[Failing your dream]

A friend of mine once said to me that dreams are expensive, but I say dreams are expensive only if you're not ready for them. Sometimes we are the cost to our dreams, so ready yourself first.

When you were growing up you wanted to be something that you later on in life renegade. Reasons for that dream short-lived or worse, be given up, remains as something only you will know to say. But whatever it is, dreams are the ones that lost. Saying this reminds me of Elizabeth Gilbert in her book "Big Magic" when she talks about the relationship between humans and ideas. It's the same phenomena as with a dream.

How do you follow your dream? Where does the heart comes in? How do you treat that dream? Thing is, a dream is a being of its own that stays where it's welcome and is being used and, if not used will punish you. One thing I love about a dream though, is that, unlike with an idea a dream hangs around far longer and but hurtfully reminding you of it through others who achieved what you long for.

And, just like with death or future, a dream is a secret unto us that but is a revelation of sort. In whatever that you want to be or do, if you don't dream it, chances are it's easy to slip through your heart as it's only in the head and as such struggling to be accommodated by your passion as it never touched it's vicinity before.

In conclusion: don't be lost to your dream, rather be lost in your breakthrough. Life of a businessperson doesn't favour lost prospects of a dream. Start today, be that rebel for your dream, that's how success will be attracted to you.

Failing your dream is a bond breaker between you and the higher being that gave you your gifts when you arrived at birth, with your hands clenched in hold of promise to your hope, dream and purpose. Come on, don't disappoint, re-steer your compass back to your true North and shift will come your way; that's then you'll be found again and be restored to thy initial promise you owe unto your life.

'Like a stranger in the jungle, search for what's familiar to you in her foreign given paths, that's how success will lead you to its destination of your dream to fulfill' [1]...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso

[Takes best to make best]

In business, it takes only two sides to it for you to get it right. It's always about the corporate and the operations. The start in 75% of startups is with the operational side then go for corporate perfunctorily, starting with compliance first in part with registration, tax clearance, BBBEE affidavit (in SA) and a business account, then be it. That leaves still a lot out like streamlining, modelling, discussion documents and proforma templates.

A lot of activity is in the operations, and the danger part of it is that many business operators don't want to master that either. I've witnessed that many a times people going into business be focused solely on what they want to do or know sans looking into the other side. Going in we mostly are seduced by the glamour side and forget about the unglamorous side to it, and its importance.

A friend of mine recently asked me about where to start in wanting to be rounded in business, and I had no straight answer for him because it starts innate. What do you love first? Start there,,,I ended up saying to him. Told him about my case, as I too started with what I loved and later realized how we struggle with paperwork. It wasn't easy finding a partner for that, so, I learned the boring side of our business and since then never looked back as it's rewarding.

Going into business you need to be best in order to attract the best, be it in investment or partners or staff and consumers. If you don't work at being the best yourself, how will you find the best? The quality you are is the quality you be seen out as. You just need to be very good at what you do and you'll be known as good. The open secret in business is that it starts with talk reduced to paper and ends with talk reduced to paper, unless there having had not any paper trail to it.

In conclusion: the corporate side is the less glamour side to the glamorous operations. Almost three quarters of people I met in business are in operations and a few in compliance, and but the balance of that is needed in each business, just that we ignore that or be honestly unknowing. Every business needs to function with both in place.

I know, saying that may get me in trouble with many business consultants and advisors, but truth be shared and be left for one to choose. But trust me, you need a compliance somebody on daily basis in your operations to avoid many risks and unnecessary losses tied to running daily. Get yourself the best corporate partner and unlock potential for your growth...dp

[Information an opportunity]

Finish your schooling then go do what you want, our parents said. The same was said by our educators. What I got out of being out of class was simple; there are two types of schooling, the formal education and the informal education. None in the classroom told us about that revelation, only the regulations they fed us with so we be in line with the set program, and that's learn to pass so you may be qualified to earn as an employee. They never prepared us for any other thing out there as an option to their school of thought.

I remember after high school, two days after matriculation results were out, friends busy with their luggage heading to various tertiary institutions for space. A week later I was left alone, what I qualified for and loved to study, my parent couldn't afford. That moment was my most painful experience ever, 'cause that's when I got the harshest reality of all by then that high school shielded me from realizing how poor we were. None of those friends kept on being my friends, I was now below them. I wished I were born into their families not into mine where they can't afford my dream like my friends' families did. But soon someone special said to me: "be open to the opportunities that the class failed you on. Find a way to one day have those with higher education come use it on you. It's your choice to craft your vision or crush your dream." I heard him and I shadowed him in hone of my growth.

