[To be teachable is a blessing]

Being self-conscious of your knowledge limit is one of the brightest measures to gauge oneself with honesty by, to avoid embarrassment and self-hurt. It’s not to say that you need to lower your esteem or develop inferiority complex attitude towards self, no, but simply being reasonable with self for your level of knowledge. To not know and declare it is much wiser than to not know but hide it in that there’s danger alone in doing so.

What people should realize is that if one doesn’t know it doesn’t say they are foolish or stupid, or worthless. What non-knowledge of something should be seen as is an opportunity to learn and as nothing below that. Anything that’s new to you presents a chance for something new to know. If only we looked at things like that in a different light then we would’ve been far off as a nation, and also wouldn’t be looking at someone who’s non-knowing differently.

Our attitudes are clouted by unnecessary thoughts to life and its things. What others say about life and its things also influence the thinking machinery in us. If we take life as it is and be still in it then we wouldn’t treat one another same way we do like it is always. We need to remember that our understanding of things and people won’t be same and so is our education levels, and should respect that. Some of us lack that very basic education of understanding the outer workings of education in its uniqueness that makes us interesting beings we are and you a unique subject of interest.

In conclusion: to be available for a learning process is a big favour unto self and an extended benefit for the nation as a whole. What you learn is a positive thing for not only you and your akins, but for the industry you’re in too. The gains of education are huge if your soul and spirit are wholly invested in it, should you allow for self to be teachable. Know that to be teachable is a blessing in that you attract good things to self that in the end gives you growth that morphs your importance as a person you are. Be teachable, and you’ll see what a blessing it is...dp

[More personal in person]

Ever asked yourself what goes into the wild energy that drives an argument from a mild spirited debate to an uncontrollable rage that so much cry in beg for a filter those involved deny it? When thoughts you know as facts gets challenged with mockery it does that to one. Anything that’s close to heart easily catches a choky melancholia whenever it meets a vile dip into ashes of corrupt verbal diarrhoea, as it riles the soul in a bad way the inner can’t handle better indifferently, with but just squares of scores to settle. It leaves no innocent ground to step on except near the good gates of cemetery. 

But then, being personal in business is unavoidable in that your soul is poured into everything that goes into building it. Whatever you’re doing as a part of that movement takes a bit of you and when it gets attacked you’ll defend it with your all because it’s personal to you. The harshest toll of truth you needn’t be afraid of telling is that nothing is as more personal as your own creation, and with business, it’s worse, as it has an array of elements in it.

In pursuit of one’s dream, the path to success has sweats stacked up with alienated window shopping aspirations that rhymes to no appoggiatura from any system that offers expiation. The loneliness that comes with the shine search narrows supply of friendly faces to crack smoked ice with. Sad thing is, your future asks for spectacles and no frame allows for squeeze of your size, thus leaving you with bitterness tattooed to your apposed memories.

In essence, attempts boosts never the underpaid in the process. Life of a businessperson a usual fixture in the slaughterhouse of hopes and dreams, and up to one to shield theirs with cred. Fails build a person only if are playing the hand of courage but in business reversing you into an arena of its own kind with thorny walkways. It’s hard cladding self with glory and get away sans and discard in there. The energy that roams the world of business touts strong soles with tenacity else you’ll die of complaints from bloated bureaucracy, nothing is more personal than that villipend feeling; it’ll make you appreciate your person more and also value your success during your season of economic harvesting. Go in with lowered expectations.

In conclusion: with all those bad registrations of horrid experiences there’s no way you’ll have anything good to say about your journey. But, as they say, make a lemonade of the lemons they give you and with stones thrown at you build a strong staircase to your way up in. Assign yourself to that  yang of self-ability. Be there in person for self and more personal. We all know that negativities that cluster the business world can demoralise you but armoured with your vision nothing can come to vanquish thy passion embellished within. One good thing about starting self is the pragmatic lessons roaming abound to imbibe to your growth. Be there to witness yourself...dp

[Circumstantial liars]

Business will make you a liar, underline that and accept to live as one. Operating a business a painful experience in your early days. Most of the times things don’t go as expected and mess up with your promises to your given word. Truth is, service providers don’t respect and treat a startup same as an established brand. Also, not to be quoted as being racist, but in some occasions the skin colour adds to the type of service you’re to receive after the size of your business. Believe you me, the world of business is a tough street to walk if aren’t with the right pair of shoes on your feet.

