[Dos a dos polka]

The title may ring babel taxonomy to the foreign feint of heart in creativity, but in all truest forms a must when you enter into the world of commerce. This ain't about vaguebooking, it's about business. The world of business requires you to be ever innovative and abreast with current state of affairs in all fronts. Trust me, if you're to coin something you'll have to be conversant with a host of subjects prior to cementing your invention to avoid the plug for copycatting.

Coming up with something different needs some serious commitment to the course in that there'll be critique around that and non belief sentiments. It's always difficult to break the mold with an unorthodoxly shaped knife, they'll either question its shape or size or anything else about it just because it's unfamiliar to the ones they're used to.

If you are to win the entire industry with your new, you need to give in to fresh, raw, simple, authentic, and that way you'll gain airtime in their thoughts. Should that be the case, slowly you'll garner a following. People resonate with audible consistency, accessibility and eloquent relatability, and should you find yourself satisfying that in them are sure to a good journey with them. For the market to take notice takes time and for you to latch them a tale no trickster would be transparent to you about.

Without innovation your business is dead, so they keep telling us, but I believe there's still a case to answer for thriving via safe mode entry with model copy of what's proven to work instead of anything reinvented. Businesses are run and grown through that, but then, are they dying, no. It's good to encourage that innovative spirit in business but we should be mindful not everyone is brave enough and not everyone has the budget and time or even an idea too good to take to the market. As such, we need to accept the balance the difference in characters offer to the market space.

In conclusion: why is it always horizontal polka? What about vertical polka? But that's easy on the mind of the eye too inquisitive for a curiosity miner. How not one think of dos a dos polka a good day's chat because it ain't an easy fetch, well,,,I know. Normal is way too abnormal to think of if you're to create a stir, but still again, not all in want to stand out in that fashion.

Jaw droppers jump in cheer for normal and sit in question the thought behind the idea to new, they know with that follows the fascinating flip of script for a new shift. Be the reason they prep selves for a retake on something new that evoke their anticipable nature. Give your target audience goosebumps equally as your competitor. Introduce something that'll dominate their vocab in a long time. And when time comes, do the dos a dos polka with them for a close of era in usher of another shift to another space. The world of innovation is an open floor if you plan to spin for long...dp

[Pain of knowing]

They say an ignorant person lives longer and a knowledgeable person lives larger. I don’t know what to paint of such a statement bold as this but seeming to be true at times given how people behave. But what remains striking is the question whether or not it pays to be ignorant.

We come across people who don’t care what happens in their surrounding on a daily basis and wonder how they make it in these tough economic times but find that they are successfully getting by anyway. Then you ask yourself when you find someone very knowledgeable yet not thriving despite the wealth of knowledge in their space.

The sad part about knowing is that you tend to be too cautious when making decisions and your approach to life is carefully calculated, hence the pain of knowing. Being too much in the know is a fortunate misfortune as it’s easy to let go of an opportunity because of information about the downside to such an opportunity and end up with a future regret should it not be how bad you anticipated it to be, thus a lost opportunity. On the other side of the fence find that an ignorant person went in blindly regardless of what those in the know had to say and end up with a big win.

Fanciful as it may, too much information is a risk on its own due to factors like missed opportunities brought by over calculation of risks, fear created by not wanting to lose, doubts resulting from research, and so forth. The other downside to being too knowledgeable is that there’s enormous pressure on you to never mistaken in your executions and reasons for any error at such to be scrutinized unlike any random one had committed it.

There’s also danger in knowing more in that in some occasions you might raffle feathers of those in connection with the high seat occupiers who may decide to silence you for uttering useful and empowering vowels and consonants to the misinformed and the less empowered, that to the high and mighty found to be undesirable. Count names of individuals who were muted for their hyped up knowledge of certain subject matters. Look at how media is used and information channeling is controlled to feed the masses what they want in their pattern. So painful trying to decode the truth out of that same propaganda that you’ll end up being told how crazy you are for seeing things that ordinary civilians find no underlying faults of.

In conclusion: information is key and knowledge is power, bear that in mind always. When you know about something, best you carefully analyse the platform first before stepping onto the stage. Knowledge is a blunt weapon that may be sharp and dangerous depending on how you use it and to whom you use on, so handle it with care...dp

[Assurance of another's short cut]

For some, aspiration for life is happiness, for others a sense of security. It must not mean that one promotes vanity over sanity or otherwise, but just that it's a good thing to be in a space of certainty so you can experience contentment in your life.

As we live we thrive on hope of achieving albeit not all but most of our goals and living our dreams. For some, we derive our contentment in the ability to making others live their dreams. Though there are some disappointing instalments of miscalculations but still happy that you tried for someone to have a smile and wake up with hope alive, a factor enough to morph our souls. Keeping another's hope alive is a fulfilment of its own pedigree that only ones like me get to throw to some for their experience. For me, it’s a case of; ‘My dream your reality, cause I live it and you dream it’[1] if you look at it with a magnifying lens, as a lot wish only to be in the space we are yet never be in it for it takes guts to be there for the other and inspire hope of another next to you. Truth is, someone has to live the life of creating experiences while others live the creations created and tell about such to others.

A 'feel good' as it may, one thing that pains the hearts of opportunity bringers is the rate at which created opportunities are wasted willfully sans haste and care. It takes a lot to avail an opportunity for someone and then witnessing them squander that very chance at their success a scrape to one's heart.

Maybe when assuring another's hope, we ought to educate them on the sacrifices made by opportunity bringer for the security of their presented chance. That may reduce the rate of solid yet wasted opportunities.

