[End year parties]

Year end parties are a good note to wrap up the season. Good as they may, there's something wrong all the time to draw out of them whenever they're held. Most of the time it's from the employees side. It's behavioural things like racist slurs, sexual harassment, thrown punches at times, etc. that comes to the fore and ends up ruining the fun and one common element is alcohol.

How we choose to consume free alcohol is a slap to my thought. A party can be a controlled function if we can start seeing alcohol as just beverages to spice up our fun and maybe we won't abuse it. The rate of its intake is a worry. But then, that shouldn't be the only singled out element in that how we dress for the occasion another instalment to the disaster premium.

A lot of unfinished business gets revisited during the year end party, and it spells danger in caps. In some companies employees are allowed to bring their partner whilst in others not, and where it's allowed a common course to step on differently on the day as people tend to behave in a different manner when in the presence of their spouses or better halves and loved ones, and you failing to step on egg shells on the day may have bitter consequences.

The other issue is that, secretly employee career prospects and advancements gets laid on the review table and scrutiny bang on them. It ain't a fair practice but for the employer a good way to sifting spoilt ore from pure grade extracts. Employer invests in employees with expectations of good returns there from. If employees can wake up to the true purpose of office parties for the grey denominators they are, then a lot for them wouldn't be that hard come resumption of the next round of production cycle.

I'm conclusion: your place of work is first your space of energy plied for conversion in principle to measured productivity outcome, and as such employees should factor that thought whenever they step in. Any other activity outside of that common objective shouldn't count as part of the primaries. So, as a system to the main back feed of the employer, mind your actions whenever you're zoned in that space outside of your job description for your longer days in the shelter of their mercy. Yes, I say mercy because a job is now an obvious case of being under the mercy of another who took a risk that includes placing you in a responsibility bind position with expectation of performance and sustainable development of their plans. As such, be mindful of whom you choose to be when they want entertainment out of you as it might be your last twerk of your life under their mercy not of the year. Be safe on the trap board with the knowledge that it's always secure seated at the edge...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Does power pay?]

'Power corrupts, but pays if you're sane in it' [1]. But my question is; "does power really pay or hard work does?" I keep struggling in terms of this. I believe it may well depend on the type of power it is and how you obtained it if we're to be fair.

It's true the topic of power fascinates a few much as it terrifies a lot. We can't shy away from the most obvious fact that power destroyed many characters that we used to admire and looked up to and reduced them to personalities of shame to associate with. The challenge is not to be put on power solely but largely on us the society on how we relate to position of power.

In as much as we love calling out horrible names in shaming the power corrupted, deep innate we wish it were us being them enjoying those fruits of bravery and boldness sans ever meeting with hard work on our thought avenue. Deny it we may but we individually know we all crave the soft life and privileges power brings in truck loads. So, then, what's one to do in order for them to not turn out to be exactly as those corrupted by power, you may ask. Trust me on this one, I yet am to find an answer to that as it's plain hard to fight corruption because it's situationally and circumstantially opportunistic in its nature.

Power gives you leverage, status, fame, network and attention, all the elements of one's heart's desire, hence it's hard to show it your door out. Power has strength and again has weakness, it snug where there's plenitude of warm vacuum, and mostly it creep crawls into depths of want to cultivate the breed of greed, soul anarchy, dominance, all the wrong pop reasons for it to be allowed in, but who am I to say? To paint it as bad, a left side thinking, and to leave it uncondemned a mislead. In honest fact, power demands responsibility and if none furnished, then to try discipline as default.

How much is enough for one head still a debate that cracked skulls for decades and maybe with the new great reset may cap it. But then again, talking of which, those in position of imposing the terms should also have a limiter to their powers and, as such can't win it either way except accept in general that power we need and can't be and do without, and but seeking will by those in possession of its trueness to handle it with utmost care.

In conclusion: it matters not who you are and where you are placed as what, power feels no blood nor ethnicity. One person once asked what's the use of too much power as it's used to oppress, bully, frighten, and kill the already weak for more control, more dominance and more power. Really the good in power got long tampered with and its benefits blanketing a select few that makes the rest feel the wrath of their rule. But, as for me, from now going forth I'll start searching for the beauty in power, and just maybe I'll know how to look at it with that eye for what it is and work hard to acquire my own piece of it. And but then, back to the topical question, yes power does pay...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Giving is mandatory]

'Diamond shade a better shape than its own form' [1], the message I got from some young pastor on my way to a family gathering. I asked him what it meant and he looked at me and said: "how often do you give than give back?" and left me with a thousand words to piece together for a question to ask back.

Once arrived, I went on to ask one family member what they made of that saying, and she said: "how totalitarian are you in approaching your giving? Is it heartfelt or obligatory?" then I knew it was an earnest message worth sharing, hence I now do. I believe in learning but what I've realized is that one needs to be attentive of what they take away from lessons. Getting home I took my dictionary out and dissected the meaning of the message I got, and came to a conclusion that giving is mandatory.