When they say that you have to think on your feet they really mean it. The thick politicized veil of the corporate world is not a sweet chariot that’ll take you home anytime soon, if you catch me. The startup operator has the hot iron with no handle in their hand all the time and expected to still come out of the house with ironed clothes. The playing fields are different and stages of competition aren’t similar. What I’m still not sure of is who’s outside the stadium and how do they see the game as they have the chance to peep in both stadia; their conclusion is of much importance to the game partakers, especially if they’re strict about voting with their pocket power.

Running a small business you get to learn that when they say the service provider close doors at 15:30 to make sure that you’re there by 15:10, otherwise you may find them for you closed at 15:25, and none to stand up for you to be opened for. Such instances makes the list in the lies you’re ever accused of. What’s sad is, in almost all of the lies you tell to your consumers, they aren’t of your doing but by others failing you purposely at times. In business there’re no true friends, put that in your head if you don’t want to learn the hard way. The people you engage with are simply civil rivals who opt to keep you near but not close to them.

Strategies and plans deployed in the small business level vary with those in the larger entities because the struggle is different. With a small business it’s a fight for gradual infiltration while in the case of the latter being maintaining position and expanding the brand’s offerings while fighting for consumer retention. What the game stands as is, the smaller player lie for covering disappointments resulting from the big player’s sabotage while the bigger player lies to sell their offers and their brand with the one brand one product message rhetoric.

In conclusion: rest assured, everyone in business is no different to you, what differentiate you from them is the size of their entity in market share and asset base. Apart from those, both you and them are liars, and that’s the nature of the business world. What separates the market is the sweeter lie to the other. Then, let’s agree that all in business tell lies because of circumstances and, despite all the sad stories there’s no other place we’ll be other than in here making runs in-betwixt the thrills that makes it interesting to be in this tough and mysterious world...dp    

[Consistency in persistence and perseverance]

If you want the day dirty you’ll play in dust, and if you want the sun dirty you’ll throw mud at it[1]. This’s the time of trials and tribulations. The pandemic has hurt and shaped the norm into a different figure that’s so unyesterday yet today for the better of a bad tomorrow. The new terrain is a non-negotiator and an aggressive bully that knows exactly how to wipe out a whistle-blower that’s loudest in the loud hailing choir. And to survive its muster guillotine, do you mask the truth or give pressure a make-up? Show up for your success, your calling dream is relying on that to wake your sleepy vision.

From anyone who has a hit of achievement to their name there’s a wound of reminder. Obstacles in their journeys to their success were thrown their way time and again but chose to trek on despite and as such should be the same with us today. To be honest, what is sounding and valid as reason to your failure can be an excuse to another, so the message is simple: “just push harder” and it shall be.

The open secret to success in business and life is consistency, without that in your recipe you are heading for a futile undertaking route. Success is like a child, it starts somewhere and gradually grows, and to strut your character by its culture. Success is a story that lives on storyline and that is dependent on you the starter of that. You can’t start without a dream and passion else there’ll be no point of it all. In business you pursue a dream.

In conclusion: a language with many tongues to its coding it is, business rewards those with resilience and focus. How deep you are into your self-belief, vision and product will be shown in how you’re not prepared but by how much you put in the fight for your success. Business is for the success driven through results seeking and goals setting. What you want to achieve out of yourself will determine the quantified quality you’ll extract out of opportunity you set your sights on. Make no mistake of assuming that success in business is only based on numbers, no, it’s based on a number of factors that are in control by others not you, and that’s the sad reality of the phenomenon called “the market”. But, of all things to consider, you should be consistent on peddling your persistence and persevere regardless of what the market and its gate keepers bar for entry. Just know that if it’s for you it’ll at the end be yours if keep at pushing for it...dp 

[1] by KgeleLeso

[Punishing the wrong player]

How many times we get it wrong is just but puzzling. I shake my head looking at the signages of small businesses every sight I throw my eyes at. Job creation at its very ground roots level, but then, why do we keep standing in their way of growth? 

Legislation a heartbreaker

I say this based on the way in which our own governments are killing hopes, dreams and aspirations of those trying to do something about high unemployment gaping at the global population. I still see none in my corner nodding in support. Okay, then, devil is in the detail as they say and maybe you’ll say ‘amen’ to my sermon ending. 

