[Sometimes be a realist]

The most realistic draw out lesson out of the world of biznes is that it's a game of authority, influence and power, and if you aren't successful in getting that, are in for a hell of a shock ride to losshood. A powerful biznes coach not so long ago told me that biznes is a scam that depends on which side of the game planners' agenda you're on, on which day did you get in, by whom you are introduced into it and lastly, in it as what. Said success in today's biznes is about your association to some insider's name and face, hard work to create luck, and ability to be resourceful. It stuck with me for the most part of this year, and in all essence found it to be so true. If you take care to notice, you'll see.

In biznes there're market makers, opportunity creators and controllers of rewards and gains, a collage of bricoleurs whom are The Original Capitalists or TOCs. TOCs are the world order regulators. Whom they are remains to date a spirited date with speculation. So, for most of us, we are in the lowest tier of economy control, and cannot be reached for comment on TOCs and as such will focus on our shoe sizes which are the reality of our lives. Much as it's now gotten to realization that biznes is a scam, what we ought to do is seek ways on how to suit the design of the plan coz it's no secret that all we do today is fight to be a fit in the plan of the world order.

What to do in order to get success out of the effort you're busy with is rescam others. If you aren't ready to get into the office through its door, be ready to be its painter. Each step of your way to success you're faced with gatekeepers whom you have to con so as to get to the door keepers, elevators and masters. You can't play the same trick twice, so, one of the skills to success that you need to master is acting. Putting on the mask for each character is of utmost importance and once passed those can get access to your dream. Truth is, you'll never reach your peak sans a visit of influence into your path, it's real as that, water that.

The reality of barriers is thick, you may have those plans and strategies for your market entry but honestly are to face an uphill of red tape. To make it, you have to align with any player from inside, unless you want to remain a small player. Learn to be adaptive and your success will be guaranteed.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter where you are from, it's same story. Your only chance of getting in early is adherence to guidelines from the gatekeepers. If you be realistic about all those things you'll be on track to the desired outcome of your vision. Trust me, you may be seasoned in your own right but in the master's standards be not, so, be patient and bide your time...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Asensual objectification]

"When I opened my eyes you were the first object I saw" and giggles roamed the room amok. This was said by a male friend and colleague of mine to a jolly fellow female colleague. The statement on its own, however innocent as it may have been uttered, is wrong. You can't say such a thing to another person, especially in this day in that we are puffing sensibility on and off set in terms of addressing sexualism, ease of workspace sharing and sexual harassment.

Objectifying another sole is wrong, and bad is when it comes from the other border of gender. How we see each other and say it out is crucial, it sifts the truest of us as persons before being colleagues that we are. According to a research that I recently read, the issue of ease of workspace sharing doesn't get intensely interrogated as it must be, and surprisingly a fertile feedlot of employee challenges.

Normally we can't do without using the common space provided if we are to carry out work. But, how we relate to one another determines the outcomes of the business being productive or not. If one feels bad about another, it affects the entire TEAM performance, and that alone a scary thought. Ask any colleague what they see first in looking at the other gender and at their same and you'll be amazed by what you're to hear. There're lots of challenges to uncover that're mated to the common space that work is carried out from.

A lot of industrial psychologists and HR personnel will alert you to a host of underlying issues that haunts the workplaces. At most it's the senior colleagues. Those entrusted with the task of overseer are the horn beepers in treating subordinates as their special projects. The issue of asensual objectification might sound innocent but brews into something else if not nipped from the onset as it tends to morph, and once allowed, it won't be easy to stop its snowball form fall from the anchoring towers.

The minute a colleague sees another as an object, it means they are well on their way to knocking for more if allowed. Calling another as an object shouldn't be promoted at all no matter its justification. If poorly handled, those that are resisting advances or hit ups might endure victimization. Abuse of rank is the most troubling aspect in lead of workspace tendency that many subordinates suffer.

