[It ain't about you alone]

The reason why you are not a respected biznes person is simple, look at how you relate with others. The way you are to others is a key determiner of how they feel about you, which means it may go anyway. At times you get surprised when you are being targeted by criminal activities, or even extending to your loved ones. How you relate with others is key to your peace in life and this is a life lesson that's never dished up raw.

At times biznespersons treat other people like they are nothing. When success gets attached to them they detach from the success bringers. It should be remembered always that success stays where it is nurtured, and is also what happens in biznes. If cash is king to you, then show your love to it by relating well to it. Have an excellent relationship with money.

It's no secret that money changes a person whenever it touches their vicinity, but it helps to have grips on how it vibrates your feelings, so your change can be better routed. To be honest with you, success starts with how people feel in your presence. If they tire from being around you, it's a straight indicator that you aren't a good person and should work on the sole you are. It doesn't say you be generous or what, but rather that it be true what you promise to people, or be pleasant to their esteem, and have them relate to you favorably.

In conclusion: be careful how other people feel about you all the time. It might not matter to you but does to the next how you talk, smile, touch, and spend time with them. The big things we impress in public with are actually not that big, and instead those smaller things you do counts the most. Being good doesn't pay, but a disguised blessing not only for you but your family and friends as well. Because of your behavior you can have someone determined to reverse your fortunes. Invest in all of the people you meet and interact with. Be the one who makes people fall in love with your person, family and biznes. Do change from your success, but don't change against your people because of your new found status. It ain't easy and but remind yourself that it ain't about you alone...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Admirable traits]

Do you believe in an extrovert or introvert for good leadership? We're often told that you need to listen more than you talk, but then, who is supposed to do the talking that we aren't supposed to? Being in business has taught me a lot of things in that you learn to unlearn to listen to mediocre statements of opinions, and do what works for you in your situations. And, one of those things to challenge was that of the type of personal traits profiles that makes it in business, hence this topic.

When you are an employee it's very different to an employer, and as one you can afford to be too much of yourself than it does with being an employer in that rigidity doesn't pay well than it does with flexibility. You can afford to not take calls after hours but not a luxury for an employer to enjoy. The mindset is totally different and none can blame you at all. There is a thinking that extroverts aren't wise enough compared to introverts as leaders. But then, won't it be safe to say that almost all of us are same but different in dominance of any of the two? We all are ambiverts by nature I would love to think, and but leaning more to either introvert side or extrovert one, and this most likely occurring when meeting people for the first time.

Now, as a leader, how will you be able to communicate your vision, timelines, etc. if you talk less? You have to coach, sell and guide others, and none can do all sorts sans talking for long. Best we agree that there should be room for learning and that involves listening more for effective conversing. Successful ones in business are good story tellers, situational directors, salespersons, re-inventors, public speakers, etc. and all of which are dependent on clear and effective expression.

In conclusion: it at the end of the day matters less whether you are an introvert or extrovert, what needs your attention is skillset and mindset to make it. You may say less but not say punchy stuff the minute you say something. I know it works being seen as mysterious but then again in business I've come to a conclusion that it works opposite to that, they trust an open book quicker than a closed one, and that's what I would confidently encourage you to be. For me, just focus on being a better conduit of sought information and support it with admirable traits in mannerism and you'll be likable as 'you' in response to each situation you get yourself in. Do that and you will be proud of self many times henceforth...dp

by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Thick veil of wealth privilege]

"Where there's plenty of it, trouble knows no path" an old aspirant coal miner once told a packed hall. It left murmurs in the hall with none clued up about his statement. Years later I stumbled upon him and he couldn't even recall the occasion but did laugh when I uttered the statement to ask what he meant, and it was simple. Where there's enough or too much supply of anything, none will fight as every next other has it.

I heard him but had this to say to him: "what we both can safely agree on is that people with money always fight to have from others what they have for their more, with them there's a path of trouble with which they manage to always get away with" and we both laughed before he left me with this: "thick veil of wealth privilege" and left it at that. Those words screamed truth of the reality that faces us head on. Trust me, this doesn't affect us same given the 2 sides of the fence we stand from. The pain of first hand experience of wealth privilege is matched to no other. They say who feels it knows it, and it's true. It's a good feeling to be wealthy and all of us aspire for that though not ready for life accepted for joy where we are.

What that veil does is shield those moneyed from facing repercussions of their wrong deeds, affords them better opportunities, gives them life joyments not known by all, and also setting classes of standards for people. Not being wealthy is okay I've come full circle to that, but just that pressures of own from external factors makes it hard to settle in that acceptance. "Wealth distorts the distillery of moral afinery" [1] they say, if you let it.

In conclusion: it leaves one accented in bitterness heritage given how easy it is to forgive the wealthy, how good it feels to protect the rot of the wealthy, how rewarding it is to be loyal to the wealthy, whilst shaming and lame to do same for the poor. The legacy of all this a build up to the decay of societal morality. The picture it paints not a beautiful future investable in. Our young are literally exposed to the exact opposite of right we want for their take up. How cool it is to wrong and pay to be right, how cool it is to buy love and respect, and how ill it is to be poor and honest are some of the depictions that media condition the publics with.

So damn sad how in my youth I used to sing along to lyrics that carried codes of ruin in the guise of cred like CREAM for cash rule everything around me, life eazy wen u rich, and many other lines of sort that saw some venture into crime, wantonry and other immoral behaviors all in try to portray the fake essay life of the wealthy because of their untouchable nature. Looking now at what the veil did to my generation, a sad state as nothing can erase all that damage yet only the wealthy can afford to buy a fresh start. I do acknowledge the invisibility of the wealth privilege to some but time do come for everyone outside of its actuality to feel it for their seeing coz it's a reality of long that's been cleverly concealed for obvious spotting. For the exposed I say good for you because being there is a win. Poor child, never forget to live in constant realization of where society puts you in class as that's how you'll be treated no matter who you want to be or where you want to go, it's hard to cut into that veil for it's meant to keep the status quo as is for long as possible...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Live your truth]

'Truth a fantasy that reality at times can't withstand'[1]. 'The challenge with life is living it as you, but the problem with living is in how we choose to be known' [2]. If we could learn to talk into existence what is honestly our reflection, then we won't be less comfortable with the idea of being ourselves. Many of us are in traps of scrutiny because of our chosen ways into how we express our beings to others in our journey's dailies during all countless encounters we trip in recurrently.

