisma for it's at most important as you don't want to be easily forgotten. So, like an artwork producer, you ought to wax lyrically your moment to leave that everlasting mark...dp


[Serving the purpose]

What I’m to say here is simply about giving an alternate between career and monas. As the selves we are, each has a sole purpose that may though in sync with others, is but unique in its launch.

Each has a certain way of doing things that distinguishes them from the rest. The secret to that unique approach and sense of execution does not come from us, but from some source that we all ought to know and honour. That very source is the reflection of the unique you that makes me also a unique sole. To the source’ [1] (being God), we all are his metal ploughs that no matter their different sizes are but of same importance to Him as each has a row to make (a purpose to serve).

Theocratic purpose

God gave us two gifts when we were born; the first is ability to learn, apply knowledge and sustain ourselves, and the second gift is that of giving back. If one does not serve his intended purpose, it literally means that they are neglecting their existence worth in God’s ecosystem - hence theocratic purpose.

Each of us has their own designed career in God’s kingdom. It is through that that we ought to channel our gratitude. Its mode of spread is oral, visual or acting. It’s only the soul in connection with the source that’ll dictate to the sole which element to elect.

In God’s way, there is no performance measure put in place, but rather an extension of the innate drive to do; that to Him matters the most. Again, to Him, how long it takes one to respond to the calling is of no importance. What we should be concerned about is being an active participant in theocracy conduit.  

Conquering by the radius

When you give back, you start by doing so in your own vicinity. Touching the lives of the very ones next to you is empowering bilaterally in that what you plough will see you gain favour with God and those imparted your gift experiencing the effect.

As beings, we do in numbers as we are in numbers whilst God does wholly. People are physical beings and God a spiritual being and, that translating to the fact that He rules with absence and we do in presence. He is limitless and we are limited in the sense that we give back with presence in current spaces we are planted in at a given time, one person at a time replicating results in graceful leaps whilst He is with each everywhere at any given situation strengthening us to serve more.

Unify formal self with spiritual self

To many, career is only about the formal side of themselves. What they tend to forget is that career ‘professional advancement’ is not bound to that only facet, but also ‘a progress through life’.

Therefore, anyone with a professional advancement can, if not should, marry that front with their progress through life. Some are fortunate to have had that in them. In any situation of formal self, one needs to reward God by aligning that with their God given purpose. For instance; "if you are an educator, don’t just teach to help learners pass, but rather capacitate them for life[2]. Lead the active purpose role not the passive one. Be the reason the next soul met good in their life (who you are should better the other with what you are). 'Be the first in self and the next self to the self next' [3].

This does not end there. Some formal selves do  "dark jobs that are to society deemed dirty and taboo" [4]. "From that, carve a cleansing niche to aid your taint to remain purposefully afloat[5]. Serving the purpose should come naturally, not be forced, and thus the abandonment of self-praise in doing so. Be modest in serve and God will sprinkle his mercy upon you, not by fluke but by certainty.

Purpose is not a test. Purpose is an expansion of successive evolution. How you serve today should form base for near future relevance. What you serve now must be the platform for tomorrow’s conformable ensemble.

Purpose as a ministry

To me, purpose is a ministry and, each monad destined to serve its own in its own way. All are titled in collectives but entitled to serve in own’s twist. With that said, question is: “Am I the material for the purpose for which I’m to serve?” and also that, “how honest am I to my purpose?      

Purpose is not some phenomenon that one goes out in scrounge of, no, it actually lie dormant therein, waiting for one to ignite it. Just like passion, purpose never wane off. Purpose manifests in active souls. It should be noted though that as a power tool, it be handled with utmost care as it can easily corrupt careless self-justifying souls – thus being the material or not for the purpose. Again, “do my actions and ways qualify me for the purpose, or am I a misfit?

Truth is, purpose starts as a mantra ensconced deeply within each soul that through stages spew bits of a sole’s ministry. None is above their purpose. We are only below par or on par and also no competition as none has the biggest purpose as we all are here to serve in interfuse with other soles’ purposes. It is a complex union that is bigger than our combined alter egos.

In conclusion: purpose is about personal touch; it’s about syncretising differing ministries via one’s divine gift and spread through presence not semblance, it’s a movement, thence “serving your purpose by the radius”.

This should not be a flummoxed matter. Purpose on its own weighs respect, humbleness, inner peace, common love and calmed nature, with which all its elements ennui iblis. Wherefore, listen to that voice within, and you'll have no reason to nix your purpose...

'Don’t wear the thought. Dress the idea instead' [6].