In conclusion: any subordinate needs protection from such occurrences as they breed uncalled for eventualities of regret. A woman is a person who like you came to work, a man is also a person who came for their sole productive purpose, and should be viewed and treated alike. You the high ranker, some of your social tendencies might come across as unprofessional, so, do the better you for harmony to prevail in the place of work. Make people enjoy working with you...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23

[Lead with fun]

All work and no play makes for poor job outcomes and any leader should be knowing that. Depending solely on the type of leader you are, will your team results show; not the job type, not the industry nor definitely not the geo-positioning factor. What any leader should bear in mind is that there's a need for a couple of light moments in the place of work. Nobody has ever delivered good group results constantly sans having a bit of fun now and then. And also, every person wants a leader that is humanly like them.

Winning is a full time decider and losing is an all time reminder that a TEAM needs to perform so as to deliver at all costs. But, for a TEAM to perform optimally they need not only have trade tools, support and a conducive space to ply their trades from, but peaking the list is the best leader to work with. And but then, what defines the best leader? Sadly, can't self pinpoint all the dots to connect to that answer for accuracy, except for the fact that as a leader one must be relations centric, and I remain open to any's direction per that.

Leadership relies on people skills and life experiences before anything work related. To be respected as a person who leads you ought to be respectful and responsible to your respect, be it given or received. Thing is, a leader is first and foremost a person who works with other people, diligently managing their talents, challenges, flaws, expectations, and their beings with a holistic view of what they are afore whom they are. With thusly fronted, surfaces a board of questions to ask. Are you doing that in line with the corporate vision or yours? Are you applying guidelines by the company policy or of your own principles? Where do you draw the line on your reasonability and mannerability? Mind your important self that you are at work, no matter your position occupancy, as long as you are a leader you have to just tow the line.

A good leader, I figured; is a friend, a confidant, a representative, a role model and a figure of authority, an omnia paratus sole with no limit to placement. And, as one, you should regularly schedule self inspections on how you fare against the backdrop of the results you keep producing. Provision of fun is one of the prime outcomes laced factors that is repeatedly a wretched thoughtmanship by choice. You lead people not positions, and those people need breaks from the seriousness of the course worked on. Provide activities that recondition their mindsets, rekindle their love for their work, so as to shift how they connect with their work for the best outcomes which will make you look good in your position.

In conclusion: you are the reflection of what you manage as a leader, and any good or bad an outcome a perception of how we view you in charge. A leader that laughs less is a leader in revenue loss, whilst a leader that excites turns out good margins. The secret to leadership is interpersonal skills, situational analyses, teamliness, a pleasanter of being had around. There's no use dealing with a grumpy bunch than leading a bubbly bunch. Work your person from your friendships to your partnerships. You win first through self before the nexts, so, have fun doing that and you'll see how fun it is to lead...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2K23


Is forgiving good? Let's ask ourselves this frankly. Maybe after answering oneself you'll start questioning your head for its thoughts. Trust me, the amount of teachings we receive on this topic is alarming given the low teachings on how to hurt others and how to avenge selves. We are ever encouraged to respond more than we should react, yet come back still the ones pained, bitter and lost, all in the name of being good people in forgiving.

But, looking at it, one is never sure of which to be during the event of unfolding pain infliction at times, in that it's painful and shaming to be a good person in any given situation of torment than it is on the side of the tormentor. Truth be told, there's no permanent joy in good personing. Good people are viewed as stupid, weaklings, spineless cowards who're never to be trusted in solutions to aggression and its tensions. People tend to listen, admire and adorn the spirit of the ones vengent, than they would with the victim.

In business, none is respected if they aren't decisive, firm for their stance, bold in their statement of character and personality intent, deep in their knowledgeability, self-appointed and in control. So, this telling you that if there's forgiveness, it absolutely gets questioned whom it's from and who is it to, or where it's from and for what? Forgiveness is a dual neutral concept of weakness and benign hegemony. Whenever used, be sure if it's out of issuance or humane place, as it's always situational if you aren't aware.