Is it dangerous or is it safe to live in your reality? Chances are yes it may be for some yet not be for others, and but, what matters is that there's always a yes to a no in this or that in our paths. To someone, truth in their reality a constant myth that is worth a sweep like dust in the wind while for another an existent wrong they need to correct for the shape of their wish. Failing to acknowledge the standpoint of your situation is a circumstancial plague that's to bit by bit consume your life. It all boils down to the choices we make in respect of our truths to reality.

It's sometimes also about how we love ourselves. Being honest to self about self issues is self care. Sad to be witnessing others pinning stripes onto their plain hides and believing they'll stick after a dip. If we begin to love our situations more than the romantic mental picture sold of you to can become whatever you put your mind to, many wouldn't have settled in unhealthy circumstances. Be free and happy sharing that which is of you and work on bettering it.

Just know that it's cool to downgrade so you can later upgrade. Be smart about your faults and missteps for they offer you a chance to start over and better. The reason you aren't doing well must be your high expectations out of no ration. Feel pain for yourself for none'll ever do. Know your situation, embrace your background, love your life, and hug your truth for real. 

In conclusion: being them will never make you, being you without being too much of yourself will bring you plenty of peace, no manifestation of a dream ever pursued a wrong take for aspirations, so, be who you are and work on the breakthrough of what you are to become. Be not ashamed in fighting the truth of others imposed on you if it in future pose a harm on your person as you never know what the intent of that innocent malice may be aimed at. Live your truth to the fullest, but do it in response to your reality...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Be associable]

The neutrality stance in truth an old new game that has been played for long and having stood the test of time, and that but still a trick found in the world of the young today. To how things change, true the same way they stay, to those long been there in it. Being paused in state a new winner stunt that's deployed in biznes and politics these days, to frustrate the staunch oppo affiliates and loyalists, but how effective it is still a quotient clave to slot wisdom in.

And, with weakness and risk of loss associated with choosing sides or allegiance, neutrality stance remains to date the power position for some. It works not in all cases, but a safe position to take at times. Get it not wrong though, you at the end will be forced to make a choice on which side you are. You can't stay on the touch line forever, but have the weight than those who chose earlier in. Being a kingmaker is basically about that if well calculated. It often scream indicisive if kept position for too long, so, avoid that.

Nothing is as attractive as a person who wields their draw card but not revealing their number. You can't say anything interesting when already your side of the coin is open flipped. You can be listened to only if you're on the side that's dominant. In corporatolics it's tough, you can't afford to be seen as a wimp. You constantly get faced up with choice making decisions and you have to do so firmly, but then, how you protect your decisions up to you as one thing for sure is you have to.

In conclusion: is it important to stay neutral? Is it possible to stay neutral and powerful? If the answer to both is yes, then might as well be. What I can safely say is that apply timing in how you play your cards coz levels of the game differ, and tactics aren't going to apply same. It's not a true affirmation that some have it all in one basket and figured it out. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Life has its way of making you win and lose, but in the end lessons out are worthwhile. In short, have a reason for your stance instead of doing it just becoz someone did it. Be careful with your choices. It may yes be cool being mysterious but not so cool when sidelined for not being able to be associable...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Sometimes be a realist]

The most realistic draw out lesson out of the world of biznes is that it's a game of authority, influence and power, and if you aren't successful in getting that, are in for a hell of a shock ride to losshood. A powerful biznes coach not so long ago told me that biznes is a scam that depends on which side of the game planners' agenda you're on, on which day did you get in, by whom you are introduced into it and lastly, in it as what. Said success in today's biznes is about your association to some insider's name and face, hard work to create luck, and ability to be resourceful. It stuck with me for the most part of this year, and in all essence found it to be so true. If you take care to notice, you'll see.

In biznes there're market makers, opportunity creators and controllers of rewards and gains, a collage of bricoleurs whom are The Original Capitalists or TOCs. TOCs are the world order regulators. Whom they are remains to date a spirited date with speculation. So, for most of us, we are in the lowest tier of economy control, and cannot be reached for comment on TOCs and as such will focus on our shoe sizes which are the reality of our lives. Much as it's now gotten to realization that biznes is a scam, what we ought to do is seek ways on how to suit the design of the plan coz it's no secret that all we do today is fight to be a fit in the plan of the world order.

What to do in order to get success out of the effort you're busy with is rescam others. If you aren't ready to get into the office through its door, be ready to be its painter. Each step of your way to success you're faced with gatekeepers whom you have to con so as to get to the door keepers, elevators and masters. You can't play the same trick twice, so, one of the skills to success that you need to master is acting. Putting on the mask for each character is of utmost importance and once passed those can get access to your dream. Truth is, you'll never reach your peak sans a visit of influence into your path, it's real as that, water that.

The reality of barriers is thick, you may have those plans and strategies for your market entry but honestly are to face an uphill of red tape. To make it, you have to align with any player from inside, unless you want to remain a small player. Learn to be adaptive and your success will be guaranteed.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter where you are from, it's same story. Your only chance of getting in early is adherence to guidelines from the gatekeepers. If you be realistic about all those things you'll be on track to the desired outcome of your vision. Trust me, you may be seasoned in your own right but in the master's standards be not, so, be patient and bide your time...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Asensual objectification]

"When I opened my eyes you were the first object I saw" and giggles roamed the room amok. This was said by a male friend and colleague of mine to a jolly fellow female colleague. The statement on its own, however innocent as it may have been uttered, is wrong. You can't say such a thing to another person, especially in this day in that we are puffing sensibility on and off set in terms of addressing sexualism, ease of workspace sharing and sexual harassment.

