[Pain of knowing]

They say an ignorant person lives longer and a knowledgeable person lives larger. I don’t know what to paint of such a statement bold as this but seeming to be true at times given how people behave. But what remains striking is the question whether or not it pays to be ignorant.

We come across people who don’t care what happens in their surrounding on a daily basis and wonder how they make it in these tough economic times but find that they are successfully getting by anyway. Then you ask yourself when you find someone very knowledgeable yet not thriving despite the wealth of knowledge in their space.

The sad part about knowing is that you tend to be too cautious when making decisions and your approach to life is carefully calculated, hence the pain of knowing. Being too much in the know is a fortunate misfortune as it’s easy to let go of an opportunity because of information about the downside to such an opportunity and end up with a future regret should it not be how bad you anticipated it to be, thus a lost opportunity. On the other side of the fence find that an ignorant person went in blindly regardless of what those in the know had to say and end up with a big win.

Fanciful as it may, too much information is a risk on its own due to factors like missed opportunities brought by over calculation of risks, fear created by not wanting to lose, doubts resulting from research, and so forth. The other downside to being too knowledgeable is that there’s enormous pressure on you to never mistaken in your executions and reasons for any error at such to be scrutinized unlike any random one had committed it.

There’s also danger in knowing more in that in some occasions you might raffle feathers of those in connection with the high seat occupiers who may decide to silence you for uttering useful and empowering vowels and consonants to the misinformed and the less empowered, that to the high and mighty found to be undesirable. Count names of individuals who were muted for their hyped up knowledge of certain subject matters. Look at how media is used and information channeling is controlled to feed the masses what they want in their pattern. So painful trying to decode the truth out of that same propaganda that you’ll end up being told how crazy you are for seeing things that ordinary civilians find no underlying faults of.

In conclusion: information is key and knowledge is power, bear that in mind always. When you know about something, best you carefully analyse the platform first before stepping onto the stage. Knowledge is a blunt weapon that may be sharp and dangerous depending on how you use it and to whom you use on, so handle it with care...dp

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