[Does it matter?]

"A slap met the cheek not ready, made it look awfully awesome in some kinda way though not making it okay. Spectacular shame hey!" [1] a young lady said with some mixed disbelief, and following up on it got me shocked to learn that the old man hit a lad for pronouncing his family name wrongly that it begged the question: "does it matter though?" and but quickly became clear it does in a small way.

Calling another person by name is a sign of recognition and acknowledgement, and should be appreciated in general. Society of late is a different beast that's proving hard to tame. People are these days full on encumbered in clamoured bile tendencies that it renders mannerism a vestige fairytale. The yesternight's incident made me question how insanely insensitive we've rapidly evolved to becoming a fouled nation.

We daily talk, write and read, and above all we listen. Now, are we called in the correct way every time? Are verbs and nouns pronounced same? The answer is no because of nativity and non, something that ought to be considered when communicating with others at all material times. Names of places, people, products and brands gets butchered daily and it but can't warrant a slap simply because of age and humility advanced to you.

We must take it upon ourselves to teach others how we are called, how our favorite brands and products are called, where we come from to be spelled out correctly, and even our salutations because it matters. We need to normalize rectifying the next whenever such occurs sans being rude or harsh.

Practitioners in language proficiency are playing their part but is their role seen as it should? How we educate our young and also how we adopt by-cultures results in the material of society we breed. What is but key, is exercising patience when with those who aren't native to us when we converse, for even us are terrible in their languages. It may feel bad when wrongly uttered but always remembered you too learn something new at every of point you enter in first instance.

In conclusion: with personal names and surnames plus places I get it, but then, what about brands? Who's supposed to be teaching people about their names? This keeps happening and we seem comfortable with people left to figure out  brand and product or service name pronunciation themselves with assumptions that it'd spark conversations around the brand, but does it bear fruits, I don't think so since many a company don't even measure that. We need to be serious about our brands and be worried by even such small things like that brand name calling...dp

[1] by unknown
2K25. ddwebbtel publishing

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