[1] Dr Wayne Dyer.  Ambition to Meaning: The Shift ,DVD. //(p.04 aug 2009)

[2] Chawane Lawrence. Conversation about the state of South African education system. //(02 jan 2014)

[4]  Mahlatse Sojourner Modise. The Ministry Speaks: Light conversation about purpose. //(11 dec 2013)

[5] Morrel. The Ministry Speaks: Light conversation about purpose. //(11 dec 2013)

[3] & [6] by KgeleLeso

[In presence but not in sight]

What to do when you’re taught something that isn’t new to you? The answer is never going to come out of here, but out of you. What I got told so far by those I posed it to was to either leave, or to create a diversion from the topic or keep adding to show you know so it be cut or be busy thinking about something else that is beneficial. What I never did was give my opinion on their answers.

But of all the responses I received, there’s been one that stood out for me, that ended up writing this article. The answer was; “I’ll be there in presence but not in sight.” and I spinned 180º and found myself quick back to 90º. That to me, meant he’ll pretend to not know and receive the message anew.

For me, I understood something at the end, nobody thinks about where they’ll be taught the very old thing or subject. If they thought of that, their answers would’ve turned out differently crafted. Also, won’t there be something new to pick up from there? As part of an awesome threesome ensemble, I got to learn a lot about the same lesson or message offered in three dimensional conforths, the power of keywords to take away from that is indescribable still for me to date. With 3SI1, that’s what happens.

Our differing attitudes towards learning are something not worth ignoring as they are so insightful to just pass by. Out of one’s ignorance or misunderstanding comes out a different understanding in you, something that’s remarkable. In presence but not in sight, similar to being there physically but in mind somewhere. Then, again, comes something atop that, which is applying your understanding. And in plain terms, in presence but not in sight, gives me being there but not visible. It pretty much tells of you having no choice of control in that it’s others in how they view you. It happens at times in life that you be there in front of people but be that they don’t see you. This leaves you asking self what to do in order to be seen, but truth is they do see you just that they choose to ignore you. As such to me again, it said same about that answer. And but also, find some who by choice be there and not want to be seen, those are the ones with choice in sighting thereof.

In conclusion: a pride shattering phrase to this: “poverty hides you[1]; your failed presentation of own appearance may reflect nothing worth paying attention to. A below average look makes you not shine as it dims your confidence and make you not be seen in spaces you’re in. Being in presence but not in sight happens in many phases of our lives given the many obstacles that hides us from the limelight, and but with something in hand you do shine and are noticeable to even that eye trying hard to notice your presence. It remains important for you to make that sight of yours be remembered in absence...dp

[1] by Thabang ‘Nostalgiq’ Bopape  

[Symbolic enemy]

If death can be beautiful, mind degree shone light to leadership as a burden of the command carrier, according to Augsburg's confession. Whether standing apart or afront the rest, a leader's a symbol that remains to its follower a cast of mold that never quick dry but forever a useful guide to where the mind of his want for all to go, be without force and but through a gentle push.

A leader will never be cheered and loved by all, and at times even wished ill for, as he stands as a symbolic enemy to pressure takers rallying behind-the-scenes for his sole shine which in choice may share its spoils. When invested in as a follower in support, show your worth with passion and elect never proving to anyone anything for it almost all the time end with one in that state of a wasted emotion called regret, and that sadly always happens to be you in follow.

The worst criticism ever uttered to any in your position of support is to always not knowing your place. It ain't harsh but true. Almost every leader took a chance at risk for them to be recognized, and you ought to bow with your hand ready to receive the reward for your piece of worth you added to their value. It's hard to fathom I know, but a must of reality to take in when doing time for another. Age group analytics a kick-out factor that sticks to an ego that's wet with suppressed anger at self for graced hope pinned on a figure you're forced to praise directly or indirect for its success with hope for your step to your progression.

Being a pierced soul hurts within, given how much you give out of self for a pinch give-off in return. Tiring yet prudent for survival it eats away at one's pride. The amount of disrespect leveled against the less valued extractable soles too much to contain. It's hard being on the receiving end with a mud cap and soiled sweat. The humiliation endured from most of shiny suits a death row signed every time a glance gets exchanged. Life so interestingly unfair to the less fortunate.

In conclusion: when you lead you need to work on shaving your corporate overtones to the ordinary to avoid stroking their already provoked anger at your person. It takes nothing from you to thank back for what they do for you. Any leader should be free to share common space at times with their value creators to get to know them, be experienced by them, to instill in them their shared vision and principles; to be human more than anything.

Yes, I give it to them, you may be that symbolic enemy, but be that one they'd choose to die for, break their backs for, all because you sprinkle positive particles of aspiration enough to be caught by everyone unlike the melancholy generally you're avoided as. Be there first, maybe, and just maybe, your hobnobs shall take after your lead...dp

[A camel is a horse]

A camel is a horse designed by a committee, they say, and I concur. What's the significance of group leadership? Anything that's by a group decision gets somehow wrong, compromised or flawed. I don't say group decisions aren't good but instead saying are at most poor in that they're either a boon or a bane.