Objectifying another sole is wrong, and bad is when it comes from the other border of gender. How we see each other and say it out is crucial, it sifts the truest of us as persons before being colleagues that we are. According to a research that I recently read, the issue of ease of workspace sharing doesn't get intensely interrogated as it must be, and surprisingly a fertile feedlot of employee challenges.

Normally we can't do without using the common space provided if we are to carry out work. But, how we relate to one another determines the outcomes of the business being productive or not. If one feels bad about another, it affects the entire TEAM performance, and that alone a scary thought. Ask any colleague what they see first in looking at the other gender and at their same and you'll be amazed by what you're to hear. There're lots of challenges to uncover that're mated to the common space that work is carried out from.

A lot of industrial psychologists and HR personnel will alert you to a host of underlying issues that haunts the workplaces. At most it's the senior colleagues. Those entrusted with the task of overseer are the horn beepers in treating subordinates as their special projects. The issue of asensual objectification might sound innocent but brews into something else if not nipped from the onset as it tends to morph, and once allowed, it won't be easy to stop its snowball form fall from the anchoring towers.

The minute a colleague sees another as an object, it means they are well on their way to knocking for more if allowed. Calling another as an object shouldn't be promoted at all no matter its justification. If poorly handled, those that are resisting advances or hit ups might endure victimization. Abuse of rank is the most troubling aspect in lead of workspace tendency that many subordinates suffer.

In conclusion: any subordinate needs protection from such occurrences as they breed uncalled for eventualities of regret. A woman is a person who like you came to work, a man is also a person who came for their sole productive purpose, and should be viewed and treated alike. You the high ranker, some of your social tendencies might come across as unprofessional, so, do the better you for harmony to prevail in the place of work. Make people enjoy working with you...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Lead with fun]

All work and no play makes for poor job outcomes and any leader should be knowing that. Depending solely on the type of leader you are, will your team results show; not the job type, not the industry nor definitely not the geo-positioning factor. What any leader should bear in mind is that there's a need for a couple of light moments in the place of work. Nobody has ever delivered good group results constantly sans having a bit of fun now and then. And also, every person wants a leader that is humanly like them.

Winning is a full time decider and losing is an all time reminder that a TEAM needs to perform so as to deliver at all costs. But, for a TEAM to perform optimally they need not only have trade tools, support and a conducive space to ply their trades from, but peaking the list is the best leader to work with. And but then, what defines the best leader? Sadly, can't self pinpoint all the dots to connect to that answer for accuracy, except for the fact that as a leader one must be relations centric, and I remain open to any's direction per that.

Leadership relies on people skills and life experiences before anything work related. To be respected as a person who leads you ought to be respectful and responsible to your respect, be it given or received. Thing is, a leader is first and foremost a person who works with other people, diligently managing their talents, challenges, flaws, expectations, and their beings with a holistic view of what they are afore whom they are. With thusly fronted, surfaces a board of questions to ask. Are you doing that in line with the corporate vision or yours? Are you applying guidelines by the company policy or of your own principles? Where do you draw the line on your reasonability and mannerability? Mind your important self that you are at work, no matter your position occupancy, as long as you are a leader you have to just tow the line.

A good leader, I figured; is a friend, a confidant, a representative, a role model and a figure of authority, an omnia paratus sole with no limit to placement. And, as one, you should regularly schedule self inspections on how you fare against the backdrop of the results you keep producing. Provision of fun is one of the prime outcomes laced factors that is repeatedly a wretched thoughtmanship by choice. You lead people not positions, and those people need breaks from the seriousness of the course worked on. Provide activities that recondition their mindsets, rekindle their love for their work, so as to shift how they connect with their work for the best outcomes which will make you look good in your position.

In conclusion: you are the reflection of what you manage as a leader, and any good or bad an outcome a perception of how we view you in charge. A leader that laughs less is a leader in revenue loss, whilst a leader that excites turns out good margins. The secret to leadership is interpersonal skills, situational analyses, teamliness, a pleasanter of being had around. There's no use dealing with a grumpy bunch than leading a bubbly bunch. Work your person from your friendships to your partnerships. You win first through self before the nexts, so, have fun doing that and you'll see how fun it is to lead...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23


Is forgiving good? Let's ask ourselves this frankly. Maybe after answering oneself you'll start questioning your head for its thoughts. Trust me, the amount of teachings we receive on this topic is alarming given the low teachings on how to hurt others and how to avenge selves. We are ever encouraged to respond more than we should react, yet come back still the ones pained, bitter and lost, all in the name of being good people in forgiving.

But, looking at it, one is never sure of which to be during the event of unfolding pain infliction at times, in that it's painful and shaming to be a good person in any given situation of torment than it is on the side of the tormentor. Truth be told, there's no permanent joy in good personing. Good people are viewed as stupid, weaklings, spineless cowards who're never to be trusted in solutions to aggression and its tensions. People tend to listen, admire and adorn the spirit of the ones vengent, than they would with the victim.

In business, none is respected if they aren't decisive, firm for their stance, bold in their statement of character and personality intent, deep in their knowledgeability, self-appointed and in control. So, this telling you that if there's forgiveness, it absolutely gets questioned whom it's from and who is it to, or where it's from and for what? Forgiveness is a dual neutral concept of weakness and benign hegemony. Whenever used, be sure if it's out of issuance or humane place, as it's always situational if you aren't aware.

One thing I love about life and find ever interesting sans tiring my soul, is the role of politics and business in situations. Forget about what those unexposed soles taught you about life, but forgiveness is a vagary just so you know since what comes after it an open cast occurrence. But then, it depends on how you administer your person.

In conclusion: if you comprehend the campaign concept that power is, it's obvious that you won't want to play from the linear side of forgiveness simply because of that. Forgiveness is power laced, and when you give it, should be able to administer it else you sell your bargaining power away. Know the significance of your forgiveness and you'll understand the importance of power. However you look at it, forgiveness is a good thing that only switch course upon situational awareness or not of it. It's an animal farm we're in...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2023

[Conclude not on assumption]

"Go into marriage for legacy, and into biznes for dynasty" [1] a big life advise I got. A paganish statement to the eyes of the righteous, I know, for my life lived mostwise as a mammonite. From young, I grew up as a violent sole, and but yesterday got told how apologetic I am as a person; something that my life track disagreed with and pointed rather to humble as a fit. But then again, I asked myself about which side to me did they encounter to inform their grounded opinion to that conclusion, coz true, I am but just humble.

