[A content weak leader]

I grew up knowing that as a man I should learn to know as much as I can, so I will in future have answers to as many as possible questions there are to me. As a man, learned to have at least 5 trades that I can survive with, same as now I learned must be the case  with earning potential, that a man of this age should secure multiple income streams. That made me be the person I am today; a weak man who forces his way in through his bit of knowledge.

Being a man is hard yet a blessing at the same time. The most difficult part of it being to lead. A man is by default a leader while a woman by virtue a leader. But then, if you are a default leader, won't your quality be questioned? By quality I include psychological strength, image, values, passion and drive, knowledge base, and relationships handling.

I was taught that a man leader change personalities not characters, in that he has to be mutable so as to suit any situation and condition he's faced up with. I got made aware that there are two vision types for leaders, namely the tunnel vision, which is for puppet leaders and free range vision, which is for vision bearing leaders. Tunnel vision is limiting while free range, well,,speaks for itself.

I from the onset chose freedom over anything and to date leading the pack of vision carrier leaders in exploration of a range of complementary visions within the principal vision. From earlier on I was introduced to the power of TEAM and its benefits, hence I've never done anything alone that had the potential of growing big. As a man, before being anything, you have to be a self-leader as you lead your own life program before leading anyone's. Thus blame self first before the next.

I learned that a human being develops in prime cycles of 7 years, that's why we started schooling at 7, reach puberty at 14, get the keys to life at 21, self-realization stage where you explore opportunities and possibilities until age 28, then to self-actualization until 35, and to 42 be in our defining moment, then to 49, 56, 63, 70, and so forth. Atop that, was the horoscopes and cosmology, all about quality learning out of quantity lessons for your knowledge depth. That's being a man, you need to learn much as you can in building self for whichever career path you're to pursue.

In conclusion: my secret was learning my cradle character, knowing my strengths and leaning on my weaknesses in trying out opportunities and challenging my threats. I never front my strengths as they expose vulnerabilities I won't protect should they be attacked. I learned to rest comfortably in my flaws so I work in them while working on my leadership style. I was told on different occasions how different I are. Why? Still don't know. The best thing about it all is the joy of being in the forefront.

What I grew up sharing is that weak doesn't mean fragile, but simply the state of nature that screams you're the hub of legerity, humanity, certainty, equality, accountability, reliability, tolerance, etc. Being a man means you have to keep working on your individual and collective passion, vision selling, family dream, knowledge spread, and leadership skills, in the quest to be a mature, approachable and reasonable sole, a content weak leader...dp

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