If death can be beautiful, mind degree shone light to leadership as a burden of the command carrier, according to Augsburg's confession. Whether standing apart or afront the rest, a leader's a symbol that remains to its follower a cast of mold that never quick dry but forever a useful guide to where the mind of his want for all to go, be without force and but through a gentle push.
[Symbolic enemy]
[A camel is a horse]
A camel is a horse designed by a committee, they say, and I concur. What's the significance of group leadership? Anything that's by a group decision gets somehow wrong, compromised or flawed. I don't say group decisions aren't good but instead saying are at most poor in that they're either a boon or a bane.
[Role play]
We differ, we amend and we move on. As a people we differ, our types are similar but vary in degrees brought by circumstances. When together we form a group or a team, and the purpose of coming together highlighted from the beginning. In a group or team, we have goals to achieve and guidelines to adhere for goals to be achieved.
[Clashing passions]
Whom to punch when you feel the need to? Why you punch them, only you knows the answer to that. But truth be told, it doesn't help a bit. You just need to understand yourself in order to work with yourself. What you are and what you're best at, who you are and who you're best at, should be the centermark of your fold.