Going into a meet up with just about any encountered target, there seem to always be that expectation of sort on both or more parties involved as they suss each other out. The common challenge is jumping to untreated conclusions on those in the space. While others judge people on attire, others go for reasoning capacity, of which some on demeanor, but are all basing their conclusions on non-concrete assumptions. What I often ask myself is, why can't we cut judgmentality and focus on rather testing the character out for ability to perform and to later gauge the intelligence? If we did that, I believe coexistence wouldn't have been a long winded road.

We have a myriad of participants who failed in partnerships simply because of wrong conclusions or wrong use of words in choice to express their thoughts on situations at hand or people involved too early upon meeting people. Wrong as it may, that is but oddly better in that it has an opportunity to be corrected than the one where the concluding party does so in silence and decide to act without having first treated their thoughts. Also, what's to be erased is that thinking of auld that "first impressions last", 'cause no person has one dimension to them. It's advisable to observe, but do so in recall that every being has an other side that tends to be opposed to the one you know as been presented to you.

When you are in a hunt, you know exactly what you are after, and this applicable same when out courting. Whether in a romantic setup or biz setup, nothing differs. Knowing what you want out of a setting or a particular situation is key. If are a leader and on a mission to build a TEAM, draw your pattern of requirements and go out in follow of those in line with its set program. Compromise not, for tribulations don't come gently, so, you too be firm to what'll bolster you when hardships put the boot on your door. Be humbly honest to your revolution and live better, or live apogetically to your revealed distraction and live your worst life. Carry yourself unapologetically correct to how your pattern requires you to for your success, and let not utterances shape your narrative of self, but rather let them be commanded by your bold showing of knowing the concept of self; it attracts. How will you build your dynasty if you missed an opportunity to work on your legacy?

In conclusion: why is it hard for some people to be themselves to others you'll ask. But, look at how we treat each other the moment we get to know the better of their worst side. It's a scary situation infested with regret, as such be avoiding of making someone feel uncomfortable by you and understand it fully when another is taking their time to be themselves around you. Life gives us experiences differently, and how we either respond or react, a decider to draw from, with endorsement from them. Now, either being in a personal or a biznes front, throw not the net onto the grey denomination unnecessarily. Conclude on what you are told, shown or given, and not on assuming. Life is built and survives on relations, and nothing can be achieved sans that. Be of the mind that whomever you meet up for the first time has the potential to be a bigger part of your life in success or regret, and learn to wait for them to reveal themselves what their intents are for you, and not you conclude on your assumptions of them before you commit to whatever course with them...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Blood is always thicker]

The feeling of togetherness is one that nothing can beat. To have it as a family, team, alliance, or be it in any other form of relationship that you have with anyone, is a big deal. With unity for any group of people being a wish, society needs to invest more on things that keeps people together and living in harmony.

Looking at the the concept of unity when referring to togetherness, the end result when narrowing it down gives us family. Then now, in family, comes the saying that family is that root of one's being, and that is true. But then, in the same length of play, any group that is related whether by common interest or by blood, takes the shape of family. What is further interesting in it though, is the saying that with one's akin family, blood is thicker than water. Though loosely used, it's the truth that will never go away.

Blood is thicker than water gets to somehow extend to opportunity in some way. In an economy, created opportunity knows the address of the one whom is related to the opportunity bringer and that means the clique or clan first and beyond, but keeping it close nit. We may call it however we please but nepotism, tribalism, ethnicity, all stem from that. In the modern day it has tentacles that goes beyond the call of segregation in that political allegiance, social class, genderism, religious denomination, and many factors of relation, forms the basis of the new blood.

In business, the same happens. How we relate is informed by many grey denominators. And, yes, at the end as individuals going into an economic relationship, we become a family. Partners as a collective will have their own culture that's a sub in the main culture the world of biz has. Though arguable to those not getting it right, but partnership a cult. With the vision and its secret to achieving it binding us, there'll still be a divisive force if in the collective there's an element of akinness.

In conclusion: it should not be that it discourage any closeness but there's always a challenge in anything that has akin relation attached to it. The common challenge is failure to be fair in meting out justness where there's misconduct. Family members will side with one another and fail fairness, and this alone is the reason some organizations never saw the horizon of their planned success, just because blood is thicker than water in every aspect of them, hence some opt out of invites for joining entities that are laced with family bonds...dp

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Heed to forewarnings]

"Ignorance of a red flag a ceremony of your eunomic fall." [1]. A bad lot of happenings occur to us because of us choosing for them to. We meet people on a daily basis and from the experience we get from them decide upon which type of relationship we will have with them or straight out discard them, thus being informed by how they treat us or handle their affairs in our presence.

An other's behavior is a reflection of what to expect should one opt being with them. It doesn't matter what or whom the person is, but, mannerism speak volumes about any being. The challenge with today's society is the glorifying of what the person is over how they make others feel. The same can be said about red flags in others. Every person has their own per observation by the next, just that the degrees thereof vary, but are always found irrespective of the individual involved.

Each of us are a representative of the family we are from, and as such are saying to the world: "this is what you should see whenever you think of my family and our surname" when we are out there interacting with others. If only everyone sees it that way of selves, we wouldn't be in this position we are found stuck in. Everyone has their set principles that guides them in all aspects of their lives, I would like to believe per norm. How we relate with the nexts and decide on how we conclude on them, guided by same, says a lot about whom we too are; lest we forget that we reflect through our associations who we are. What follows after is the quality of your reason for your choice that'll attract proponent backing thereto.

