[A funeral is no investment]

Sorry to be blunt but it's the honest truth you ought to hear even if it makes you hate me afterwards, but, a funeral is not an investment. As much as they may sell you the idea of a dignified send-off for your akin, none will say it's not worth it, but I tell you it's not worth it. It worries me every time I see a funeral cover ad. What you really need today is an educational plan to cover your child's future education, an investment plan, a personal injury cover and a life cover, apart from your business insurance, or personal earnings protector, and home insurance.

How many funerals have you heard of people left feeling grumpy after, with regards to lack of appreciation by the deceased's family over their unacknowledged contributions towards the success of the burial? Same can be said about a wedding ceremony,  it ain't worth putting in too much you don't have. A funeral is worse in that it costs to organize in time and costs more to postpone, leaving you with the sole choice of proceeding with the organizing of it, unlike with the case of a wedding.

A funeral can be used to score points if you have deep pockets to show off in order to prove to whomever for whatever reason. But for ones like me and you, one needs to think carefully before committing to assisting financially if not your akin. Not that I condemn relief, but do what is necessary and not over also. If things aren't as you wished, don't make loans if you don't have a solid plan on how to repay back the money lent. You can afford to cut on some unnecessities in either a funeral or a wedding. This showing that there's a lot we can do without in order to bury our loved ones. Most of the time the things we add onto the necessities are those we want for our statuses and not vital for the event.

In conclusion: if not a glamorous funeral, it'll be news of today and come tomorrow there'll be a new story of the day to talk about. To die isn't fashionable and so is burying, but then, why us want such an unimportant element into it? What's more important about a funeral is affording the basics and as for the rest it's what we want for us to boost our egos whilst at the same time find that we're even not doing what the deceased would normally do. Organize a send-off that is aligned to the deceased. Another factor to the funeral is the message we leave the bereaved family with as it lasts with them longer than many may think, it should be tailored per the deceased's journey with us, and not think will sit well with us and special others. The theme should reflect the image of the deceased, nothing more if not a bit less...dp

[Slog to tranquil]

The route you travel as a businessperson is one of many wonders. In the world of business there're lots of factors that're in the way of you doing well. Running a business is a choice not an obligation, else you won't feel it's joy. But then, you should know beforehand that the joy I am clamping on is of the pitfalls in the whole process of your journey, as being in business is that, a journey. If it be a trip, I'm afraid your face will disappear from our eyes soonest.

Business is anything and everything to anyone who choose to see things in a way not others see them, thus it's an open sesame. It's about spotting of a challenge to opportunity, identifying the prospect, analyzing the players therein, and what you have to satisfy the need in the gap. Building that a testing process of stresses and strains. But one thing I don't want to hide though, is the living of your vision innate prior to your success via a myriad of enabling factors that include among others; lifestyle, secrecy, belief, and knowledge hoarding; a variety of elements that will spell out the exact material you are, in that, you just have to be a certain one in order to make the right cut.

On its own, business is a world. And, finding your path to your tailored success in it a lot of work. It goes to how you want in as, for instance; as a sole proprietor, a partner, or group of entities. In those again will be what you want to be in as; a business owner or investor. Further, if you own it, will you be an active role player or a passive one, or a totally a non-partisan member? There're intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs, and business executives, it depends on your outlook on your honest choice with the material you are.

An open secret about business and its operation is the slaving to it in your build up, which goes bi-ways as building of self and building of the entity. And, sadly, both will have to be sustained that way. With it, it's always tough in the beginning as you already know by now, but not saying get out of the kitchen. Stay put in your pressure until you find a solution to your comfort in it, and trust you me when I say that discomfort is precious for you. Success in business is about holding on to that dream of your end goal. Whenever you feel discouraged, dial that and it'll transfer you to that corner of your vision, where you'll refill your passion for the journey, and come back more determined to disgust your detractors. Your soul will need that from time to time.

In conclusion: it ain't easy yet not difficult but hard to achieve, because it's doable. I laugh alone at times, looking at my future lebras, how they experience stress in contrast to where one is and still experiencing my kind of stress. My future me lives with the stress of growth and attained levels to maintain, whilst today me is battling stresses of debt, access, acceptance, belonging, security, a lack of everything certainty assured, and but going places step by step despite talks undermining the purpose serving.

My cheap thrill is the best thing about me happening in the hater's world because it makes them voice out their worry, which is enough to keep me going. You don't want to work because you think you're better, it's ok, let them say it, you know your end goal and stay its course for one good day they'll be saying how they knew you were that for it. Business is a slog to tranquil, you just need to stiffen your neck for your dream, for the sake of your successful journey. Remember: 'the hard choice of today your lay for the soft choice of tomorrow, rest assured for you're in the right lane they so wish you leave' [1]. Push not to remain a startup, thrive rather for the rank of a small business, then you know from there it's a step up to medium enterprise and building. Good luck in your objective...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Homogeneity in your aspirations]

Do you ever dream about your business partner/s? If yes, what's the most thing that dominates those dreams? Why is it that? It may sound homo or perverted in a way to those of you who see compounded probing as weird and awkward than is progressive, especially if still rooted in the doctrine of Puritan oriency. The core here is establishment of your optimism in your currency about your future through your dreams; in simpler terms, homogeneity in your aspirations.

Your outlook on life plays out in many a mode of thought transfer, and through your dreams rested a fountain to unearth elements that makes the essence of that. How you relate with your partner/s shapes the narrative of your future with them, something that's important when you look into forming a working business relationship with someone or some persons. Your dream is an averment that speaks volumes, let it be your guide same as is a counsel to an attentive sole.

