[Discipline isn't self-suppression]

It never cease to bother me how some of you remain justified about your standpoint of seeing discipline as a form of suppression to self. How is one feeling like that about something as positive as that simply beats me. I believe it's a must for any person to be self-disciplined sans any foreign force or thought.

What I've learned over the years is that it takes discipline to shape a sole, and that anyone who finds it hard to maintain not the one to be in my circle. Discipline is a sure way to success, fulfillment and content living if be found to be part of your vision. To achieve a lot of big things that you set for your goals, no route will take you there without making a pass at discipline of self as one of the key ingredients.

Some go to even the length of blaming discipline in racial topics. How that make the cut still a wonder to date, but yes it's used. What do you think of someone who sees discipline of self as some modern slavery? Simply put, discipline is about respectful conduct, maintained order, responsible behaviour, accountability of actions and thoughts, all things instilling self-control, self-enforced compliance, a systematic regulation of your personality and submission to your character sans fighting it.

In conclusion: don't make living your life an agenda, just master your self. Remind yourself that you need consistency in success, and the surest way to winning that entrenched in applying discipline. It's no secret that it takes care of self first to see any result to that, but, with a good build up you're going to come to terms with your new way of life.

Discipline is approach, I've learned, and if you fail at approaching self with tact, then you aren't going to succeed at most. I wish we all could lead at listening to our inner workings, especially our inner voice, and we'll be able to guide ourselves to a better understanding of self to living our days happier. Discipline is good and beneficial for you if not of force by another on you. It only require availing of oneself and all shall follow with time if submit to needs of your desired outcome of self. Nothing is hard if prepared for, and if you love yourself enough you'll do it harder...dp

[Back to your foundation]

When you build a nation, build one that is founded on questioning the yeses, the no's, the why's, the who's, the hows, the whens, and the wheres. A nation that is founded only on truth, trust, respect and love, is not the best to deal with some of its future challenges in that it missed an opportunity to build a solid foundation.

The new world order is in its second phase and if a nation doesn't have anyone questioning anything that's new in the space, is doomed. We're in the era of fabrication by the world's dominant forces. The end game is greenbacks for the less than 1% elite of the population. It now is about what to do for one to fall into that category.

In this age, it's about you and your own, or you alone, and after that will be the time for the nation. But then, what to do if the nation doesn't want to move with you, due to maybe comfort or addiction to pain and economic abuse? The answer is on your tongue tip but you'll find it better to remain tongue tied as it is easier and safer that way, and that's what is holding our nation ransom. We enjoy being listened to crying foul on racism, land and access to markets, while we got keys to the very questions.

I saw a question on Twitter just a few days ago about the strength of blacks in comparison to whites, as the post was about African athletes still standing strong on the track after whites flat on the track sauced out. It questioned how they managed to beat us while they are weaker than us. The answer I believe is simple, "know to love yourself, your own and their poor things, and not lust over that which glitters but of not your own." It is that which left us in such a mess. Buy what is of your own and watch how that replication will do for your future. Access to success isn't an easy road, but doable if be of one mind.

The love for foreign fancy end products is the real ill of the nation. What we work for is pure vanity, the senseless sanity that's sadly sold to the world's largest market that is fortunately for the world not realizing how important they are because of its focus been never on its power but obsession with hate of what they are. If only Africa's spirit was to curse in reverse, then will we see the day in the dark of night we've for long been locked in.

In conclusion: wealth is innate they'll tell you, an accursed teaching I forbid on any nation, especially mine. Never allow what is fed to you that systematically destroy your aspirations as it's the makings of your rise. Your dream not bling is important. Ask why you qualify for a donation not a business grant, how will you be that practitioner if access to a well placed location is priced above your affordability, when will you be fairly rated in par as your other race candidate on opportunity availability, where to be yourself if not here at your home ground,  who to be if not we? The education that's provided today a killer of the nation bit by bit. Let's stand up before it's too late to even know to think as ourselves in our own language. Africa, give your birth to a new breed that'll be appreciative of what you are, what you mean to the world, whom they represent as what they are, and where to take you. Africa, be in Africa again. Let's one by one go back to our roots for there our foundation is found, and where cracked, fill them...dp

[Importance of love in respect]

Respect, the heartline of leadership. Who knows of a leader who isn't feared? But then again, it shouldn't be that fear of their capabilities but rather abilities. If you're a leader it comes naturally to be a figure worth respecting with but an element of fear. Many enjoy it and but are those whom just don't at all, like me. Fear isn't a good start unlike plainly respect with set boundaries.