The ministries of labour the world over are busy year after year trying to make their employment legislation work but unfortunately they arrive always at the opposite end of their desired result. Amendment after the other and yet no employer seem to be happy. This is because our governments fail at consulting the employer properly before sealing their drafts which are at most in favour of the employee. Not that it’s wrong, but bad if look at it from the employer’s perspective. However you define it, it still is demoralising to say the least.

How about this scenario?

Think of a law abiding citizen who starts a small establishment to survive. He starts off by hiring an unqualified assistant to help out and hold the fort for him when he goes out to stock or run some errants just as others similar in his position will do. He sits his assistant down and arrives at an agreement that he can afford to pay him so and so much, of which the assistant gladly accepts. Then as days go by someone with good though bad to the employer intentions, advise the assistant that the employer should up his offer on wages as that is by law not on par with regard to the minimum wage scales. The assistant goes to the relevant officials to report that and is told the offer is below scale and should be paid accordingly. The employer due to reasons cited from the beginning, can’t afford the revised offer and lets the assistant go with the little he could afford with a bronze handshake seeing that it doesn’t measure up to the golden handshake witnessed in many a high-profile incumbent’s case.

At home the family of the assistant won’t be able to receive the little he could be collecting monthly anymore, and starts blaming the employer for failing to meet the basic income set out in the legislation and for having terminated their arrangement. The employer is still starting out and however small the amount may be is but still steep for him to can offer the assistant. As things stand, who do we point the finger at for failing the family of the assistant? Whatever your answer, ask yourself why.

Statutory regulations a sift trick

Some in the know may pose sad questions atop the already sad reality of the small time self-employed person. Did he register the business first before hiring the assistant? Does the business have a tax clearance, a bank account and any employment benefit if be? But the truth is that not everyone will afford satisfying those requirements before trying their luck first at whatever they want to start. Then again, how will you advise a person in that state? Further again, how right are you going to be in advising him that way? Why can’t something as simple as an affidavit be valid as a business relationship instrument beats me. A round table unfortunately a must for all relevant stakeholders to come up with creative yet accommodative alternate entry solutions to enable even the hand-to-mouth operator a chance at going formal. Let’s shake the ground; break the mould and all may reap the compromise fruits.                               

In conclusion: to some I may sound a bit pushing the good brought by legislation aside, but rather pleading for a balance. Getting penalized for one’s efforts at alleviating the other’s poverty is painful. To some degree it is right but then on other hand to some extent I believe they should check first into one’s coffers to verify if whether they can afford to comply or not, and also how best to allow the beginners a chance at employing others for a certain period before complying. Or best, break threshold compliance into tiers and maybe full compliance will be a small step from eventuality.

If only our lawmakers could hold their horses and collaborate with all affected parties maybe they’ll adopt the models used in neighbouring states by their counterparts on how to empower small businesses. We should not shy away from praising them on how they demystify the red tape small business operators are so used to in many teritorries. The easier it is to run a business the rapid growth the economy will see. High unemployment rate is a result of unwilling leaders to work with willing solutions providers to reduce the numbers. What they ought to remember is that it is employers who take chances at creating jobs and not the other way round, lest they opt to flying out to those economies that will welcome them with open arms and be doing what they should be doing in their home economies elsewhere.

All things start with by-laws. In developing sound regulatory laws at municipality level, there'll be a conducive space that enables startups to thrive, a breathing space for small players. We need to lament this vacuum for lack of support towards local economy stimulation. What I say is in simpler terms that our governments should allow for startups a grace period in order to find their feet first before they come hard on them with regulatory requirements that sees them being treated like criminals and low life self-centred scums. Entrepreneurs should be seen as our now day heroes and not be labelled otherwise for their efforts, especially in these trying times. Let's stop punishing the wrong player for the effort put in...dp

[Partnership with a cohabiter]

The complexity that comes with business partnerships is in many forms of its problems, and one of them is that of going in with a cohabiter. Cohabitation, by any standards, pose a huge challenge to society as a whole before we chop it into different categories of its entrants. The reasons behind it remains to date a distorted chord of risky notes to strike. Then now, if opt out of a partnership citing a partner’s living arrangement, what does it make one out to be?

Many businesses have gone under because of partners’ private issues and one of the deadly silent contributors that’s tolerated is cohabitation. At times it ain’t a bad thing to choose working with plainly single and married persons in that with them you know what you’re dealing with, though giving certainty only provided they are open and transparent about their personal hardships in their relationships freely. A steady business relationship works best where honesty in that front is commonly practised. 