When you give, it shouldn't be out of force, we were told. But, why are we then taught to give out of guilt? If you have more that you've earned through having worked hard you're forced to think about the needy and the less fortunate. Why not force those needy and less fortunate to give back for receiving from the haves? Why is it so bad for one who has to be labelled for not giving? Isn't it a choice? And if so, 'cause it's so, why coerce the haves to pay wealth taxes and other forms of value extraction taxes out of their hard work? Why mandate them to give honestly? Why so much anger and at times hatred on the hard workers who give so much in opportunity to dignity through jobs, joy to the disadvantaged through donations, and so forth?

We hear of the 1%ers everyday as if they do bad whilst actually doing good for the economy. Again, we all make the 1% of something at some point, it's only that we don't put much thought at all those less glam hogging issues like 1% of non in cheating, 1% of the incorruptible in the corruption infested workforce, 1% of rainbow lace priders out of closeted after 9s and DLs, etc. Why allow to be taught to give free lip service to hate for no reason, support the racist peddlers, feed free loyalty to brands that cares less about you, and do sans questioning? Just know that you too are mandated to give, and worse, freely. Look at where you are and what you have, and ask yourself if you weren't taught to just receive sans giving back, just how truly things would've turned out for you.

In conclusion: giving is heartfelt to only 1% of the 100% of the 1%ers, sadly they don't get the worthy mention because it's obligatory not to by those select few who're supposed to, but it's fine. Churches wants tithe, another classic example of mandatory giving, exorbitant dowries too, but thing common is how it feels for one after giving...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Project sequencing]

It all look simple from outside until you're put in charge of it from inside. Running a project isn't as easy as it sounds and made to be, but a process of many layers of tasks that needs to be planned out in a manner that is clear and logically set out. It's true that any job is a project without looking at its size and period.

A professional project differs with a nonprofit one, and but both similar in that you still need to plan around their execution. With a professional project though, there's a lot to factor in like role players' quality over quantity, situation of the job, budget, date lines, outlined expected outcomes, support tools, and communication skills and technology, amongst other things, whilst a case of casual approach in a non formal project. With all those making the list, you'll need project sequencing know-how before the know-who. You can't install communication cables before you paint and fitted workstations for example, as everything ought to be lined in order of execution.

With efficiency and immediacy in project management a non-negotiable must, any step to be taken should be documented in a proper working document accessible for all key and relevant parties of interest involved. The brief should be specific to the core and implemented to the latter. It should be recalled that a project is only good not on completion but on the detail of the delivery, and thus pointing to the project's manager, consultant, auditor, administrator and inspector, as without good out of them a shoddy result. 

In conclusion: project sequencing isn't as popular chord as the sung chorus of who runs the project, but forgotten if not known it shoulders the showy manager. It cannot be appreciated by all but anyone who is experienced enough will tell you about the importance of mastery of that in perfecting the project's outcomes with met date lines, on budget, and zero snags to count. Project sequencing is that intrinsic part of expertise the new day employer and project commissioner focuses on from any profile of the main contractor or service provider, so, grade your skills set according to not trending keywords but rather key crucial skills. Be scarcely rare as a sought-after party than an afterthought partly...dp 

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Patience a vital currency]

I saw on Twitter a clip of Jack Ma in 1999 with 17 people in his apartment, selling them his dream for Alibaba. It's quite fascinating how clear he was on his vision and how ready he sounded for the rough journey ahead. This reminded me of a briefing I just attended not so long ago for a new exciting journey in a startup I got invited to join in, of which I did.

"My people, today we are here filling seats around the table, but one honest truth is that on the day we truly start, after many false starts, we won't be as all. There'll be empty seats, and that's the nature of it for I've been through this before with others in other entities" said the opportunity bringer upon our first sitting. I am today reporting to you now that in just 5 new weeks we are 1 soldier down. He was right. This is a known tale for many of you who have started something with others. It's rare to start and reach the end goal together.

I once said this too to others: "starting a business is like a voyage. We all prepare with excitement and but when day comes to board the cruise ship, be that some can't afford the cost of staying in, though having afforded the ticket". It's not a story that the first 3 - 5 years are the toughest, and it ain't a joke. Patience whilst pushing is the currency you'll need to have to stay in. To another, 5 years can give them a degree and a year's work experience, so, why not pursue their career instead of chasing after a cheap dream sold as vision that might not even materialize after all, sold by someone with a glittering academic credentials? People want to be safe and don't want to be wasted their precious time.

Nothing is as tough as exhilarating an opportunity experience as selling your vision to the next with an empty stomach that's at will choosing to grumble. It tests not only you, but rather also the mettle of those you're pitching it to. The toughest part is walking the process together and sharing the same bottle of water and eating papadams and paninis in your way to success.