Entrenched in dreams are hopes, hatreds, vengeance, love, inclusion, exclusion, repulsion, connectedness, and many more key aspects of one. It is from that that you in your own get your path to trek. It solely depends on the energy that the draw card release for reach from it and but, the bottom line is it all reflects what you wish for or have as a blueprint of your mental tatoo.

In conclusion: a dream is crucial, it's an outlet that the dreamer has to explicitly communicate their message about self in relation to them with others and their thems. It is a guide about their placement of them and their thems that will probably be an indicator of where you too will be placed, because it springs to a mindful head what it spells out. But then, what if you're one partner that never featured in their dreams? What does that mean to you? And, if you're featured, where are you placed, and how does it feel?

Sift through their dreams what you feature as in their currency and in their future, and out of that, place yourself in either a bracket or outside of it. Never let anyone determine your future, let them influence your success of future, thus you ought to fight for your dream. Find mates who are of same spirit and mind for your dream, and as a conforth form a solid formidable collective of commonal sync...dp

[Empty-handed opportunity bringer]

Before polishing diamonds and golds, hone the skill of how to sell them than connection of whom to sell to; connections are limited unlike information of the know-how on market creation[1]. Many a times people mistake the dimension opportunity is. Truth is, it takes factors of market gap or availability, product or good, and an enabler resource. There may be other factors that I may be not knowing or aware of due to my limited knowledge, but that’s far I went in my path. And, the three when combined creates an opportunity before we dissect it.

To size the chase to nil, opportunity is thought to be from one side and that’s a wrong view to it. I often hear that an opportunity bringer is labelled in limitation to those with an enabler resource, but what should be known is that even one with a market access is an opportunity bringer and same is for someone with a viable idea mated to a feasible plan. Equal as sweat equity, there’s an empty-handed opportunity that gets presented to opportunity seekers who’re risk takers with financial means and those with access for market to make it a success. That notion of money buys opportunity can no longer roam alone in that nowadays it’s also about what to do after money bought opportunity and that of opportunity chooses money.

How opportunity is of late, a matter no longer of where you come from. The beauty of it is that on the one hand we now have those with enabler resources fighting for an idea to breathe life into and on the other be that the opportunity bearer sifts between potential prospects to see whom will be a suitable fit to their plan, it’s no longer the position of enablers choosing over idea bringers to invest in. Times have changed and we need to embrace the shake of the resistant status quo.

Help comes in many ways and so does opportunity. What now is left to be tackled is how to work out the equity structuring as it’ll be that the idea bearer might be having a good idea plan but be it that they lack the necessary experience to make success of it. But again, such could be cushioned by formulation of a growth plan from the minute resources are availed. Also, the sweat equity will become part of the balancing act to offset the founding capital. It shows that if you’re having a good relation map, this will work just fine sans any petty hindrances that sometimes arise in some of such transactions. To get this right from inception is an indication of what’s to be achieved in future, and that possible if there be mutual respect and understanding of factual circumstances from each party’s side, and all will fall away and a success story be penned.

In conclusion: a person coming into the space of business with no consideration passel to put down and but with a bankable idea is deserving of the same respect and treatment afforded to the one with financial means, as with that idea risked on, what they have can be back in compounded multitudes. It’s now a new day in wealth creation, the train of revenue generation has embarked on a rail that’s extended to accommodate different stream sizes unlike it’s been before, as such have to be on time for catch up to avoid overrunning the income platform. Money alone is no longer important, as now also is the idea and its quality of choice in partnering. Both the opportunity bringer and the opportunity seeker should be clear of the deal they want from the onset prior to engaging the other in order to negotiate in a spirited good faith, and build on a solid foundation. The best thing to do from inception is knowing the quantum worth of your opportunity and your sole value in it if you’re an empty-handed opportunity bringer, that’s the start to the end of everything today...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso


[A nation of lazies]

I recall one old woman saying to her lazy daughter that: "you know my girl, day will come when cleaning will be a highly sought after job, and you will never get that opportunity to be one. Treasure this broom and you'll thank me later. So, start today with your father's house to ready yourself while I'm still alive". But then, it was like she was talking to herself.

If a person is lazy like that, what kind of a parent or leader would they make? A bad leader's character is of such makings. In future there's definitely going to be a new breed of leaders whom are busy readying themselves for today's inexistent  industries or not getting the attention they will receive then. It's true what the old woman was saying because it's that time now. A cleaner's job is a dignified position of late in some economies.

Had the old woman's daughter looked at cleaning the house not as a boring chore but as an opportunity to learn a skill, maybe she'd have been owning a cleaning company by now and be bidding for contracts for entities that may be in need of such services. Her failure to see what her mother saw had cost her. Lack of foresight doesn't reward positively.

The challenge the world's economies are facing today is lack of foresight by not only the upcoming generation but also leaders we entrusted with governing us. The level of their vision lack is truly a worrisome affair. Having someone lead in today's world but with yesterday goals and objectives is the reason we're going nowhere fast. The changes of today are supposed to have been foreseen from yesterday, and there wouldn't be untried and baseless reactionary answers to challenges like it's the case of late. None had seen the broom the way the old woman looked at it.

In conclusion: how many predictions had visionaries painted to us but hitting walls of ignorance? Innovative solutions were borne out of such ideas by those who heeded. The world is a mess because we were lazy to think. Entertainment industry is booming today because stress levels are high and, singing, dancing, viewing and betting are quick relievers. People are escaping from reality through alcohol and narcotics, some to makeshift churches, with the hope that someone will think about something and rescue their situations, but why not they be the very minds coming up with those solutions? We are busy breeding a nation of lazies and nothing is done to move them away from that danger...dp