The world of business today is one in which not the best of now is guaranteed for tomorrow as same. Potential and opportunity aren't any longer parallel. Today, who you are and who you know matters more than capability. That said though, not marking the effort of working on self as being useless. At the end of the line we talk about personal wealth before skills worth, and who to blame for that new way of thinking is politicians and media.
[The factor of politics in individual success]
[It ain't about you alone]
The reason why you are not a respected biznes person is simple, look at how you relate with others. The way you are to others is a key determiner of how they feel about you, which means it may go anyway. At times you get surprised when you are being targeted by criminal activities, or even extending to your loved ones. How you relate with others is key to your peace in life and this is a life lesson that's never dished up raw.
At times biznespersons treat other people like they are nothing. When success gets attached to them they detach from the success bringers. It should be remembered always that success stays where it is nurtured, and is also what happens in biznes. If cash is king to you, then show your love to it by relating well to it. Have an excellent relationship with money.
It's no secret that money changes a person whenever it touches their vicinity, but it helps to have grips on how it vibrates your feelings, so your change can be better routed. To be honest with you, success starts with how people feel in your presence. If they tire from being around you, it's a straight indicator that you aren't a good person and should work on the sole you are. It doesn't say you be generous or what, but rather that it be true what you promise to people, or be pleasant to their esteem, and have them relate to you favorably.
In conclusion: be careful how other people feel about you all the time. It might not matter to you but does to the next how you talk, smile, touch, and spend time with them. The big things we impress in public with are actually not that big, and instead those smaller things you do counts the most. Being good doesn't pay, but a disguised blessing not only for you but your family and friends as well. Because of your behavior you can have someone determined to reverse your fortunes. Invest in all of the people you meet and interact with. Be the one who makes people fall in love with your person, family and biznes. Do change from your success, but don't change against your people because of your new found status. It ain't easy and but remind yourself that it ain't about you alone...dp
[Admirable traits]
Do you believe in an extrovert or introvert for good leadership? We're often told that you need to listen more than you talk, but then, who is supposed to do the talking that we aren't supposed to? Being in business has taught me a lot of things in that you learn to unlearn to listen to mediocre statements of opinions, and do what works for you in your situations. And, one of those things to challenge was that of the type of personal traits profiles that makes it in business, hence this topic.
When you are an employee it's very different to an employer, and as one you can afford to be too much of yourself than it does with being an employer in that rigidity doesn't pay well than it does with flexibility. You can afford to not take calls after hours but not a luxury for an employer to enjoy. The mindset is totally different and none can blame you at all. There is a thinking that extroverts aren't wise enough compared to introverts as leaders. But then, won't it be safe to say that almost all of us are same but different in dominance of any of the two? We all are ambiverts by nature I would love to think, and but leaning more to either introvert side or extrovert one, and this most likely occurring when meeting people for the first time.
Now, as a leader, how will you be able to communicate your vision, timelines, etc. if you talk less? You have to coach, sell and guide others, and none can do all sorts sans talking for long. Best we agree that there should be room for learning and that involves listening more for effective conversing. Successful ones in business are good story tellers, situational directors, salespersons, re-inventors, public speakers, etc. and all of which are dependent on clear and effective expression.
In conclusion: it at the end of the day matters less whether you are an introvert or extrovert, what needs your attention is skillset and mindset to make it. You may say less but not say punchy stuff the minute you say something. I know it works being seen as mysterious but then again in business I've come to a conclusion that it works opposite to that, they trust an open book quicker than a closed one, and that's what I would confidently encourage you to be. For me, just focus on being a better conduit of sought information and support it with admirable traits in mannerism and you'll be likable as 'you' in response to each situation you get yourself in. Do that and you will be proud of self many times henceforth...dp
by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23
[Thick veil of wealth privilege]
"Where there's plenty of it, trouble knows no path" an old aspirant coal miner once told a packed hall. It left murmurs in the hall with none clued up about his statement. Years later I stumbled upon him and he couldn't even recall the occasion but did laugh when I uttered the statement to ask what he meant, and it was simple. Where there's enough or too much supply of anything, none will fight as every next other has it.
I heard him but had this to say to him: "what we both can safely agree on is that people with money always fight to have from others what they have for their more, with them there's a path of trouble with which they manage to always get away with" and we both laughed before he left me with this: "thick veil of wealth privilege" and left it at that. Those words screamed truth of the reality that faces us head on. Trust me, this doesn't affect us same given the 2 sides of the fence we stand from. The pain of first hand experience of wealth privilege is matched to no other. They say who feels it knows it, and it's true. It's a good feeling to be wealthy and all of us aspire for that though not ready for life accepted for joy where we are.