In conclusion: it helps, as a leader, to now and again be checking with those who're holding on to your loop. Be displaying your gratitude to them and their strength will be rejuvenated. Truth is, every leader needs a right-hand-man and a firm believer who'll keep assuring others to march on, that's important for him to have focus on their vision.

We all start with a dream, and remain forever with a vision to sell, nurture and grow into, but bear in mind it all get protection if you are able to afford that vital currency; patience. Stock pile on it if you're to make it...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.


Remember the story of Samson's defeat by Delilah? Look around you and you're to recognize there're many of them in both your career life and social life. The Samsons of today aren't of strength in their hair, but are blessed with special kind of powers that they don't protect the way they should. Be Solomons of the new world and be the smart thinkers with the power you're reckless with.

Each one of us has a hidden power given unto them. Chances are, you may not be awoken to it but is there and for the purpose of your survival and thrive if not to conquer. Some sold out theirs whilst others robbed out of theirs, but in some cases be that you're lucky to have been chosen to be blessed with another chance of being bestowed upon you again power, unlike those who after their squander be left sans a tickey wake of any droplet of favour, not even leftovers of boldness. 

Power is a great phenomenon that's full of enabling oomph, resourced attraction; that we fail to rightfully claim and be responsible enough with to multiplicate to our availed advantage. Given that we aren't gifted asame, when boosted with a chance to enhance your power, summon your inner voice to call upon your most sacred guides of your soul to navigate you successfully out of all negative steers away from your glory.

Your power is your secret, hence it's sacred nature. Its danger solely its ability to be taken away from your possession if tempt it. Best you be usable for it and see its rewards thereafter. Gentle and fair if you're unaware of it, tolerant of your ignorance to its existence, and ruthless on its assault when forced out as it leaves behind shrapnel that burns your shell infinitely.

In conclusion: as a mighty birthright of unquestionable note; power is important, power is everything, power clothes the soul, dignify the lesser of you, grace your dare spirit, and solidify your being, so, protect, respect, and know it, so it knows not to render you corruptible and usefulless. Be on point for yours, for your sake, for once gone never too easy to return. Don't be like Samson, don't sell out to your power...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Tuff love]

Some hates others because of it, but true bonds are strengthened by that. I know it makes it hard to practice as some fear the level of despise that comes with being labeled negative, rude, bitter, and all other words for tuff love. People are comfortable with leniency, fragility, etc. in dealing with them. Tuff love is necessary but not appreciated in many quarters, and the reason being it's manner of application.

What we sometimes forget is that on its own tuff love is a wake-up call or reality lid tilter that instil a holistic sense of responsibility in reproach. There comes a point in life where you start realizing that you no longer need discipline but instead self-management, and on this I stand corrected. Responsibility is maturity and if can harness that with the right attitude that's from tuff love, then you're done. Do away with negativity that implodes from many who fail to understand what tuff love is really about. Tolerate it and you're to see the damage you were inflicted with without it.

Tuff love is undeniably unattractive, and is hard to comprehend it and its benefits sadly. In order for it to produce results, it should be enforced at first to after be instilled, and maybe the main cause to its rejection by many recipients. Fact is, you can't make progress with tuff love if you aren't militant in the elementary stage of its application. One good thing though is that its announcement into one's soul a stint that sticks, therefore a register does tick its mode. Tuff love is good, just but not an easy path to trek.

Now, given the subject you're dealing with, which type of tuff love is applicable as per your observation? Depending on the type of leader you are, it needs a bit of match to make it work. It's either you'll apply the visible one or the invisible. The visible tuff love is the default mode and the most applied as it's live and direct to put it bluntly, whereas the invisible tuff love is as it suggests, requires situational influence. It's a challenging exercise in that it test both of you but producing best outcomes as it has no embarrassment or direct action because of your absence in the picture of the subject, but behind them in blind spots.

In conclusion: love entails empathy, good intents, emotions, wishful thinking, hope, affection, attachment, keywords that're of admiration and kindness, and so is same with tuff love, just that it lessens the respect advanced though out of reasonable necessity. Tuff love is full of passion and desire to push you to where you're to realize full potential of self and knowing to derive pride out of being you in your fulfillment. Tuff love is about teaching you how to have reason in your acts with understanding, awareness and intricate diligence to your behaviour. Tuff love is compulsive and obsessive if its  visible and gentle when invisible, but both modes meaning well, just that the input of each giving outcomes differently.

Should you find someone who's prepared to disregard the negative steers arising from your misguided belief in how you react back due to their process on you for tuff love, know you're lucky to be that important to them because it's a draining undertaking that's met with unappealing situations of unappreciative recipients. It pains to love, and worse is the pain of treating that which you love with impact than effect, but for the greater good of the loved subject because it's hard for them to see it in the beginning hence some cut their journey with their attached soles for their freedom before knowing the liberty hidden in tuff love. Try it on your loved subject and you'll see that the positive damage from it far outweigh the negative damage from not instilling it. It is intriguing indeed witnessing the benefits of it...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.