One thing I love about life and find ever interesting sans tiring my soul, is the role of politics and business in situations. Forget about what those unexposed soles taught you about life, but forgiveness is a vagary just so you know since what comes after it an open cast occurrence. But then, it depends on how you administer your person.

In conclusion: if you comprehend the campaign concept that power is, it's obvious that you won't want to play from the linear side of forgiveness simply because of that. Forgiveness is power laced, and when you give it, should be able to administer it else you sell your bargaining power away. Know the significance of your forgiveness and you'll understand the importance of power. However you look at it, forgiveness is a good thing that only switch course upon situational awareness or not of it. It's an animal farm we're in...dp

by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing.2023

[Conclude not on assumption]

"Go into marriage for legacy, and into biznes for dynasty" [1] a big life advise I got. A paganish statement to the eyes of the righteous, I know, for my life lived mostwise as a mammonite. From young, I grew up as a violent sole, and but yesterday got told how apologetic I am as a person; something that my life track disagreed with and pointed rather to humble as a fit. But then again, I asked myself about which side to me did they encounter to inform their grounded opinion to that conclusion, coz true, I am but just humble.

Going into a meet up with just about any encountered target, there seem to always be that expectation of sort on both or more parties involved as they suss each other out. The common challenge is jumping to untreated conclusions on those in the space. While others judge people on attire, others go for reasoning capacity, of which some on demeanor, but are all basing their conclusions on non-concrete assumptions. What I often ask myself is, why can't we cut judgmentality and focus on rather testing the character out for ability to perform and to later gauge the intelligence? If we did that, I believe coexistence wouldn't have been a long winded road.

We have a myriad of participants who failed in partnerships simply because of wrong conclusions or wrong use of words in choice to express their thoughts on situations at hand or people involved too early upon meeting people. Wrong as it may, that is but oddly better in that it has an opportunity to be corrected than the one where the concluding party does so in silence and decide to act without having first treated their thoughts. Also, what's to be erased is that thinking of auld that "first impressions last", 'cause no person has one dimension to them. It's advisable to observe, but do so in recall that every being has an other side that tends to be opposed to the one you know as been presented to you.

When you are in a hunt, you know exactly what you are after, and this applicable same when out courting. Whether in a romantic setup or biz setup, nothing differs. Knowing what you want out of a setting or a particular situation is key. If are a leader and on a mission to build a TEAM, draw your pattern of requirements and go out in follow of those in line with its set program. Compromise not, for tribulations don't come gently, so, you too be firm to what'll bolster you when hardships put the boot on your door. Be humbly honest to your revolution and live better, or live apogetically to your revealed distraction and live your worst life. Carry yourself unapologetically correct to how your pattern requires you to for your success, and let not utterances shape your narrative of self, but rather let them be commanded by your bold showing of knowing the concept of self; it attracts. How will you build your dynasty if you missed an opportunity to work on your legacy?

In conclusion: why is it hard for some people to be themselves to others you'll ask. But, look at how we treat each other the moment we get to know the better of their worst side. It's a scary situation infested with regret, as such be avoiding of making someone feel uncomfortable by you and understand it fully when another is taking their time to be themselves around you. Life gives us experiences differently, and how we either respond or react, a decider to draw from, with endorsement from them. Now, either being in a personal or a biznes front, throw not the net onto the grey denomination unnecessarily. Conclude on what you are told, shown or given, and not on assuming. Life is built and survives on relations, and nothing can be achieved sans that. Be of the mind that whomever you meet up for the first time has the potential to be a bigger part of your life in success or regret, and learn to wait for them to reveal themselves what their intents are for you, and not you conclude on your assumptions of them before you commit to whatever course with them...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Blood is always thicker]

The feeling of togetherness is one that nothing can beat. To have it as a family, team, alliance, or be it in any other form of relationship that you have with anyone, is a big deal. With unity for any group of people being a wish, society needs to invest more on things that keeps people together and living in harmony.

