We all give it and receive it from others and things. Hope knows no status, race, territory, name, etc, as it's a neutral noun that is important for anyone's spirit in down times and during moments of wander. Hope doesn't matter what size the wish is for, it boosts the feeling of possibility and ignite positive vibes.
When you give it out it carries a promise that delivery will be realized at the end of your projected result of the collective desire. What should be clearly expressed in it though is the role players, timeline, challenges and process buy-in. Hope is a phenomenon that requires responsibility, sensitivity, accessibility, certainty and fulfillment. The danger with it is its ability to break or make a person as because of it one plan around it, risk for it, lie with it, and or anything that may hurt the other if not materialized. Think of what may happen if their hope deferred indefinitely. Remember, knowledge isn't wisdom, but both will teach you respect for others' feelings of disappointment.
Hope seeks the voice of reason, the bold type, the impact communicator, the shift pacer, the word keeper, and the humane material, as it's about the transporting of despaired and broken soles to a trusted and motivated space of belief in their fragile selves, the course and you, before getting to the point of experienced results in the end.
In conclusion: hope unfortunately has some consequences attached to it no matter the circumstance. Giving it sans surety a pure deception. The good intentions that paddled it no longer apply should it be that the promise maker doesn't break through. Again, integrity and reputational damage may be suffered in the process, so, don't be shy to come clean should it be that the promise is not as thought out. To avoid any mishaps, be honest to self about the affordability on your side of the end goal to promise. It's simple, be safe, and the best way to stay safe is sizing the hope to your ability success. If you find that you won't afford its undesirable outcome, steering clear of it the best decision for it's out of your jurisdiction...dp
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