With authority becoming a complex sentiment de fur of late, what you want to do gets weighed against what you have to do and for whom. Defying the odds of one's own life plan is a suicidal move that separates being successful from being achieved. How the game is set, leaving you with the decision to either being the game changer, game planner or the rule maker, in order to own the player, their opponent and the spectator. Trouble is, should you allow self the missed opportunity of partaking, a consensual affirmation of your reduction as a game board.
What you miss in the control hierarchy, however you look at it, is that the new normal is no longer in pairs of binomials only but rather by trinomials too. That which was formerly called a third wheel is now a permanent fixture in the equation. It's now white, black or a bit of both/off colour. Recognize that, else you're tossed out. If you look at life with cost attached to it, know that your path is on a shape up.
Whistling behind is a loud screaming by this other fact that wants you to know about, and that's being that in life the most interestingly important numbers are one, three and seven. As a human being you are the trinity (me, myself and I) that is faced with a trilemma (ie. living as a single, married or divorced person who's heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual in your friends and family front, career front or public front) everyday of the seven days of the week that gives you a full circle, thus translating to 52 of those full circles which makes a year. What this means is that every seven days you come full circle, which says you have a new start in that cycle via start of every week. Now, think of the cost of all your lost opportunities in all those 52 full circles you have until your next birthday celebration. How many weeks in your year are you being productive and those you're not? It's alarming to be honest.
With us all fighting for control of self and of others, you need to establish your stance in the control hierarchy, which is authority, influence and power. You are given power by virtue of birth, it takes none other than YOU self to strip self off that power. Power is when you rule, influence is when you control, and authority is when you manage. A lot are at the point of self given authority and are mistaking it for power 'cause they've got freedom of speech to utter power, freedom of movement to be wherever they want to show off their supposed power, freedom of thought to think they've got power, and the freedom to still want more. Power comes at a cost, over time and with experience, and with self-authority you get to learn that something comes after nothing and that for then as someone you matter only to yourself and to matter to others when you're somebody. So, as self-authorized you are someone and with power are somebody.
Failure to get your stance right, a cost to you. Cost results from many factors in one's life like your attitude, decisions, ignorance, family background, choice of association, who/what you are, lifestyle orientation, and many other situational aspects. What this mean is that there's cost to any and everything in life. You need to be in touch with your consciousness full time to understand what it's all about. From how you act to whom you act as, etc, it all matters. It's about how you calculate loss and gain, where life has placed you, who is in charge of your mercy, and how good you are at reversing your miscalculations all the time. It's about loss to your value in terms of your brand's worth, personally or corporately.
In conclusion: in business, failure to calculate your cost the first costly mistake that carries a hefty regret called downfall, but then again, apart from that, cost is found in everything, be it an opportunity, luck, time or you. Cost of opportunity ranks top in that every single success story a result of it, luck follows in how you create your own in any situation you're planted in, then to time which entail your age, processes and sequencing (ie. prioritization), and lastly you. With you it's clear as daytime running lights; when people meet you for the first time, which side of you do they encounter? Is it character or personality, and how much of you resides in each? As you, are for loyalty or for honesty? Truth is, by simply being yourself can cost you dearly.
If you're enlightened enough you'll analyze and start working at self. Pity all answers lie in there within you as all depends on your school of thought. Cost isn't the measure to success or failure, but a point of view I believe summons your attention. What you do after being awakened to this bit I shared with you, entirely up to you what you make of it in your mark up...dp
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