Looking at the the concept of unity when referring to togetherness, the end result when narrowing it down gives us family. Then now, in family, comes the saying that family is that root of one's being, and that is true. But then, in the same length of play, any group that is related whether by common interest or by blood, takes the shape of family. What is further interesting in it though, is the saying that with one's akin family, blood is thicker than water. Though loosely used, it's the truth that will never go away.

Blood is thicker than water gets to somehow extend to opportunity in some way. In an economy, created opportunity knows the address of the one whom is related to the opportunity bringer and that means the clique or clan first and beyond, but keeping it close nit. We may call it however we please but nepotism, tribalism, ethnicity, all stem from that. In the modern day it has tentacles that goes beyond the call of segregation in that political allegiance, social class, genderism, religious denomination, and many factors of relation, forms the basis of the new blood.

In business, the same happens. How we relate is informed by many grey denominators. And, yes, at the end as individuals going into an economic relationship, we become a family. Partners as a collective will have their own culture that's a sub in the main culture the world of biz has. Though arguable to those not getting it right, but partnership a cult. With the vision and its secret to achieving it binding us, there'll still be a divisive force if in the collective there's an element of akinness.

In conclusion: it should not be that it discourage any closeness but there's always a challenge in anything that has akin relation attached to it. The common challenge is failure to be fair in meting out justness where there's misconduct. Family members will side with one another and fail fairness, and this alone is the reason some organizations never saw the horizon of their planned success, just because blood is thicker than water in every aspect of them, hence some opt out of invites for joining entities that are laced with family bonds...dp

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Heed to forewarnings]

"Ignorance of a red flag a ceremony of your eunomic fall." [1]. A bad lot of happenings occur to us because of us choosing for them to. We meet people on a daily basis and from the experience we get from them decide upon which type of relationship we will have with them or straight out discard them, thus being informed by how they treat us or handle their affairs in our presence.

An other's behavior is a reflection of what to expect should one opt being with them. It doesn't matter what or whom the person is, but, mannerism speak volumes about any being. The challenge with today's society is the glorifying of what the person is over how they make others feel. The same can be said about red flags in others. Every person has their own per observation by the next, just that the degrees thereof vary, but are always found irrespective of the individual involved.

Each of us are a representative of the family we are from, and as such are saying to the world: "this is what you should see whenever you think of my family and our surname" when we are out there interacting with others. If only everyone sees it that way of selves, we wouldn't be in this position we are found stuck in. Everyone has their set principles that guides them in all aspects of their lives, I would like to believe per norm. How we relate with the nexts and decide on how we conclude on them, guided by same, says a lot about whom we too are; lest we forget that we reflect through our associations who we are. What follows after is the quality of your reason for your choice that'll attract proponent backing thereto.

In biznes, we tend to ignore almost all the time the red flags we see in others in favour of their results, past performance stats, recommendation causal, etc. and but in the long run turn to cost us. "Truth puts no much on the table than falsehood does" [2] it is said in the corporate world when spirited piles of yield returns favour the beast and, at times executives lying to selves that the committal element will see reason to change not helping the situation. Know how to deal with any red flag like the medics puts it that prevention is better than cure.

In conclusion: "accommodating the idea afore capacity from the same subject a probative error of judgment unto the cause of the derailleur failure" [3] it should be minded. Let some tendencies slide if are innocent but be woke to traits of character since they tend to bring with repute damage on your person in the end at times. Neither gender fluid nor social status shy, red flags come wrapped up in 2 ways, either via a tip-off from someone or others, or through self-observing, and no matter how they come, should learn to heed to their forewarnings. Some are obvious whilst otherwise deeply hidden but in the end evident. Red flags are like pregnancy, if you catch what I mean. Guided by your principles, what's left is how you protect your person from your harm of reputation by such...dp

[1,2&3] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023