If you're good at it, be good for it. There's a growing number of young practitioners in multiple sectors who think that being good at something means you're to be in all or many others. This is dangerous to the growth of many practitioners. For some extent, do more if it's in line and if it assures sustainable development.
The application of knowledge acquired is challenged at times by the way it's offered to those in need of it. How it gets packaged is in itself a big worry. You find a consultant engineer selling self as a generalist, all in the name of diversification you'll be told as a reason. It sure does sound great to someone who think it's wise to, but honestly a bad idea in that the solution seeker of today wants a specialist, and a one-stop destination if only there's a dot connection.
How the middle-aged do business is a bit different from how the young are doing it it's no secret. But then, something that's worth noting is that their success is of envy in that it is rapid than in the case of the middle-aged. This is possible via the aid of technology and earlier exposure to internet of things, big data usage comprehension, and other means of life easing information and communication skills required for exploitation thereof.
Research has shown that the most disadvantaged class is the middle-aged in business as they're the "hard work pays" believers and are the living testament to that. Young business people use money provided for by the old money for their legacy carryover, again use technology that is mostly developed by capitalization capacity from the old money, and this said to be the case that is in its second phase of happening. Testators tend to skip the immediate predecessors in favour of their offspring, thus leaving them to work hard for stability, growth and torch passing.
In field of study, it has shown that indeed there's a shift in business and it's factored by new technology and access to now era resources. How the consumer of the day is conditioned resultant from a mixed bag of realized eventualities and actualities. How business of today answers to the new consumer behavior a definite not of future consumer. What we can't be sure of is the delivery of offers of services and goods in the future if they'll be in response to consumer behavior or be in consumer behavior shaping, as is now evidenced.
In conclusion: it doesn't say whom is better than whom, or whom is spoilt, or in any way pointing a finger at any generational class, but a fact that with time a lot gets done differently including in how business is done. One thing per observations of today's market is that there seem to be better adoption and the rate of change response higher paced than it has been before, and as such, informing us that the market shift is lagging behind consumer adaptation to change factors. And then again, if it's a case of one being good at many facets and not thinking they can be good, can then service their diversified market and those specialists service theirs. It now remains to be seen if whether there'll be a single tick form of consumer behavior or be it the status quo orthodoxy as the big question being that, "is shift shifting for change?"...dp
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