In biznes, we tend to ignore almost all the time the red flags we see in others in favour of their results, past performance stats, recommendation causal, etc. and but in the long run turn to cost us. "Truth puts no much on the table than falsehood does" [2] it is said in the corporate world when spirited piles of yield returns favour the beast and, at times executives lying to selves that the committal element will see reason to change not helping the situation. Know how to deal with any red flag like the medics puts it that prevention is better than cure.

In conclusion: "accommodating the idea afore capacity from the same subject a probative error of judgment unto the cause of the derailleur failure" [3] it should be minded. Let some tendencies slide if are innocent but be woke to traits of character since they tend to bring with repute damage on your person in the end at times. Neither gender fluid nor social status shy, red flags come wrapped up in 2 ways, either via a tip-off from someone or others, or through self-observing, and no matter how they come, should learn to heed to their forewarnings. Some are obvious whilst otherwise deeply hidden but in the end evident. Red flags are like pregnancy, if you catch what I mean. Guided by your principles, what's left is how you protect your person from your harm of reputation by such...dp

[1,2&3] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Effects of shortfunding]

"Commercially, hand a plan of your take from them, and humanely share the spoils out of frame, and none on a grumbling stomach will complain" [1]. "If you want to swipe people off, brandish to them the poison bottle they're accustomed to, but administer a new blend of poison through it, it will go down with worries but sans doubt" [2]. It is a sad and open fact that people will fight against that which they fear to take them away from what they know, and but compromise if there's an element of gain even if it's at their peril.

This can be likened to biznes capital seekers. Most of the time the funder feels they know what's best for you and your entity than you think you do, and administer their poison into your bottle, fully aware you won't fight it yet moan in corners after the change effected. The aim here is their gain. How it happens almost all the time is by having the deep pocketed ones forcefully slashing the amount you request for funding by half or even worse to below half, and avail to you that meager figure with expectations that you will be creatively profitable thereafter. But, fact of the matter is, what they need to know is that shortfunding isn't a viable strategy and where it worked, been purely by sheer luck.

It is warranted as we all know, for a funder to double check the figures and adjust where consensually necessary, but not outrightly nullify the set figure. Truth is, it might be seeming doable with your botching on paper but in practice it won't fly too far if it ever gets lucky to fly. If it's 100 000,00 capital needed for a startup, avail it with your set conditions or simply reject the request if it's too out of your criterion or affordability, to avoid failing the capital purpose.

We know it's not always the case of slash by liking, at times it's because of the willing funder's inability to cover the whole amount, and if that be, could always look at other ways creatively to make it work like collaboration with another funder or other funders, or start by financing in blocks, or scaling down the plan, among other ways. There're plenty of ways to financing a startup, and but if having full means, should do so sans cutting here and there as that not helping the biznes operator at all. Some of the reasons for those shoddy goods or results is due to such circumstances. So, go in for viability or don't if impossible.

In conclusion: it's common knowledge that we at times are desperate for funding and ready to compromise for our dreams, but in so saying not granting you any license to exploit us. You find that someone dangles a half carrot for a full moon ownership, and that ain't right. If you offer half what I ask for, be prepared for half the percentage as well sans challenges from you. I often hear of people praising selves for their good negotiation skills, but in essence you dig graves for the very entities that you're skillfully robbing with pride. They say, many companies fail in their first 5 years of starting up, and one of the main contributory factors that leads them to their demise being this silent rot called underfunding; their failure to secure full funding or financing, and operators be left with partnering with wrong people for the wrong reasons at times or settling for less.

It ain't smart giving one 40.00 for 70.00 or 80.00 they requested from you, and be expecting that you'd be walking away with the value being put on the full valuation for almost or exact half of that, and be proud of it as an achievement. Learn to be fair and you'll grow. Danger is, give me half the funds for full value and I'll give half my potential and work hard towards saving for a new start elsewhere sans you, with my mind on your buy out as my spring board for a new start. It's what many a times happen and people not familiar with the situation be on it with wrong turn opinions in mislead of truth seekers. Yes, we do come for assistance from you, but it shouldn't be that I am worthless or useless and hopeless sans you. It's only money, something that the next might offer, but the idea is mine and not replicable with success all the time by just about anyone, respect us so we respect you appreciatively as it befits...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Own perception"']

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. A popular saying that most of us knows. Vision is what we see, and visualization as beings can't be one, it can only be same if we belong in one group".

So this is how it goes.

Perception is conscious understanding of something that you see with your bare eyes, and we have categories of what we perceive with our eyes and not forgetting seeing is believing. This categories goes as follows; common, unknown, rare, they are all types of perception".

In breakdown, common perception takes most of the population because it is a mutual understanding of the public's eye view. Doing what is right in the eyes of others which may be seen as wrong but not if you see it as right. Getting faded with alcohol, going to parties and dancing all night long which is fun because we all love to dance, an activity which in part is a disguised exercising. If but one is full of toxicity, oops! I don't know what to call it. Big spenders splurging legal tender like nobody's business, now that's common perception folks".

Unknown perception, now this is a category of ones who do their things differently, they are visionaries, they creat employment in the society. Mostly business driven, progression is their fuel into the vehicle life is. They build empires, industries and bring advancements into any generation. Knowledge is their daily bread as they capacitate each other. They definitely mind their associations. This type replicate and multiply successors in future leaders".

Last but not least is rare perception. These are the elites, they are the under dogs! They are that bunch that make things happen yet are unknown. Limelight ain't a thing for most nerds for they are perceived as boring beings with less friends. Coming with astronomical ideas and putting them into existence, their thing. They are seen as weirdos whilst they are giants who are perceived as being mentally disturbed beings, and oh yes, they do disturb minds because with them you won't know what they think and how they think, unless you are as crazy as them".

Now, know that one shapes their visuals. As it goes, what you think you become, and what you see is not always right to you but right to others and wrong too. Watch how you think because there are 3 eyes of perception, so see to do things differently".

By Boitumelo Madisha

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Being you matters]

Strong relations are built on solid foundations. It matters not in which you are, but it has to be based on trust, truth, honesty, commonity, care, understanding, and transparency, among others. Then now, what to make of one who does not practice any of the above? And worse, be that you are doing business together. But then again, do you invest in one's values or in shared vision? Patch yourself to the connected dots.