Sometimes we despise control freaks and autocrats, but are necessary in that we quickly know the subject of reference to point at whenever things are wrong or right, unlike with a group. What is good about such leaders is their ability to be frank and bold, and their decisions quick to be carried out. Doing anything in a group form hides accountable responsibility of others and not totally binding, something that defeats the purpose of leadership.

When you lead, it's either you're good or bad at it. Those you lead feed from your energy and style, and reflect that back, and sad when it doesn't come back good. Let the message be one, even if not from you the leader, be it but communicated by one channel, you or one chosen rally point of that. Not controlling that your voice won't be heard. If you want to weaken an organization, put two equal heads at the top and you're done with it. Have one head of the group and all else will fall into space.

In conclusion: getting your way through a baculo may seem bad and unfair, but what nations proved from time to time is that soft approach leadership is characterized as weak and impactless. We naturally by default need a voice and face to fear and respect in presence and absence. If you find yourself not in that category is good in that you're the good one but history shows the bad guys almost always come out tops because they don't mess around with authority given. Decide as a group but make the call as the leader...dp

[Role play]

We differ, we amend and we move on. As a people we differ, our types are similar but vary in degrees brought by circumstances. When together we form a group or a team, and the purpose of coming together highlighted from the beginning. In a group or team, we have goals to achieve and guidelines to adhere for goals to be achieved.

When we push in conforth we do so with roles that are given as titles. If you're given a title it means that you're entrusted with a part to play that will produce result in the end. If you feel you have something that fails you to deliver at all or in time or as per expected standard, best YOU say it in time to give those in lead a chance to reflect and see what good they'll do out of that. Doing so shows your spirit of unity, responsibility and accountability. Every leader wants to work with such an ethical person.

Time when working together is vital and if you execute your responsibilities within given timeframes are giving the team or group the chance to function properly. We all know that working with multiple individuals brings with it disagreements, tolerance and unending challenges, but we should all strive for a perfect output, amendments acceptance, and resistance to negative outside influence and present a united front to attract more work. In the role you play, you should know your position, expected outcome, whom to impress and how to advance the cause. Playing your role is part and puzzle of the collective's achievement, growth and progression that will give you recognition.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter what you're placed as, what's important is your part to play for advancement of success. Your dedication is essential hence you're placed there in the first place. Don't compare self but notes with others and deliver, that's the most best that you're ever going to need. If you're not satisfied, say it and get it out of the way quick for the sake of rhythm distortion in the uniform churn out of energy and effort. Any hiccup a turn off. The key here is knowing oneself's limits and solutions to mitigate such shortcomings. Be a player that is reliable, driven and flexible in their role play, it makes you more attractive to those ever in need of hands to tackle tons of work their way, especially in short term projects. Create your own luck...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K21.

[Clashing passions]

Whom to punch when you feel the need to? Why you punch them, only you knows the answer to that. But truth be told, it doesn't help a bit. You just need to understand yourself in order to work with yourself. What you are and what you're best at, who you are and who you're best at, should be the centermark of your fold.

We can't run away from the fact that we're naturally set in binariness as beings, male and female, personality and character, who you are and what you are, then comes the missing middle as a convolute filler (non-binaries), i.e. ambivert, queer, medium, etc. If you're not certain of your centermark you're going to differ on many fronts with self when your inner versus your outer. What you are should make way for who you are when things are normal and to come back to the fore on rise to an occasion when there is a need to, if you're to live a life that's not pejorated. Life needs to be prorate, and so is same with passions and aspirations.

As a person you need to understand what you want out of your being so that you don't get to experience any clash of your passions. In some, who they are differs from what they are when it comes to doing what they love. At times people do what they have to do to get by but not be serving their passion, whilst with others be the case of not knowing what to do first and which to follow after. With that said, the question now be: "Do you do what you love or do you do that which is necessary to be done?" This lessens the confusion others encounter and struggle with in pursuing what they desire.

Finding what you truly love doing is a must for anyone but not for everyone to do. Living your dream is a blessing that almost everyone wishes for, and but not because of letting realities of life take over their chance at happiness. Be your first reality before anything else throw in your path its reality. It's your life to live and you get only one chance at that, so, be the controller and juxtapose your desires so you don't run into commotion of passions.

In conclusion: as you know, as a leader you need empathy not harshness, and should have that for self too. Spread your passions and aspirations by writing your own story of success and live each day pursuing it, your wrongs and rights will be illuminated by your deeds. Do what you want if you're at liberty to, and do what is required of you if you're free to do, but be sure to never serve two centermarks at the same time. Be true to self, and let your passions rule your alignment...dp