[Split unity]
[Etisha pele bao ba go beago pele]
Season's greetings; filled with hope for a better start this time around as we dub 2021 the year of vaccination, and a year to remember those who were there for us in our darkest hour. After a past year of misgivings, I hope we will spread the message of "Etisha pele bao ba go beago pele" in SePedi or in English "Put to the fore those who place you first" in this times of shared limited resources.
[Retrograde rebound]
How do you look at your next partnership coming from the one with teared emotion from its endless drama? How long do you take before jumping into the next? How will you treat the next partnership? What does the backdrop of the partner say about where they come from? Do you know why?
[Refrain from bad vibes]
Life of business is infested with many tiny squabbles that if not managed well can lead to frenimity bubbles. The danger lies in you not knowing how to deal with disappointments and angers stemming from failures and mistakes. At times it just drains you, especially if you're faced with bad communication.
[Peace of your money]
What gives you peaceless patches of times in your quiet moments? I don't want to turn this to me since I'm sensing you contemplate on that. Thing is, I got to learn a lot from experiences given by the business world in conjunction with money, and so are you.
[Reality is bold and actual]
There's nothing as real about reality than it's realness. When you touch yourself and things, what you feel is tangible and then be those intangible stuffs that you feel and sense yet can't touch. The world of business and career is leaned on both, and same goes for life.
[Failure an experience to success]
Success a challenge to a failed thought. The only remedy for such a damaged mind is settling doubt that roams free in question how you didn't see it that way or done it the other way. Giving up is the capital builder of non-progression in any situation, as it breeds the culture of surrender to negativity.