We are in some situations, finding selfs forced to do things with people whom we have no common interests with other than a shared vision, and that a double edged blade of right and wrong as far as civility is concerned. The question now becomes; what is the most best way to dealing with such a situation? Your background informs your being, and that is what is important in life, before we talk about business or any relation to your nexts. Being you matters.

When you are out there you are by virtue a representative of the group you are from. Be it your clan, cult, church, movement, or any other that you belong to, we but, are in them found. What wrong will it be if nothing is found in you except for your being? What to be in order for you to represent yourself should be what is on your mind, it is the surest guarantee of how you will be different. In the market of today's future we all strive for different ways in being different and, it is the new currency to what we are to earn through.

In conclusion: "the best start is knowing self to be self, that's ever what one ought to rely on; knowledge of true self" [1]. The secret to living a dream life is that. Should every leader believe in that, the world will be a better place to live and work in. But, until then, the best definition of a person in lead will be their background and all other aspects of their exposure that forms the experiences to their maketh. "Deal self to lead nuptial with own's soul, and being a better you will come naturally to your approach in fronting other soles" [2]. Reward self by being a truer representative of you first before anything else. Being you matters...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023 

[Not every race yours to run]

We spend so much of our time at times with attention to things that aren't going to make us be any significant a portion of the population. We play in normative lanes of please for people who don't actually matter to our lives. What of good are you of impact to the life of another is what we should be all striving for. Your time in your days is important, know for sure in which race you're to run, because there're much too many to easily blind you.

It is worth noting that we get intertwined in the mornings, noons and evenings of those whom we meet in burn of our dailies. Those people come into our lives with many agendas that expects to be clothed accordingly, many a times aren't there to build anything with us, except for self gains in the end. We occupy our minds with waste that's without wastebaskets.

Mind you, they find us with those we know from then and want to force things unusual for our encounter and approval, only to leave us in different shape and conversation not of our used to thereafter. Be weary of any trend that's forcing its way into your path for its lane dominance. In this life, you carry your own 'cause you made it in alone, and as such should run in your own race. Never allow anyone to assign you to theirs. If you're to do it, hire out your legs instead.

In conclusion: there'll be many tracks in your midst for beguile, there'll be many opportunities for easy win promises, and there'll be pleas for your assistance in of others to run, but, will they be for you? Don't just run, know to concentrate your focus on your race, not every race. Mind you, all their efforts will be to betray your course to your life's master vision. Don't fall for them, don't make it any easier to entice you. Your race should be your sole priority. You can't run every race, run yours, it's the sole assignment from birth that you were tasked with...dp

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[After the fall]

"Expect not to see the sun asame, expect never to be experienced asame amore, for after the fall,,,things no longer going to be the same anymore" [1]. The sunset to a being's life, a day to render reminiscence of heys. The affair is always the same given one's closeness or nearness to the departed. "All plans had, all bads did, all secrets kept, turning to ashes in fire of tears. Death an end to life and a meaning to continuity" [2]. Core to the state, being readiness by the chosen one to carry the vision forward.

The issue of succession isn't one of interest to many corners of some soles in lead. It takes a visionary to make that a big deal in their daily call of success planning. Living a life in lead yet vacuumed in succession a futilous peregrine in dynasty. Any founder wish for their success to be kept alive, and what better way to that than through good and informed planning around succession? You establish an entity with that in mind.

From the onset with your founding resolution, a clear guide ought to be sought on succession by the respective founder or founders, so it be one of the cornerstone priorities of the entity. The issue of leadership continuity should not form part of the founder's burial arrangements. If all things done properly during the leader's tenure, the successor will already be prepped for their role forward.

In conclusion: a will can always be disputed, so, do what is transparent, start with the founding resolution to highlight the impact and significance of a successful succession right from the start, and cement your choice and its alternate via verbs and nouns reduced to paper in the form of a company policy document. This posthumous assertion clause should be updated with each leader's tenure to provide a specific description of the candidate by name, together with their respective alternate.

Leaders who want smooth transition post their sunset do this, and those who have not, should take note of that. Hate not in fear of death for it's a bride to every family, and should prepare for its eventuality early on in our career morning. So, after the fall, things should not change, but be better with every successor...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Don't take up every offer]

"Tell me a story not of your challenges but of a people's challenge and how to solve it through my gain, and I'll find a way to make it workable for both of us" [1]a serial investor will say. Naturally, an investor looks out for themselves first before they can set you up. And but then, question is: "does everyone need to be taught on how to respond to a presented opportunity?" [2] a subjective ask by any spirited level headed opportunity seeker. The two statements can per context mean anything, but in this context about offer.

Looking at life as a beggar differs wholly from looking at it as a chooser, and going both ways also with opportunity and offer. What the beggar wants out of either is plainly a chance at luck, while the chooser diligently scrutinize all angles of either or both based on criterion before they can commit thereto. It also pull the sentiment out the wisdom bag that sometimes it's just for show to take up every offer that gets availed to you for your gracing or featuring in it. You need to know which is an opportunity for you and which offer is for you, and which are not.

Many financial backers who took up any and everything that they got offered, at most ended up with no joy in some of their undertakings. An offer should be taken with a thought on what it brings as a difference to your value. It's dangerous to avail oneself for any and every first offer that comes. Take your time in bide, see if any other offer may be received. There's a lot to conclude on a person by merely in how they behave towards an opportunity to an offer. You may risk being seen as one who's desperate, or be seen as inexperienced, or greedy. Seeing that those were for the haves, what does it say about the not haves.

Just like with you on your relationship with money, the same can be said about an offer. Your reasoning with your truth is important to how you'll respond to an opportunity for an offer. Mind you, there's always a grey denominator, and here is your behaviour to the availed opportunity, it gives off your attitude in a whole lot of ways. It doesn't say pretend as that tires, and at the end true colours comes to the fore.

