The most realistic draw out lesson out of the world of biznes is that it's a game of authority, influence and power, and if you aren't successful in getting that, are in for a hell of a shock ride to losshood. A powerful biznes coach not so long ago told me that biznes is a scam that depends on which side of the game planners' agenda you're on, on which day did you get in, by whom you are introduced into it and lastly, in it as what. Said success in today's biznes is about your association to some insider's name and face, hard work to create luck, and ability to be resourceful. It stuck with me for the most part of this year, and in all essence found it to be so true. If you take care to notice, you'll see.
[Sometimes be a realist]
[Asensual objectification]
"When I opened my eyes you were the first object I saw" and giggles roamed the room amok. This was said by a male friend and colleague of mine to a jolly fellow female colleague. The statement on its own, however innocent as it may have been uttered, is wrong. You can't say such a thing to another person, especially in this day in that we are puffing sensibility on and off set in terms of addressing sexualism, ease of workspace sharing and sexual harassment.
[Lead with fun]
All work and no play makes for poor job outcomes and any leader should be knowing that. Depending solely on the type of leader you are, will your team results show; not the job type, not the industry nor definitely not the geo-positioning factor. What any leader should bear in mind is that there's a need for a couple of light moments in the place of work. Nobody has ever delivered good group results constantly sans having a bit of fun now and then. And also, every person wants a leader that is humanly like them.
Is forgiving good? Let's ask ourselves this frankly. Maybe after answering oneself you'll start questioning your head for its thoughts. Trust me, the amount of teachings we receive on this topic is alarming given the low teachings on how to hurt others and how to avenge selves. We are ever encouraged to respond more than we should react, yet come back still the ones pained, bitter and lost, all in the name of being good people in forgiving.
[Conclude not on assumption]
"Go into marriage for legacy, and into biznes for dynasty" [1] a big life advise I got. A paganish statement to the eyes of the righteous, I know, for my life lived mostwise as a mammonite. From young, I grew up as a violent sole, and but yesterday got told how apologetic I am as a person; something that my life track disagreed with and pointed rather to humble as a fit. But then again, I asked myself about which side to me did they encounter to inform their grounded opinion to that conclusion, coz true, I am but just humble.
[Blood is always thicker]
The feeling of togetherness is one that nothing can beat. To have it as a family, team, alliance, or be it in any other form of relationship that you have with anyone, is a big deal. With unity for any group of people being a wish, society needs to invest more on things that keeps people together and living in harmony.
[Heed to forewarnings]
"Ignorance of a red flag a ceremony of your eunomic fall." [1]. A bad lot of happenings occur to us because of us choosing for them to. We meet people on a daily basis and from the experience we get from them decide upon which type of relationship we will have with them or straight out discard them, thus being informed by how they treat us or handle their affairs in our presence.
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