How big is yours? And how small can it be? How you decide on it entirely up to you as the controller of your destiny. It's a wise decision to have a consultry and a cabinet, or a fusion of both in one if you are a leader. The formation of this group of your surrounders should be informed by the size of your operations or of your entity. Truth is, having them a cost that's but a worthy bud to your growth stem.
[Reshuffling your cabinet]
[The first time]
Nothing excites and terrifies the soul's core like doing it for the first time. Be it a soft or hard activity, it shakes you innate. We all go through that and one thing we can't lie about is the countless times we experience it on almost daily basis. The challenge is that not all of the experiences gets registered because we at times go through our first time without any fanfare to the occurrence. There're those though who're too observant and do get to be aware of many of their firsts that most not really care of.
[The jail of life]
[People love working for bosses]
The last resort is to build a solid invisible wall to shield you, and this is by your behaviour. Make sure they don't have that room for allowance to be in your face always. Give them room but limits to your corner. For that you have to develop a thick skin but works. People love working for bosses unfortunately, nice leadering is weak leadership, so, build that persona in you just for that specific purpose. Let them feel your crown, it's important for you to lead with success...dp
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.
[What if dore is the correct spelling?]
With so many formulae to life, success and control, wonder how right are we of things we loudly declare wrong and right. What if death was to be danced for? And what if music was meant to be listened to in silent still mode? Think of the wrongness to wrongteousness and the rightness to righteousness, to cut it short.
[The new PDNE]
"Kindness kills commerce, hence every successful one is unkind to the not have" [1], so she said to us when closing. Those were the words of a partner's friend during a chat over a relaxed conversation at his home. It was quite an eye opener for the fact that no woman in my life has ever uttered such to me, the reason why they stuck.
She actually made a couple of good valid points but that one remained locked in to me. Truth is, I've heard people say such in many ways a man may put them, just that somehow a woman has a subtle way into a man in word, and with where I am now with my life, managed to shake me into a true wake.
[1] by copyright control
[2] by KgeleLeso
[Guide your history]
[1&2] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.