In conclusion: "be the element of certainty in an opportune encounter with an opportunity bringer" [3]Everyone in a deal needs that. Good luck...dp

[1, 2 & 3] by KgeleLeso 

[Health is wealth]

Wealth creation is first on mind and health last on the list. Why's it like that? I can't say better about me, but looks like it's a norm for males to only be careful about their health after having gathered enough to take care of any life problem. With this happening, what could be the contributing factors thereto? And, being mindful that this affects all genders but just that more being the macho beings.

With the life of today riddled with many hoaxes like pandemics, load sheddings, water sheddings, coalitions, democracy, and the likes, you can't blame people for their priority patterns because the only surest thing for all this man-made crises is your certainty of their affordability as a party afflicted. The hard part of this day is not having any weight to your name, and that meaning money in your pocket. Tell me, who'll help you nowadays if you ain't got any for start?

Now, with that said, who in their rightful mind won't look first at making money for them to afford their health? It used to be that one should care for their health as it's your prime asset, but today it's not. The wisdom of this day has shifted, not by choice but by circumstances. Health is gold, yes, yet not when eventuality of its effect hits you. Health is gold for those in practice and for those who affords.

It should be noted that people, especially those who lead, don't neglect their own health unaware of future consequences, but truth is pressures on any leader are just too much to bear. Leaders are forced to care for others, in organizations comply, in all challenges be strong, and with everything that's happening in their lives show up no matter what, and without anyone caring about them. It's not to say it's unrewarding to be a leader, but rather highlighting the risk associated with leadership. Stress hits them harder, disappointment worries them more, and still expected by everyone depending on them to be tough.

In conclusion: to lead comes naturally to some whilst a burden to others, but trouble is the time spent on chasing money deteriorates your health in many ways unimaginable. Lack of sleep, diet compromise, countered depression, etc. are carcinogens and other diseases and health conditions creation factors that to leaders are a danger. So, as much as we invest in wealth creation, should as well invest in health. Reward your body for each milestone reached by investing on your health via a healthy lifestyle and a health insurance. Truth is, you cut make wealth with an unhealthy body, invest in its good shape...dp

[Are people thriving under your leadership?]

The aim is onerous, but the end goal a pin drop to a surface only emotions know from experience where to pick it up. How we know about leading will always be informed by where we saw it applied, and that a subjection to it.

Leadership starts within if you want to run anything with success if put in its fore. It is a must therefore for a leader to then know what those they lead wants out of their leadership style in line with the project objective or company culture and its set goals to achieve. A leader should out of that, coupled with what the outcomes desire, distinguish the type of people they're in lead of, say a team or a group. If a team, must then work to devise a unified approach to tackle obstacles, and a team specific game plan on how to best utilize the pooled skills in their possession to win against all odds.

To obtain a certain level of results from your team, there ought to be a clear plan around them that's tied to your game plan as well your plan around them for growing them individually. As team players, they each need special attention, so, you'll need to develop a method for every one of them that suits their different backgrounds. To unearth a potential of each, tailor a work plan to meet each's optimal performance to deliver a result that's favourable per your routed method for each phase of the project or entity's vision building. Leading from the back or from the front, a good leader always puts the team first before their set goals and themselves, they advance empathy, understanding and the spirit of commercialization through sense of immediacy, teamliness and holistic rewarding.

The team needs to also be reminded that a leader, same as them, is a different cut to paste into the fabric that makes them be as a collective; unified and productive for a common goal and cause. One other aspect of it all is to shape the affinity in cause for a whole different approach to the delivery thereof. As a collaborative effort, the team and the leader ought to gel in order to reach the desired outcomes on every franchised venture whether micro or macro, and within or outside of the workplace. And, mind you, it's a known fact that a team will always have deviants, as such, know how to spot and weed out rogue elements and, have a rebound strategy if there been significant dent to the set time frames. Proficiency is key in tackling such, wherefore, should be vigilant in navigating through.

The team needs to know and be assured of your compass to victory at all material times. Additionally to that, support them constructively. As a leader, you should be consistent in uniformity and parity with guidance, rules and regulations application, appraisals, opportunity availing, gender-based agenda, and being same to everyone yet guided by their dealt personalities on how you're to best attend to them individually. Smart delegation a touch of must so as to fit the prime heights your leadership is centered around. Leadership is an art, samely as working under guidance that's designed methodically to enable subordination. So, lay your game plan as a platform that'll ignite the team's instincts for fire starting in order to let them shine variably to your glow for a collective glory.

In conclusion: different as we are, we share the same vision that's shaped by the company culture, with winning at its core. For the purpose of gathering soles to form a collective, the primary objective is making a living per our prorated ranks and involvements, and for outcomes to be to best favour our desires, needing to deliver at optimum.

As a leader, it's then rested in you to see to it that the team is fueled to the brinks. To achieve such you should recurrently capacitate, navigate easier pathways to success, and offer all tools necessary for their enablement. But, above all, be an umbrella in rainy days for them as a team to individually thrive...dp

Co-author: Boitumelo Madisha 

[Watch your tonality]

As a succulent it suckles the best from one of mother nature's best creations, as an instrument commands through language, as a facial feature makes one lookable, and that's your mouth. Whatever your use of it, let it not be for the purpose of putting another down with its every deployment. This oratory organ is a leader in painting to the world the type of people we are uniquely, making it a blessing and a curse on the same front.

Your words mated to action, are a combo that may break or build another. It starts in how you view things and situations, and reflect your both character and its personality. It matters not from which side you take it, but the manner in which you utter your message is important at all times. With words spoken, there's a lot to take away and form a conclusion on, hence it's encouraged for anyone to pause in delay their say to another or others to formulate a better statement, to avoid hurting the nexts.

When you say things, it always sound like something else if you aren't careful of the tone of your projection. How you voice out and write to another depends on your tonality in how the message gets received. Try reading from others' responses to what you utter always to gauge how it affects them. Truth is, you may be offending people without even realizing it, and if you take your time in evaluating that in others, would make you a sensible speaker. I know, it may not be a wish for everyone, but of some to speak sensibly and at oftentimes politely.

