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[Growth for purpose]
[Consequence of hope]
We all give it and receive it from others and things. Hope knows no status, race, territory, name, etc, as it's a neutral noun that is important for anyone's spirit in down times and during moments of wander. Hope doesn't matter what size the wish is for, it boosts the feeling of possibility and ignite positive vibes.
[Maybe you know]
Push hard or try hard. Unsettling honestly about what you're going through is nothing worth achieving any peace and happiness that freedom can't find anywhere else sans exposing your soul to choice of reality vs fiction.
[Working with the wrong TEAM]
[Cut the bad roots]
Any plant is a beautiful creation. What should also be mentioned is the soil that holds the plant and the roots that runs wide and deep to keep the plant firmly grounded and nourished. When we talk of a plant, we never care to put both the soil and the roots in the very same sentence because they aren’t important to some as at most never even thought about. The same could be said about working relationships.
In business, generally the public looks at the plant as the star attraction, and that translating to them overlooking the operators (soil) and workforce (roots). Nobody ever cares about the soil and roots because they never scream for attention, hence if they do, gets dealt with immediately. How you deal with bad soil is tilling it and with roots you simply cut them. This applies too in business front and personal front, and one of those ways is being separated from them.
Separation is a touchy subject almost all the time and but a necessary move at times. When a group disbands it is never pleasant, and but better as you’ll have others to lean on, while with a split between two individuals a harder affair. If you feel that someone is no longer serving your life interests in good faith or causing you disrepute, best you discard them before they cause you further damage.
The act of cutting someone out of your life is not a wrong thing as long it’s stemming from reasonable and justifiable circumstances. Some people are just not ready to align themselves with the set rules and terms of governance and, that a test to those in lead. Whether it’s a partner or staffer, cutting out a negative energy element a must if you’re to restore positivity and realize productivity. Never forget to think about you first when dealing with uprooting the bad element as they don’t think for you when they wrong you. But, be diligent when executing such a move in that you need to be sure it was not a mistake what they committed in the process to avoid retracement on your part. Thing is, any permanent move should be a faultless implementation.
In conclusion: closure after pain is necessary for your healing and, if the root cause doesn’t go away so will the lingering agony hover longer; so, deal with the source of your pain to its finish. It’s also important to be specific on what you’re protecting self from in the process and also what you’re protecting for yourself. Is it from shame, or from danger, or from loss, etc, or is it for power, or for respect, or for career, etc, as it should be clear before ridding the element off. The challenge with cutting ties is that some roots are hard to die, they keep growing long after the cut-off, and should you allow them to continue growing with you attached to them a dire consequence for your personal brand. The key take away here is that you should never associate your brand with some people or entities once you cut ties with them. To cement your stance you must publicly state that and keep your distance ever visible between you and them as being on the fence not going to do you any good at the end. Simply put, treat them as cut stories that are worth nothing more than just unusable material to discard...dp
[Foolproofed user-friendly]
'Who said "in simplified terms" isn't the new fool-proofed user-friendly?'[1]. It's up to you how you decode a message they deem hard to comprehend to the level of an average person's understanding. Whenever you hear a person mention "in simpler terms" or "in lay man's term basis" or the likes, chances are they feel you're below their level and trying to tone down to accommodate that lower level of yours or vice versa.
[Invisible influence]
In conclusion: take a risk and do something that will make you experience your full potential, and honestly, that's the invisible influence that awaits your gut to unearthing your full YOU and living your dream. Go on, take the globe, turn it and put your finger anywhere and control how your mind think of it and, voila,,,you found your subject path to your success 'cause at the end you got to be something somewhere some day. As long as you can keep reminding yourself that the very invisible influence you sought all the time has been there in you, and you just need to understand how much it wants to feed off you. Good luck making your life interesting...dp
[1] by Kgele Leso