Fear in respect works for them I know, but it just doesn't bear fruits all the times in that approach becomes suffocated in the process. What's the use of leading people who can't bring their selves to you? Fear is borne out of good intentions at times I've realized that, but still not approving of it though. Fail Eventualized After Retake, or FEAR, shouldn't be felt advanced at first instance, but it happens with people upon seeing you for the first time because of your position or hearing about you from someone. What I personally enjoy is a person who respect my person without putting theories to it.

They say, "if you love it, set it free and if it comes back to you, know it's yours" and it for me seem same as with respect and fear. My question then is, what to do if it never comes back? My fear is of losing what I love same as fearing to lose that which I respect. What I am against, is to have one fear me as a sign of respect. Why should you fear if you adore someone or respect them? As a leader I want to move with people who enjoys my being with them than they thole the time for their benefits.

In conclusion: why not respect with love? Who made it acceptable to respect with fear to an extent of people's fear over one's abilities? We need to abolish this unhealthy norm. We need to respect not of what you are, what you have, what you can do, no, but respect rather who you are as a person...dp

[Political apathy rewards]

Penury a harsh political apathy reward to the perfidy. Life is a course that depends on your cause of lead in living it. When it comes to how you make out what you are from the form shaped in your image and name, none can be of better charge than you.

Some of the lessons of life can't go sans attention afforded them. What you learn on success, opportunity, value's worth, promise honoring, size, sub-source, etc, need to be based on a certain platform of education and specific medium. After you have that knowledge, follows the ways of entry and survival, of which are all tied to conformity. One of the elements of that is political education.

The role of politics to global society is of importance to everyone residing within its many territories irrespective of their background. What's happening around you is demanding of your attention to it, and most of that bulk should be politics. One thing good about politics is that there's no pressure for you to join in, but rather following up on them. Truth is, like it or not, they affect your day to day living.

I know there're those who said they were not interested in politics, and now in old age, running away from their selves to blame for their choices made then when realizing what a blunder they made in their youth days. It doesn't matter where in the world you're positioned, politics play a vital role in your life. Politics alter courses of life, influence the complexion of one's day's thought to base their act, force change in feel and view, challenge your planning, and dominate the content you consume.

In conclusion: life and leadership lessons aren't meant to be hard, only you choose what you shape of your shadow. Whether you had hope and dream for yourself, be sure your attitude to life doesn't become a lie to them. One of the ways to avoid hiding away in your future is doing the right things now, and doing one of them is a favour unto self to follow politics. It's hurtful to say the fact that ignorance of politics is punishable as a win to the ruler of the day. Also, your ignorance an agenda on its own...dp

[Shift shifts for change?]

If you're good at it, be good for it. There's a growing number of young practitioners in multiple sectors who think that being good at something means you're to be in all or many others. This is dangerous to the growth of many practitioners. For some extent, do more if it's in line and if it assures sustainable development.

The application of knowledge acquired is challenged at times by the way it's offered to those in need of it. How it gets packaged is in itself a big worry. You find a consultant engineer selling self as a generalist, all in the name of diversification you'll be told as a reason. It sure does sound great to someone who think it's wise to, but honestly a bad idea in that the solution seeker of today wants a specialist, and a one-stop destination if only there's a dot connection.

How the middle-aged do business is a bit different from how the young are doing it it's no secret. But then, something that's worth noting is that their success is of envy in that it is rapid than in the case of the middle-aged. This is possible via the aid of technology and earlier exposure to internet of things, big data usage comprehension, and other means of life easing information and communication skills required for exploitation thereof.

Research has shown that the most disadvantaged class is the middle-aged in business as they're the "hard work pays" believers and are the living testament to that. Young business people use money provided for by the old money for their legacy carryover, again use technology that is mostly developed by capitalization capacity from the old money, and this said to be the case that is in its second phase of happening. Testators tend to skip the immediate predecessors in favour of their offspring, thus leaving them to work hard for stability, growth and torch passing.