We coexist, and talking to one another all the time, and being pleasant to the other's ear making it a necessity. Your way of command can build you a mass appeal if planning on being a public speaker. Whether formally or informally, anyone must learn to send a message in a manner that disturbs not peace of the recipient, be it directly or indirectly. Tone doesn't have to mean pitching only, but also the approach of command. There's nothing that blocks you from rebuking the other, but shouldn't be out of causing noise and using profanity, you need to respect not only your message recipient but also those around at the moment.

In conclusion: many times you fail to get what you're hoping for because of not the lack of knowledge or hard skill, but be of your struggle with soft skills, with tonality leading the mishappening. It's of utmost importance to invest in language proficiency to avoid hurting yourself as a result. Learn to sound appropriate and say things appropriately, for you to start realizing that which you wish for from what you uttered for. You can be and make it, if you watch your tonality...dp

[Serve per your mandate]

Not a single person who's a leader won't know about this, and also isn't affected by it. To lead is to follow, that's as simple and practical as that. Any leader has a set end goal that they're pursuing, and that on its own render them as followers of sort. What's ought to be clearly put on the lead table is the fact that a leader serves first before they be followed, and won't be any different with you, and if it is with you, to ask yourself why.

Leaders are chosen, and others are there by virtue of their status as incorporators and directors of entities they lead, whilst for many a case of being put in charge of the entities they're a part of. Being an incorporator doesn't automatically make you a shareholder, it ought to be stated expressively from the onset. There must be a first meeting whereof there'll be a draw up of a founding resolution stating in recordal the entity founders and base reasons therefor an entity establishment, its name definition, its corporate colours, its business model, capital sources, where to base it, etc. and in the follow up meeting draft a founding document in the form of articles of incorporation or memorandum of incorporation, to affirm establishment of the entity and its set mandate to its active bearers of note, who'll be tasked with carrying out that particular mandate through guide of that founding document and a policy handbook thenafter developed to house the entity's bylaws. But then again, it's stuff that some went never under during their entity start and streamlining, hence they've got not any policy to follow for guidelines per their mandates.

Then now, what's a mandate? A mandate is an itemized tabular authority given to a representative to act under a collective consent on behalf of either a natural or legal person; a command to timely report back on periodically on its outcomes. In this case, the mandating party are the founders, incorporators or shareholders on behalf of the founded entity, under a guild comprising a board of directors. A leader serves timorously of the binding ramifications attached thereto their set tenure, therefore the primary purpose of a mandate is to instruct the respective representative as a leader to run the entity diligently according to set codes of ethical practice and conduct, and make money that they'll individually split as dividend whilst ringfencing for entity growth campaigns.

A leader with no mandate set for them is there just for self-serving purposes. They need to have a plan and strategy for all of the departments and units of the entity, and where possible, delegate designated personnel for those tasks with the right and authority they have to mandate their subordinates. The mandate is to a leader a legate ticket, and their repute engraved forever long after they vacated the office, so, should ensure they deliver per what's right for their future.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter what you did before your eligibility for carrying out a particular mandate, as long as a leader you know afore what's expected of you to do and be. A mandate has a set of rules pegged to the goals set for your tenure in that position, all tucked into the executive vision of the entity. Be what's rooted in it and do as it's inscribed of you to, as a leader sans any excuse for reasons to do as promised, else, as not the material of worth shouldn't assume responsibility as such, for befitting ones to. Hard as it may sound, it's but in how the take up is in that failed attempt consequential, and that's the just nature of a mandate...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[Day to day running]

With so much pressure of drama in  boardroom theatrics, you can't blame one for wanting nothing to do with biznes. How people smile and act friendly out of corporate confines but tear at each other once they enter that decision den, truly an eddy kinetic energy. To those who make up the part of its thrill, just another page assignment to scene and out to the slow world once stepped away from the corporate chambers. But then, which side of the biznes will one find comfort in? For me, the answer will always be the day to day running thereof.

Running the daily operations of a biznes is tough but better than the thickly dense on and off relations of the boardroom. It's a treat for anyone who sits from the fard outsets to be in the boardroom but to be real a stressful boulevard to traverse than dealing with ordinary consumers and their obvious antics. Boardroom is a test mastery operation with unpredictability in the gist of its every square inch x-rayed. The daily runnings also have its special breed to make success of the biznes out of, an opinion riddled with undercoat split arguments. A known secret though is, not everyone is either a material of the two, but certain that with an intensive training an eagerly devoted candidate can turn to be a successful material in one of both.

The good thing about day to day runnings of a biznes is that with time you develop a system of your value chain unlike with the corporate side. The skills set required for each, a swim upstream. The day to day runner a leader who's demanding of experience, specialty, accountability, loyalty and efficiency from their charges for their team success on their side, whilst in the other side it's about egoism, fiscal politics and decisions, strategics of  cabalism and select beneficiation, power game plays, loyalty switches, executive governance, and value extraction via RoI, RoE, RoD, etc. a knowledge that's strange to ear as pleasure tones the tympanics in serene. Days are long and tedious when responsible for daily operations, and but not testing if not as a leader. In the case of a small biznes it's worse in that if you lead you get to wear many caps before you could narrow your specialty in the later time of the biznes.

In conclusion: getting it right not from a list out of every leader's page of wish, as many shoes worn when going in left idle and unattended after a few steps from start, leaving miles of steps still ranged for a mile's complete to walk. I may have made it out to be a better walk in the park of commercial world, but still, day to day running of an entity are demanding. With some not filling the form of dailies, a best cut for the corporate side. It really goes with one's archetype. What makes you tick may turn out not me, and same is with this.

Dwell into the day to day and master it, a sure case you won't see flames when you step into the corporate den given your edge over those many impractical academics who knows not the tot of the real economics taste. But, it should be noted that both econometrics and corporatonomy and any other discipline of the truncates, does scream out a high level of knowledge from those qualified in them, and as such, should respect that of them irrespective of their missed days in the practical route of their theorized knowledge transaction. Day to day biznes running a skill that takes years to hone in order to be good in, and appreciation of those keeping the industry ships afloat should be shown to them unreservedly...dp