The lessons I learned out of the physical classroom are far dwarfed by what I now know. The classroom taught me how to read, write and talk and at home was my name and surname, gave me character, and sense of being. Now out, I learned about the power of thought, decision and choice, art of timing and shift, respect out of politeness, communicating me in plugging of what I do before what I am, significance of character development, the difference between authority, influence and power, and most vital was the value of opportunity in information. Since then, I never loved the sole I was prior.

Information is key, no matter what you do in any sphere of life. Just by knowing you have the means to make those who know to make you know sans them knowing you don't know. With information you play the game of gauge, something only the daring do for its challenging and dangerous. I know value now more than a lot I seat down with, and how to get what I want because informal schooling has given that to me. I now give easily in allow of the recipient the chance to outplay their true selves.

The transformation of me was in prepping of me to be a future executive. I was told of my path in detail what with the information I was equipped with I am going to be, not should be as that remained in my region to exercise my choice in it. I am weak physically but strong in information, something that took time to get right with me. I was told in teachings how special it is to be an executive. Today I cherish my respectfulness, what it has done for me, and the character and sense of being my family instilled in me. I'm not yet where I command respect but am content with my readiness for many answers with the level of depth I now have in me, and that's only because of the opportunity I saw and found in information.

In conclusion: those with information aspire. Their boldness in knowing their swelled value in being grounded a rare talent only the skillful are eyeing with envy. Knowing what to do with your information a dream for the connected yet clueless.

Knowledge attracts opportunities unafforded to others. The challenge with information is management of its spread in that some of the content you're informed about is classified, wherefore to remain as such. One hobnob once said too much information corrupts, especially if it doesn't escape through the air bricks but via the chimney. It is privileged and so should know how you share it. Information is an opportunity that's dependent on the recipient...dp

[You in prime]

Everyday we grow, and everyday we lose a day. How we spend our days should be in line with our plans. Time is crucial, health is vital, life is essential, and you are important. What you do with YOU is very striking as it's a definer of what's to be said come the time you're no more.

Everyone is in some sort of their prime, we just need to figure it out where we actually are. By just having YOU, you have a start of great things to accomplish. I know my knock is off your mark but if you're with yourself you'll get what I mean.

We have early starters who hit the ceilings quick, or fall off the pedestal too quick, and have those who sustain their lead. On the other side have late starters who too experience same tragedies of the early starters, or be better but reach their career end earlier due to their time in. It's all in priming.

What I love about starting your own business is that you forget about ceilings and career ends, you focus on priming. You being late in or early in doesn't say a thing, but what matters will be how primed you are, or in what prime you are, or that you do overstand your prime or not, of which will show through what gets read in you through your presentation of your YOU. What YOU is to you matters a lot, that's why you need to know what you want out of your YOU before others get it. Play the game innate and plan it outward; then you'll feel in know the power of your prime.

With you, you carry hopes, dreams, capabilities, and a promise to deliver. What you embody gives away your value proposition. When we engage with you it's always that which we encounter that informs our conclusion of where you are in your prime. What you lose everyday can be made up for if you're willing to dig twice as hard to cover base of thy loss through depth in your retake.

In conclusion: it isn't about hiding behind shadows of others, but simply a matter of what YOU is all about to you the embodier before us the external parties. If you are about wealth creation, it'll show through your projection of YOU; how you interact with other wealth creators and those around you. Life of a businessperson is impacted by many factors external to it yet in connection be not that external in how they apply their YOU element in the process. You have to be you, but in reality the true YOU doesn't win favours mostly and only left with building the YOU whom you'll win others with as it's all about external elements' impression and their perceptions of the projection of you externally that really matters. But, be sure to build the YOU which will not be compromising self, and also be matching your prime...dp

[Modern day leader]

Gone are the days of setting examples, modern day leaders are the example, they are an extension of their brand. The personal brand they are is mated to the corporate brand they represent. The staff live by the brand ethos, they too are ambassadors at their entry point. They too are leaders as they lead the stakeholders of the brand. Leadership is now in executive level, frontline management level and at key entry level.

If as an executive leader you fail to instill such behavioral thinking, know that you're out of sync with today's work environment. The shift is caused by competition of anchoring or mainstaying between man and robotics brought by the  4IR chapter. If you don't own your position, a robot will replace you. People are no longer satisfied by human experience alone, but rather by the aura of your workspace. Truth is, trust me, the face of leadership is still wearing a mask and once it's off, the transformation wave coming will awash all industries.

Fact is, it's no longer the managers who need to understand the inner workings of a business, but so is the entry level staffers. Those who get onto the wagon now will be the mainstayers as they'll be in tune with the strategy and informable about impediments to their earning dynamics. Those are the dream of any executive leader. Being a leader in these times a challenge that pokes at creative juices. Should you fail to make and keep them flowing are then in trouble as you'll be on your way out of business.