In conclusion: opportunity comes once and once squandered not easy to be presented again. To sum it up, "A heart that receives openly with a smile makes the giver a content being, for both feel better same."[2]...dp

[1] by Unknown
[2] by KgeleLeso


[Stay the course to conquer]

To every point of start lies a remarkable new beginning to something, and that alone a reason to its meaning that would have you brought to your path of seeing it either grow or fall flat. I sometimes look in awe what business owners started and shaped when reading or hearing or seeing what they've achieved. Trust me, building a business is something else, a painful lonesome thrill that I tend to applaud for each's effort.

The challenge facing a lot of us in startup phase is knowing our type. Whether you're a starter, a developer or an expander, the material you are is vital to the survival of whatever that you're busy in the process of building. When you opt for the route of partnership, it should be a mixed bag of individual skills. You ought to quickly find that out of those partners to find the balance from the onset. If with partners, are they the cheerers or helpers or greenback collectors?

Laying the first brick you should know where to your building is going as it'll tell you whom you'll need along your journey. There's no stopping once you start, so, be sure you'll survive any disappointment thrown into your path to your success. In business we at most start with others but end up achieving alone because it ain't an easy path to chart. Be ready, for it's a lifelong commitment of learning to be and growing into that figure of hope to one's success, and a symbol of admiration to peers and uplookers.

In conclusion: it's about the lifestyle first, then the rest follows, hence not everyone makes it. Some make it quicker than others, some find it easy and wonder why others don't make it. Business is split into many sectors and making it in other sectors taking courage and time while in some sectors requiring capital and effort by either you or a dedicated someone. But, no matter the sector you enter into, go in with that mentality of going in to stay the course until its conquer, irrespective of whether you're an intrapreneur, entrepreneur or business executive...dp

[Everybody has money to spend]

It's a question of how much and how often, but everybody does experience that feeling whether young or old. Not everyone has money all the time but we all have some to spend all the time because everybody has money sometimes. It doesn't matter on what, we spend. Having money to spend not necessarily meaning that you're moneyed, rather affording.

Spending one's money has always had with it many issues in it that have nothing to do with how you made it, whom with, when will it be again, and other important information about that very money. People want you to use your money the way they do or want to but failed, and if you do it as it pleases you be that you're wasteful or extravagant. If I'm living beyond my means isn't it my problem to deal with than it does you? When it comes to money, none should be saying this and that are overspending while they too may be overspending according to others.

What you're having may be enough by your standard and too much by another's, but be nothing by someone's standard, as such should approach spending likewise. A poor man's want may turn out to be an average man's need, whom his luxury want be a basic want to a rich man, so is life. You may be saving and spending less, and have another not saving but spending on assets, whom is better? We need to factor in many circumstances and reasons behind each person's behaviour before concluding on their anything. Issues of commercial interest aren't easy to judge on.

In conclusion: if you have money now, fact is you didn't have it yesterday and reality is that your yesterday is someone else's today, and should remember that we all don't know what tomorrow holds for us. Truth about money is that you may save enough for emergencies and have nothing for future. When you spend, even if it be rough to the pit or enough for your kick start, know what you spend for instead of what you spend on. And also, know that you can't spend money on things that have returns all the time, have acceptance that you'll lose some of it on heart's delights and desires. But, the bottom line is that everybody has money to spend, it just depends on what they choose to...dp

[What's being weak?]

A lot of times many people tell me that I'm weak that it so often gets to me what being weak really is. When I call you by your last name or greeting you with my head slightly bowed and hands together is my way of showing respect to you; making me ask myself if it's a sign of that weakness. Is it a weakness when you ask for my help and I come running to your aid leaving my everything for you? Or is it when I put my all on you with the hope and wish to see you doing good for yourself more than it is for me? Or is it my display of my soft spot for you that entitles you to think lesser of me?

So heart breaking hiding behind my cracked smile and faked laughs shying away from the fact of your trampling on my gentle heart, praising my humbleness to any who dares to listen without shame just to get to my incensed cold fury. How I ignore the bad news you spread ill of me yet sheltered by my shadow, an enigma only you know why I'm still quiet.

Is it me being weak treating you as my equal even though we both know we're not so you don't feel left out? Am I in the wrong side of strong for sharing my glory for your shine? Amazing how you keep holding my loop wherever I go but saying it out loud how a made man you are, alpha male for a zeta male I am.

In conclusion: it’s easy for you to define but still a tough nut to crack for me the fine example of it. In some instances the ones being defined as weak are actually the strong ones in disguise as the very self-defined strong ones are carried over by us the weak. And so you know, I am not that brash and macho for your liking but am loving the who I am and proud of how I turned out to be, shaped by each utter of your negativity. The truth is that everything I’m not for you maketh you be envious of everything you want to be of me, a brave and subtle charismatic sole you secretly aspire to be figured as...dp

[The struggle of success]

Yesterday's announcements and activities a story told today, future a now definer of what today will be, come tomorrow, as past a history coded in the present account.

The drawn map of struggle beauties a unique unifier that gets left out sooner than the growth of struggle wrinkles can contemplate on opting to show up. So baffling how we discard the actual hardships faced for true triumphs of monetary glorification.

A lot of us don't love former shades of our lives in shift to celebrate the glamorous cast of success we molded of self where friends turn to frenemies, family to outcasts, a whole new side to ugliness reined in by a neutral state of situation called progress. Sad days of loneliness inside cliques of maulers called new friends, haunted by the shine spotting us.

Erosion of morality a daily wail of soles acquainted to the success amassers. Those names and faces that paved our paths to glory days forgotten like a child's pain of morning hunger; them treated as waste to our self-made etaphics of memories.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter how you made it to what you are, fact remains that you had someone having your back as who you were but why's it so hard to thank them? Let's go back to our bases and grace their greatness with our humbleness before their befitting corneas...dp