[Male a target of regression]

With every turn of the globe emerges a new hurdle to the detriment of a male species. A reversal of his gains started creeping in circa 1950s, and its toll order a mobilized reactor ever since to date. How females used to look up to the male figure with fascination and admiration pregnant expectation, is now a fashion that even defunct respect contends not with. A man has been dealt with to the point of no return to innocence default mode, but the rise of his role in his movie a scene with a pen fought for to write the script right as its lead; though just by the bold and daring sponge squeeze.

With males still making up well over 80% of lawmakers, it remains questionable why still is it status quo for a man. There ain't no new skyline for him to benchmark with. For a quick feature in the model, a man is playing second fiddle to a woman in this day. A man gets no break at all from the multiple layers of the oppression administered upon him by the very men he voted to the fore to lead him. Nothing is of late meant for a man, worse is any geared for a poor man except his depopulation. All that's done for the market is for the one with something in his pocket. And, before we can talk about the top blowing expectations that women lists on a man, the pressure put on a man is paralyzing, and many men in position of enablement sadly cares less.

We see a lot of men in saloons and taverns, at scrapyards, on the streets, and judge; but have we taken care to share a moment with them just to hear them out? Men pay huge instalments yet not be driving those cars or staying in peace in those homes, because of them converted by law to automated teller machines or magical funds for women and children. Men are legislated as default abusers, as pathological thieves and liars, as pinned high risk elements to insure, as anything negative unless they can work hard to draw themselves into the brackets of okay by the in-charged. There's no joy these days being a man.

In business, it's a rarity of luck to find a man whose purposed vision is to onboard another into beneficiation. Today, a man must have assets to his name or anything equitized to his person in order to be given the weight of listen on the table. Some who are exposed will concur with me on the lately emerging practice of powerful men disempowering others for a piece of grey power for them. There ain't peace to nestle freely in as a man, and those called alcoholics, hobos, greed brokers and sellouts, aren't liking selves for that but forced by situations they're locked in. Some careers and opportunities are of late exclusively designed for women's propel, and men fighting for a position in faced with either lowering their value scorecards or lowering their dignity garments, for it's tough systematically to break through for anyone with an appendage below abdominal area.

In conclusion: there's a silent auction of male dominance, and soon its outcrop will be a mainstay to fields of influence. To bid with success you ought to know which currency of choice is preferred, otherwise you'll sell yourself short and be outstripped any chance left of worth to rent in their books of authority. Sell your soul if you learned enough or trade your dignity if you're trained right, or opt for the hard work path. When they say commit to brotherhood setup it's no joke, some people deemed successful are there as representatives of theirs, what about you? Lone islands struggle in these systems, so, best you adhere or soldier on loned with full knowledge though that male is a target of regression by his very own first before the female tide. Respect a man who rose above the line of poverty and carved a seat at the top of the choice affordance level, for what he's been subjected to, a week of death to explain on the day of finish...dp

©2K24 ddwebbtel publishing.

[Debulk from the wasted resources pool]

Look around your neighbourhood. How many lost hopes are at your disposal? What can be done with that? The diaphanously low volume of soles with available active hope is many times less than the volume of committed to bettering selves soles, while a sheer volume pooled in the discouraged triers zone. I pity the youthful ones as they make an extra fold of over half these frailed statistics. The picture still presents a lot to swim into, but rather than extending the pond, we stick to agendas that limit our lives for good.

Sometimes we blame others for their harsh stances in some instances sans looking at the merit of their actioned decisions. The system of government in many parts of the globe is designed to do exactly just that to its electorate; empowering sectoral sponge squeeze in society to point a finger at others below. To say the least, a lot of people want to better their lives but are not willing to put in the work required to actually be economically viable for the market activity. We all have hope, but oftentimes neglect it, and that a mistake some of us make. Learn to define your identity, match it to your life desires, and work out a plan to effect its implementation. As an individual you are an embodiment that encompasses dreams and aspirations, and but, there's always that one dream, the master dream, that's the maketh of your definition.

Ever thought of yourself as a resourced asset? I am sure a lot don't. You are many things to self and others, and once you appreciate that about yourself, will then start treating your resource inventory better. When was it your last time going to the library? Or to the clinic for a routine check up? The hope you are to your life, spirit, family and others, constantly wish for your better health, deeper knowledge, and shaping self for the material your hope longs for for your success. Deny the demerit default to swallow you.