In conclusion: knowledgeable staff make for easy and quicker implementation of ideas and strategies, so is quicker their rise of income. Being informed translates to their increase in value that means a rise in wage bill to the employer, but that's better than a deadwooder demanding more than their worth...dp

[Being a leader]

'A great leader is led, and a good leader leads' [1]. I sometimes wonder if it takes a leader or a follower to make a success of a dream. This again can be questioned about labourers and shareholders, on who is more important when it comes to the company valuation. There's balance in value, but nothing is surely equal.

What we fail to recognize at times is that the vision bearers and executives are leaders who are drivers of market trends that are but in answering to your calls of challenge. They'd be creative with solutions to that identified challenge as a gap of opportunity. A company may be the best seller of a specific product, but that comes after conducting both feasibility and viability study; a research based on a possible solution for your problem or challenge. Only a qualitative leader will know and direct the stakeholders on the company's move as per the results, timing and placement of the product. What's big and difficult about leadership is decision making and taking.

Leaders are bold and daring, and that are the requirements above all. The hardest thing to do in leadership is doing the right thing even in the absence of everyone. Being a leader is a builder and a breaker of character in that if you go in before your time can break you if aren't the type that adapts and pace to the rhythm of any industry's pulse, but a builder if aren't that breakable type. One myth that terrified a lot about leading is that you have to be fast but that's not true. You need to be quick in sight, thought and judgement, but not in action all the time. The aim is less retakes for a solid repute.

A leader knows what to say and when to say it to whomever they say it to, as you may win or lose favour by how you say it. I remember one investor telling someone that: "if only I could switch you for someone else for your idea and business, but unfortunately I can't, as such I won't invest on your self-doubt". A leader should learn the art of conversing, not marketing as is heard mostly. Knowing how to say who and what you are, what you do and whom you do it for, that's it. Not everyone can sell, but anyone can tell people about themselves and what they do. With leadership, it's about knowing your strengths and playing to them in make up for your weaknesses. It's not simple as ABC but doable in 123 steps and once mastered, the feeling inexplicable.

In conclusion: being a leader is easy if you are the material. Success is attached to the type that attracts it. The baddest challenge with leadership is power, it seduces the gentle soul and reminds it how achieved it is, and that's the trip tat for many successful leaders. Should you be strong enough to suppress that, then you're well on top of your enemy heads and walking allover them. Leadership is a fight, success is a struggle, you just need to be who you are for what you are...

[1] by KgeleLeso

[Success a curse]

Success, the quickest route to isolation, the force that attracts scum, the easy blinder of the weak, and the worst attention bringer to enemies. Unlike power, it gives you no peace as everybody wants themselves attached to you. What is dangerous as a combination to it is kindheartedness, which is the shortest route to your fall. Success is not stable, is not a sustainable phenomena sans power.

If you want success, you ought to garner power so you can attain the state of deity. There's no sleep with success as there's always this and that about relevancy, being the first, maintaining your position, retaining consumerbase, knowing what's latest in business and news locally, nationally and internationally, learning something new all the time, who to trust and who cut, forever analyzing what's being said, and guarding against and fighting entrants with all you can, etc, to remain in the game. Success is tiring, those of you wanting in on the piece of action should know that. If you want to venture into business with thoughts of easy money just forget 'cause it seems easy in the beginning and all changes the day you employ someone, especially one close to you that you'll come back sobbing.

With success comes too much backstabbings. In business there's no permanent friend and no permanent enemy and the irony of it is that even your enemy needs you in longer so they keep pushing and benchmarking through you in their quest for competitiveness. A good enemy in business is an arch rival not a crusher. Success many a times makes you a target of invisible forces that you have to know and infiltrate in order to fight back. It's a constant uphill struggle.

A lot got in as softies but today are toughies by force. One thing I've learned over the years about business is that it carves you no matter how rigid you may want to remain, but circumstances won't stop challenging your resistance until you give in to it. From outside everyone wish they were you, and should they only get a taste of what you feel, they won't return.

In conclusion: it is always easier to manage it if with a partner that got your back 101%, not with 10 partners who'll give you 15s and 30s of their support and 60 to 80% be fighting you on almost every move and decision you take. The biggest challenge about success is growth. If you failed to develop your entity's growth plan after your idea plan and company policy, you're doomed. Success is planned and controlled via certain specific channels that are modeled. Don't be somehow lucky, no,,,,work on your business from outside but spacing it in. SUCCESS, good a feeling as it may, still but a curse...dp