A partner should be upfront with you on critical aspects of their affairs if in a cohabitation set up like how long they’ve been in that arrangement, or intend staying in it, or their exit plan out of it. It may sound like prying but it’s important. You ought to also be sure of their legal implications on your business in the eventuality of their split. What is their arrangement on the business front? Will there be any share split, or a walk-away deal of some sort? Truth is, whether like it or not, if people are living together their career paths tend to somehow get shaped by the other party’s input and during break-up find that element eventually making an unprecedented appearance in the whole fracas. Mind you, any change in their living arrangement may prove to sabotage your worth and future livelihood. So, bear such factors in the fore when in your decision stage on whether or not to partner.

In the midst of everything, does the cohabiter have a valid will? Life has no guarantees shelved in its offers, so be sure to ascertain of its existence if be assured it's sorted. It’s not wrong to quell any nerve of doubt, it’s your responsibility as a partner as you’re right to protect your interests at all costs. The issue of shareholding makes a comeback when considering the size of the cohabiter’s equity in the partnership. My little piece of a danger point that you need to be clear about is the risky tide you swim into, and that’s if the latter holds majority stake in the business. A majority to them is a serious red flag, fly away far as you can if no chance is there for you switching positions. Partner with a cohabiter on terms of them being the minority holder of equity or else risk your climb to the nearest highest peak for a free fall death jump. Partner with them only where there’re prospects of stability and certainty that favours your fortunes more than it does them, for in these ones you just have no choice but be outright selfish.      

In conclusion: it should be borne in mind that it’s not about judging anyone’s circumstances but rather sift-sipping calcium out of marrow. Cohabitation can go either way at any given time, and good is if it leads to marriage or be bad and lead to a split. The biggest headache challenge is its non-binding nature. If take a dive with partnering with a cohabiter, which gender would make a safer bet than the other and how, should be invited in your play of gamble.

I’m not saying people shouldn’t cohabit or not do business with cohabiters, no, I’m simply italizing  the consequential circumstances thereof. Again, thus not meaning it’s a wrong thing to do, whilst also not insinuating that business dealings with a single or married person is beneficial, certain and fruitful, but inherently highlighting key aspects of a business relationship with someone who’s in that particular living arrangement. Fact is, going into business with just about anyone a risk irrespective of a person’s social status, hence going in you should be protective of probable emotional blows on your disappointment. And but, however you can do to spare yourself, how protective is the cohabiter of you and the business in their set-up?...dp     

[Value your surrounders]

Look to your left then to your right! To move back and forth there’s always someone by your side or behind you to hold you down with ease in times of need or doubt. The role played by the people around you at times surpasses even the one by your akins. Many people are where they are not because of their family, but because of familiar strangers who chose them over others. Such people are your friends, partners, consumers, colleagues, neighbours, etc, a mixed bag of well wishers and first liners of your defence, protection and help.

We at times downplay the impact of those whom we sit and chat with, or receive a call from just to say hi, that greeter with a golden smile for you; it may be anyone you can think of whom you seldom engage with or all the time. The role that they play is significant in that none relative to you will ever slot in and do the things the person did same as they. Similarly to business, the experience you give to any stakeholder will not ever be similar as by any other, and also how you make your partners experience you going asame. 

Switching the plugs, do you feel appreciated by those whom you’re surrounded with same as the way you do them? It’s a worthy question in that many a times we experience some imbalance in that regard. But then, if be it that they’re the ones putting in more than you should then try meet them halfway. The value of people who’re around you and with you for you as themselves is immeasurable. 

People around you are many things to you. They’re your character witnesses, personal brand anthemizers, supporters, admirers, partners in life and career, so, appreciate them no matter what. However many things they may be to you though, be still careful of the value they add on you for not everyone surrounding you is a good cheerer. Forget not to side walk falls from some of them. Being conscious will favour you vigilantly if sift with just honesty.           

In conclusion: reward with courtesy and respect. Those who’re there for you deserve to be treated with fairness and respect. The people close to you are vital for your safety and growth, and keeping them will remain fashionably important to you. Gratitude an appreciation given to the next to express your valuing and acknowledgement of them for their meaningful contribution in your life. And to show your valuing of your surrounders, you’ll live their teachings and reflect in continuum their invaluable lessons even after they’ve passed on. Remember: ‘nothing compares to the impact of the simplicity of wisdom unpacked by a seasoned grey haired sole.[1]. Sojourner,,,rest assured that Shatadi 'a bo Moyalenaga knows...dp

[1] by Selah