In conclusion: many thoughts shared at street corners, social clubs, entertainment spots, school, work, and many other places of converge, are a ruin to many beautiful hopes. Fail not your compounding by never stopping to read, write, debate, and conversing with everyone about everything on a consistent basis. Hope works mysteriously, it gets charged up by sparks from engagements with unusual per chance fellows, daily usual fellows and constant habits. How you are is how you either become or happen; it's your choice. One thing but, is that, your hopes and  dreams holds you liable for your vision, so, debulk from the wasted resources pool...dp

©2K24 ddwebbtel publishing.

[Observe for buy-in into culture]

Going about your dailies with an ignorance shield no longer a valid postcode to point out one's rooted stance. Same goes for the monotony of 'still learning' whenever your step not the choice of masters. Whoever you are, you're dipped in poly instances of culture by default, and to come out tops have to just learn to observe above anything else.

With dependence on what soul attire you wear from time to time for conformity specificity, culture is a broad reflection of relationships with values, beliefs, and behaviour, beyond attitude to language, food, usables and wearables by one. What we can best be in life is observers of diversity to acquire culture via enculturation and socialization.

Culture is a shift that's simultaneously a non-fluctuating stance of someone. It's a practical science that never gets taught but harvested silently by an opportunity driven sole. If the will to be acquainted with multi-disciplinary phenomena ain't there in one, then the scope of progress an obvious ocean boil. Nature a credited curiosity for the knowledge seeking and an unremitting burden to avoid for the growth deathed, and but, culture finds a rich amaranthine in both.

In the corporate space, culture plays a huge role in brand definition, operational philosophy, purpose valuation, team strengthening and success familiarization. And, as such, reasonably a priced determiner of development, growth and sustenance factoring in many an entity; and any sole mated to the entity to make a part thereof from the onset. Culture is the backbone of causality in an entity's being and not to be treated as an afterthought at all. Further, culture is meant to be a phenomenon that one blends into, so, judge not and question not sans experiencing it first. If not to your taste, be not a culture pooper by simply leaving, respectfully, in that any interference thereto a disturbance to the corporate nature.  

In conclusion: we therefore, shouldn't be bitter at the vast amount of tidal rages meted at any sole that undermines observation of culture. It may seem immaterial at times to some, but it's effect tantamount if given the energy it craves for showing. It's unforgivable to have an untiming one upset culture rollout in its motion, as an impact from that a mood block that takes too much effort to regain, an exercise that's at most a lost cause.

Though a firm believer in acculturation, there're downsides to culture though which can be toxicity, impossibility and immorality. Those elements are destructive and counter intuitive for any aspirant brand builder, and should so be eschewed. Encourage full time full blown embrace of culture in your entity and enjoy unison of team action that'll see you achieve your set goals. Support buy-in into culture and catapult to your glory and, escape clutches of penury for good...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K24.

[What will your child be born into?]

With poverty a blanket covering an average life spender, wealth makes for a far fetched hallucination for many that is but a reality to a sponge squeeze. Some in there belonging in the supreme 5% whilst others in the elite onueruite 1%, and the rest found in the se battre 95%. This open book revelation overtaking the nicety sugarcoats of truth to ask; "what will your child be born into? Will it be into poverty or wealth?"

The choices of any parent person are binding to the outcomes of their every child's future. To connect a child to their dreams a decision to their mutual relatability to you. You owe it to your offspring to make them succeed in return for their acceptable response to you, and that panning out in business too. As a leader you have to deliver to your team in a way that makes them in turn behave and perform as expected, but as hoped for as well.

Bringing a child into this world you know is a lifetime commitment to care of that sole. Some come as a surprise mistake, some as an experiment, others planned, while others as a spite or a trap of another. Now, given a host of other muted circumstances that a child arrives into, which child stands a good chance at a better upbringing? For instance, a product of rape or forced pregnancy or a hidden pregnancy, already a child that is bound to receive less than average love in many a case, and thus meaning same to apply to their support for their dreams. This is similar to employees who are troubled, you never know how to deal with them right all the time in that they crave attention and a ternal support, of which in the place of work not a proper space therefor. A badly grown child tends to be a nuisance at work or in a working relationship setup, and a menace to those in their immediacy.

As a businessperson, it matters not how or not liquid you are, you are liable to connect your children right. All of them deserve a paved path into their careers. Close your ears to all ill sayings that you are spoiling them, no, for it remains your duty to do right by your children, an oft-forgotten provision in the parenting 101 rule book. You started your livelihood for security and good life for your family's benefit and enjoyment. And, whether you play a victory tune from a crwth or a zither, or a high pitched madrigal, your children are born into either fame and fortune or pressure of fortune, and you are duty bound to protect them from poverty experience by directing them down the route of comfort lifestyle and status maintenance responsibility.

