There's nothing wrong in being you enough when luck creeps in. A lot of you are blocked from living, only to be dead in your future because of the oppression you subject unto selves when opportunity choose to settle with you. Outgrow poverty by growing into anti-poverty tendencying.
[Be fulfilled in your wish front]
[Male a target of regression]
With every turn of the globe emerges a new hurdle to the detriment of a male species. A reversal of his gains started creeping in circa 1950s, and its toll order a mobilized reactor ever since to date. How females used to look up to the male figure with fascination and admiration pregnant expectation, is now a fashion that even defunct respect contends not with. A man has been dealt with to the point of no return to innocence default mode, but the rise of his role in his movie a scene with a pen fought for to write the script right as its lead; though just by the bold and daring sponge squeeze.
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[Debulk from the wasted resources pool]
Look around your neighbourhood. How many lost hopes are at your disposal? What can be done with that? The diaphanously low volume of soles with available active hope is many times less than the volume of committed to bettering selves soles, while a sheer volume pooled in the discouraged triers zone. I pity the youthful ones as they make an extra fold of over half these frailed statistics. The picture still presents a lot to swim into, but rather than extending the pond, we stick to agendas that limit our lives for good.
[Observe for buy-in into culture]
Going about your dailies with an ignorance shield no longer a valid postcode to point out one's rooted stance. Same goes for the monotony of 'still learning' whenever your step not the choice of masters. Whoever you are, you're dipped in poly instances of culture by default, and to come out tops have to just learn to observe above anything else.
[What will your child be born into?]
With poverty a blanket covering an average life spender, wealth makes for a far fetched hallucination for many that is but a reality to a sponge squeeze. Some in there belonging in the supreme 5% whilst others in the elite onueruite 1%, and the rest found in the se battre 95%. This open book revelation overtaking the nicety sugarcoats of truth to ask; "what will your child be born into? Will it be into poverty or wealth?"
Truly, hari-kari a talented befit invite into a coup claim puppet-danced to a miraged myriad of soul exits. A generation of young is the new value chain that's got lost to us. I write this piece with a heavy heart. Creative industries just lost yet another promising component to its value chain. How we don't invest in understanding our young a future lost today that's left to decide for us on how we'd remember them in their brief stints.
[The factor of politics in individual success]
The world of business today is one in which not the best of now is guaranteed for tomorrow as same. Potential and opportunity aren't any longer parallel. Today, who you are and who you know matters more than capability. That said though, not marking the effort of working on self as being useless. At the end of the line we talk about personal wealth before skills worth, and who to blame for that new way of thinking is politicians and media.