What that veil does is shield those moneyed from facing repercussions of their wrong deeds, affords them better opportunities, gives them life joyments not known by all, and also setting classes of standards for people. Not being wealthy is okay I've come full circle to that, but just that pressures of own from external factors makes it hard to settle in that acceptance. "Wealth distorts the distillery of moral afinery" [1] they say, if you let it.
In conclusion: it leaves one accented in bitterness heritage given how easy it is to forgive the wealthy, how good it feels to protect the rot of the wealthy, how rewarding it is to be loyal to the wealthy, whilst shaming and lame to do same for the poor. The legacy of all this a build up to the decay of societal morality. The picture it paints not a beautiful future investable in. Our young are literally exposed to the exact opposite of right we want for their take up. How cool it is to wrong and pay to be right, how cool it is to buy love and respect, and how ill it is to be poor and honest are some of the depictions that media condition the publics with.
So damn sad how in my youth I used to sing along to lyrics that carried codes of ruin in the guise of cred like CREAM for cash rule everything around me, life eazy wen u rich, and many other lines of sort that saw some venture into crime, wantonry and other immoral behaviors all in try to portray the fake essay life of the wealthy because of their untouchable nature. Looking now at what the veil did to my generation, a sad state as nothing can erase all that damage yet only the wealthy can afford to buy a fresh start. I do acknowledge the invisibility of the wealth privilege to some but time do come for everyone outside of its actuality to feel it for their seeing coz it's a reality of long that's been cleverly concealed for obvious spotting. For the exposed I say good for you because being there is a win. Poor child, never forget to live in constant realization of where society puts you in class as that's how you'll be treated no matter who you want to be or where you want to go, it's hard to cut into that veil for it's meant to keep the status quo as is for long as possible...dp
[1] by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23
[Live your truth]
'Truth a fantasy that reality at times can't withstand'[1]. 'The challenge with life is living it as you, but the problem with living is in how we choose to be known' [2]. If we could learn to talk into existence what is honestly our reflection, then we won't be less comfortable with the idea of being ourselves. Many of us are in traps of scrutiny because of our chosen ways into how we express our beings to others in our journey's dailies during all countless encounters we trip in recurrently.
Is it dangerous or is it safe to live in your reality? Chances are yes it may be for some yet not be for others, and but, what matters is that there's always a yes to a no in this or that in our paths. To someone, truth in their reality a constant myth that is worth a sweep like dust in the wind while for another an existent wrong they need to correct for the shape of their wish. Failing to acknowledge the standpoint of your situation is a circumstancial plague that's to bit by bit consume your life. It all boils down to the choices we make in respect of our truths to reality.
It's sometimes also about how we love ourselves. Being honest to self about self issues is self care. Sad to be witnessing others pinning stripes onto their plain hides and believing they'll stick after a dip. If we begin to love our situations more than the romantic mental picture sold of you to can become whatever you put your mind to, many wouldn't have settled in unhealthy circumstances. Be free and happy sharing that which is of you and work on bettering it.
Just know that it's cool to downgrade so you can later upgrade. Be smart about your faults and missteps for they offer you a chance to start over and better. The reason you aren't doing well must be your high expectations out of no ration. Feel pain for yourself for none'll ever do. Know your situation, embrace your background, love your life, and hug your truth for real.
In conclusion: being them will never make you, being you without being too much of yourself will bring you plenty of peace, no manifestation of a dream ever pursued a wrong take for aspirations, so, be who you are and work on the breakthrough of what you are to become. Be not ashamed in fighting the truth of others imposed on you if it in future pose a harm on your person as you never know what the intent of that innocent malice may be aimed at. Live your truth to the fullest, but do it in response to your reality...dp
[Be associable]
The neutrality stance in truth an old new game that has been played for long and having stood the test of time, and that but still a trick found in the world of the young today. To how things change, true the same way they stay, to those long been there in it. Being paused in state a new winner stunt that's deployed in biznes and politics these days, to frustrate the staunch oppo affiliates and loyalists, but how effective it is still a quotient clave to slot wisdom in.
[Sometimes be a realist]
The most realistic draw out lesson out of the world of biznes is that it's a game of authority, influence and power, and if you aren't successful in getting that, are in for a hell of a shock ride to losshood. A powerful biznes coach not so long ago told me that biznes is a scam that depends on which side of the game planners' agenda you're on, on which day did you get in, by whom you are introduced into it and lastly, in it as what. Said success in today's biznes is about your association to some insider's name and face, hard work to create luck, and ability to be resourceful. It stuck with me for the most part of this year, and in all essence found it to be so true. If you take care to notice, you'll see.