'Truth a fantasy that reality at times can't withstand'[1]. 'The challenge with life is living it as you, but the problem with living is in how we choose to be known' [2]. If we could learn to talk into existence what is honestly our reflection, then we won't be less comfortable with the idea of being ourselves. Many of us are in traps of scrutiny because of our chosen ways into how we express our beings to others in our journey's dailies during all countless encounters we trip in recurrently.
Is it dangerous or is it safe to live in your reality? Chances are yes it may be for some yet not be for others, and but, what matters is that there's always a yes to a no in this or that in our paths. To someone, truth in their reality a constant myth that is worth a sweep like dust in the wind while for another an existent wrong they need to correct for the shape of their wish. Failing to acknowledge the standpoint of your situation is a circumstancial plague that's to bit by bit consume your life. It all boils down to the choices we make in respect of our truths to reality.
It's sometimes also about how we love ourselves. Being honest to self about self issues is self care. Sad to be witnessing others pinning stripes onto their plain hides and believing they'll stick after a dip. If we begin to love our situations more than the romantic mental picture sold of you to can become whatever you put your mind to, many wouldn't have settled in unhealthy circumstances. Be free and happy sharing that which is of you and work on bettering it.
Just know that it's cool to downgrade so you can later upgrade. Be smart about your faults and missteps for they offer you a chance to start over and better. The reason you aren't doing well must be your high expectations out of no ration. Feel pain for yourself for none'll ever do. Know your situation, embrace your background, love your life, and hug your truth for real.
In conclusion: being them will never make you, being you without being too much of yourself will bring you plenty of peace, no manifestation of a dream ever pursued a wrong take for aspirations, so, be who you are and work on the breakthrough of what you are to become. Be not ashamed in fighting the truth of others imposed on you if it in future pose a harm on your person as you never know what the intent of that innocent malice may be aimed at. Live your truth to the fullest, but do it in response to your reality...dp
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