[Male a target of regression]

With every turn of the globe emerges a new hurdle to the detriment of a male species. A reversal of his gains started creeping in circa 1950s, and its toll order a mobilized reactor ever since to date. How females used to look up to the male figure with fascination and admiration pregnant expectation, is now a fashion that even defunct respect contends not with. A man has been dealt with to the point of no return to innocence default mode, but the rise of his role in his movie a scene with a pen fought for to write the script right as its lead; though just by the bold and daring sponge squeeze.

With males still making up well over 80% of lawmakers, it remains questionable why still is it status quo for a man. There ain't no new skyline for him to benchmark with. For a quick feature in the model, a man is playing second fiddle to a woman in this day. A man gets no break at all from the multiple layers of the oppression administered upon him by the very men he voted to the fore to lead him. Nothing is of late meant for a man, worse is any geared for a poor man except his depopulation. All that's done for the market is for the one with something in his pocket. And, before we can talk about the top blowing expectations that women lists on a man, the pressure put on a man is paralyzing, and many men in position of enablement sadly cares less.

We see a lot of men in saloons and taverns, at scrapyards, on the streets, and judge; but have we taken care to share a moment with them just to hear them out? Men pay huge instalments yet not be driving those cars or staying in peace in those homes, because of them converted by law to automated teller machines or magical funds for women and children. Men are legislated as default abusers, as pathological thieves and liars, as pinned high risk elements to insure, as anything negative unless they can work hard to draw themselves into the brackets of okay by the in-charged. There's no joy these days being a man.

In business, it's a rarity of luck to find a man whose purposed vision is to onboard another into beneficiation. Today, a man must have assets to his name or anything equitized to his person in order to be given the weight of listen on the table. Some who are exposed will concur with me on the lately emerging practice of powerful men disempowering others for a piece of grey power for them. There ain't peace to nestle freely in as a man, and those called alcoholics, hobos, greed brokers and sellouts, aren't liking selves for that but forced by situations they're locked in. Some careers and opportunities are of late exclusively designed for women's propel, and men fighting for a position in faced with either lowering their value scorecards or lowering their dignity garments, for it's tough systematically to break through for anyone with an appendage below abdominal area.

In conclusion: there's a silent auction of male dominance, and soon its outcrop will be a mainstay to fields of influence. To bid with success you ought to know which currency of choice is preferred, otherwise you'll sell yourself short and be outstripped any chance left of worth to rent in their books of authority. Sell your soul if you learned enough or trade your dignity if you're trained right, or opt for the hard work path. When they say commit to brotherhood setup it's no joke, some people deemed successful are there as representatives of theirs, what about you? Lone islands struggle in these systems, so, best you adhere or soldier on loned with full knowledge though that male is a target of regression by his very own first before the female tide. Respect a man who rose above the line of poverty and carved a seat at the top of the choice affordance level, for what he's been subjected to, a week of death to explain on the day of finish...dp

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