[Assurance of another's short cut]

For some, aspiration for life is happiness, for others a sense of security. It must not mean that one promotes vanity over sanity or otherwise, but just that it's a good thing to be in a space of certainty so you can experience contentment in your life.

As we live we thrive on hope of achieving albeit not all but most of our goals and living our dreams. For some, we derive our contentment in the ability to making others live their dreams. Though there are some disappointing instalments of miscalculations but still happy that you tried for someone to have a smile and wake up with hope alive, a factor enough to morph our souls. Keeping another's hope alive is a fulfilment of its own pedigree that only ones like me get to throw to some for their experience. For me, it’s a case of; ‘My dream your reality, cause I live it and you dream it’[1] if you look at it with a magnifying lens, as a lot wish only to be in the space we are yet never be in it for it takes guts to be there for the other and inspire hope of another next to you. Truth is, someone has to live the life of creating experiences while others live the creations created and tell about such to others.

A 'feel good' as it may, one thing that pains the hearts of opportunity bringers is the rate at which created opportunities are wasted willfully sans haste and care. It takes a lot to avail an opportunity for someone and then witnessing them squander that very chance at their success a scrape to one's heart.

Maybe when assuring another's hope, we ought to educate them on the sacrifices made by opportunity bringer for the security of their presented chance. That may reduce the rate of solid yet wasted opportunities.

In conclusion: opportunity comes once and once squandered not easy to be presented again. To sum it up, "A heart that receives openly with a smile makes the giver a content being, for both feel better same."[2]...dp

[1] by Unknown
[2] by KgeleLeso


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