In field of study, it has shown that indeed there's a shift in business and it's factored by new technology and access to now era resources. How the consumer of the day is conditioned resultant from a mixed bag of realized eventualities and actualities. How business of today answers to the new consumer behavior a definite not of future consumer. What we can't be sure of is the delivery of offers of services and goods in the future if they'll be in response to consumer behavior or be in consumer behavior shaping, as is now evidenced.

In conclusion: it doesn't say whom is better than whom, or whom is spoilt, or in any way pointing a finger at any generational class, but a fact that with time a lot gets done differently including in how business is done. One thing per observations of today's market is that there seem to be better adoption and the rate of change response higher paced than it has been before, and as such, informing us that the market shift is lagging behind consumer adaptation to change factors. And then again, if it's a case of one being good at many facets and not thinking they can be good, can then service their diversified market and those specialists service theirs. It now remains to be seen if whether there'll be a single tick form of consumer behavior or be it the status quo orthodoxy as the big question being that, "is shift shifting for change?"...dp

[Kings & Queens of poverty]

'Respect them, but fear none' [1] we all have learnt. You'll have that shine in time and but when grace falls, great becomes the pain from the laugh at your failure to finish with retirement of the sun. So, to you, what's the shine you've lost in your life? Is it of your doing or by design? The way to you won't be said straight as it is, for truth is an agenda.

What Africa is swimming in currently, a tip no utterance can afford it its supposed solace. The daily attacks are coming from all angles and on the other hand is the long lost shields they keep fighting over as if they got no answer of where and whom to they lost them. How we feel about the 1884 conference, the Arab betrayal through slave trading, together with many other gatherings of like is of no use and significance to them, a worse stair to disharmony to one's inner.

The education we received from that day a continua to self-destruction. Living in a global village but made to pay the price for your innocent curiosity so you find it better rested in diluted inquisitiveness as what suits your kind. The treatment meted out to this humble nation a shame that is unfortunately a trophy of belonging out there. Africans, why are we still ashamed to act out what their project has resulted in us? Let's keep intensifying the taste of their architecture ignorantly back to them. So proud of Morocco over their latest move. It should be loud to the Spanish civilians that it's actually not against them but their government.

Ecuador has for the past 11 days or so being voicing out their disgruntled feeling against rising energy and food prices, though media elected to turn a blind eye on. Examples like these are vivid to you Africa, rise against the tide and rely on your wisdom and strength to make new shields to protect oneself with. Wake up, see how this system of theirs slowly keeps us strewn in generational curse after the other. Africa, cut chasing after the charismatized rhetoric of timeless change for it's not for your today or tomorrow, but for them and their coming generations. Be worried of who you've become after who you were, so as to shape your future generations.

In conclusion: whether you give respect to champions of your poverty design, entirely up to you and your conscience, but their doings had a generational rippling effect on dignity, confidence, identity, self-based worth, etc, as a people, as they through their instrumentation went straight for the crown via a humanomics quadradia against your financial triquadia. And like my brother and friend said "know your why" [2], I then say "Africa, ask to know your why" and you're to know why you're lost unto self, why you lost your purpose, why you lost to false promise, why you lost your possessions; and clawing back your power will be a realized eventuality when children of the soil start questioning all these Kings and Queens of poverty...dp

[1] by copyright control.
[2] by Mr Mohlatlego Mokumo.

[What's important about impact?]

What's important about impact? I've been on a loop mode around this question. Is it maybe I am stuck on something that's not even worth mentioning? I kept asking myself until I decided to jot something about it.

Impact is used in many cases and in many ways. But then, how do you use it in your case? Impact can affect economy by word, act or say, can affect your course of life through an experience or occurrence, can also be a good or bad takeaway, it can be in many ways. It but feels good if it's in you and having a positive effect on the nexts through its possession.

You can find impact in almost anyone and anything. What matters is what one does with that of theirs. You can grow the next person through it, influence a result through it, build a nation through it, and, how one does that remains a subject of importance.

In conclusion: when you think of impact it brings feelings, hopes, future, age, and any other subject attached. This subject is attention seeking but not given much if not none, and reason why, I still struggle to comprehend that. This necessitated by the way governments and business are run, which leaves us with a lasting impact from those results, hence this subject is important.

What impact is, is power, influence and possibility in one. For those who recognize impact for what it is, knows how to use it to gain respect as well as give it to others responsibly...dp