In conclusion: wealth is a redefinition of a sole and its purpose shape, a shift to image capture and name glory, a burden to keep yet a nightmare to lose. Every parent wants for their child to do well in life, and so are you, but then takes resources arsenal to ensure a smooth sailing deliverance into their glory. But then, as a businessperson, you must be hellbent for their success for the sake of a successful succession. It's not a secret your children are born into the family name, something which by virtue of their birth its upholders and continuum beyonders. So, provide guarantees for a child prior their birth, in order for them to not be life spenders but rather consumers of life...dp

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2K24


Truly, hari-kari a talented befit invite into a coup claim puppet-danced to a miraged myriad of soul exits. A generation of young is the new value chain that's got lost to us. I write this piece with a heavy heart. Creative industries just lost yet another promising component to its value chain. How we don't invest in understanding our young a future lost today that's left to decide for us on how we'd remember them in their brief stints.

It's so alarming how the numbers keep rising by the month. We deposit a lot of value at the cemetery, and it looks like it's quickly becoming a norm, and we can't accept that as the generally accepted status quo. Bearers, take your time with your offspring, support them and not force them to abandon their dreams for your failed to pursue, tell them what you like and are proud of of them than only vocal on what they did wrong, they want your approval however their age.

Let's stop being wholly consumed in our own challenges only and start being interested in others as well, especially our young. Your small gesture might just be what that young one was needing to give up what they were processing of their next uncarefully thought out move that'll only leave devastation trail behind. It helps not being okay with obituary readings of young blood lost and we ought to let them know how painful it is to lose hope that decided to pull the curtain down itself. Grief is a burden, they must always remember that.

In conclusion: their uncompromising bravery a tantalizing timebomb that takes nothing to go off. Parents, guardians and any and all carers, don't judge their not so likeable patterns of life, let's try hard to let them teach us how to approach them for our eased understanding of them. These ones have legacy challenges that they just but opt differently to dealing with them. And, if discombobulation was a reward, morbidity would've been a shine that's got us mumbling genZ bible verses negotiated from the Talmud.

Whether it's in business or outside of it, they just paint a picture to their missions indifferent to the earlier generations. Their self-expression is unapologetically unkind to our comprehension and they promise none to come to the table for that 'cause it's in their nature. This not condoning that of them but rather a call to review how important it is not to ignore it, for doing so a reverb in reverse when the unwished for gets eventualized. Let's allocate more time to them before it's too late seeing how tempted they're to outrolude when pressure hit the high note. And, sorry LucyX, we maybe failed because we never got to take our time into your world. Though never saw it coming, your departure a hari om tat sat manifest that is still but,,how can I put it?,,,fine, it was your curation to vest in, I guess. Just know that nature doesn't care about our pain but rather your importance dimmed to the future. Rest peacefully in creative eternity, our je ne sais quoi soleil...dp 

©ddwebbtel publishing.2K24

[The factor of politics in individual success]

The world of business today is one in which not the best of now is guaranteed for tomorrow as same. Potential and opportunity aren't any longer parallel. Today, who you are and who you know matters more than capability. That said though, not marking the effort of working on self as being useless. At the end of the line we talk about personal wealth before skills worth, and who to blame for that new way of thinking is politicians and media.

Today you read about so and so being a millionaire or billionaire and what their sources of income are, but how they got there not important, and if be revealed, find that it's a well doctored story. It is politics that have shown us that red tape is meant for the less important, the unknown and the enemy, and that whoever becomes a ladder climber celebrity on the back of their agenda, to be dealt with diplomatically using media and law.

So, given the way of today to one's success being so, any entrant into the world of business should be well aware of the facilitators and adhere to their guidances. The term 'gate keepers' is slowly dying and new one will soon emerge. Facilitators, on the other hand, don't sign up for cheap cologne soundtrack, but if work hard at self unapologetically to place self at their disposal, will thank self many times over. The only danger is if work at being in their position as they won't likely hesitate dipping you into the deepest section of the never-come-back lake. Being in the good books of such is a plus to you on many fronts in that their word gets channeled to the right ears.

In conclusion: "pretending to be, has never been a way to becoming" [1] and best you be self and work hard on your being. Knowing how to play around the rough edges gives you an added advantage. Be ahead of the pack by learning how politics can serve your interests landscape with a fitting paint to your skylark of aspirations. What's key to point out is an understanding that politics aren't about outsider elements only but that it all start within us. How we are to one another in teams and family is important in that it's where historical beginnings commence...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
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