[The jail of life]

How do you control your workforce? Their perception of you, what is it? Being a leader isn't a default position for just about anyone, hence any leader needs to undergo a particular program that is specifically designed for their role prep in their lead. The challenge with leadership is your consistency in choices, character and observations of life, business, law, politics, spirituality, education and religion.

The issue of alcoholism, smoking and drug abuse is a serious worry for many a small startup entity operators. The problem is, it goes two ways; first with a leader who is and the latter as a staffer who is. Picture a leader who parties with staff, cool to most I know but ethically not sound. This may come across as an attack to some but not my intent to. We just have to address that which is wrong and applaud that which is right sans any name mentioned.

A drunkard or junkie for a leader is worse of the two pictures, but not saying it's to encourage it in employees either. To choose a career such as leadership isn't a day in a mall without money, and but a big responsibility that'll have an impact in the lives of others directly and not, but at the end of the day affected as a result of your choice in decision making and taking.

The link between your thought and action is one fascinating drama within that may sadly be hampered by your lifestyle choices to be less effective. Take a lesson on motor neurons, with synopses in check and you're to think in a different way if can see the damage that alcohol and drug abuse cause to their functions. A leader ought to be reliable, sound and equitable in their delivery of decision and action, and if it be not then untrustworthy.

Think about what your peers see and say whenever you emerge. If you don't worry about such as a leader then dooms bay is where you're headed. They say "don't pay attention to others' sayings about you" but it's not advisable honestly. It's a must to follow what's being said about you in mentions, that's key in forging your campaign to successful leadership.

In conclusion: flip the script and switch to the unorthodox path, and turn to see their looks on you. What people say of you and your life may put you in the jail of life, but then again, what about what's not said of you? Do what give back a feed, it's vital for your progress and a key to parole as a life liver.

In the jail of life your bail gets paid for by the  public, and what they say about you is crucial. Who takes a drunkard serious? Think of everything that goes wrong when one is drunk, and you'll expect not a lot from people if you're that. Nothing is beautiful about drugs and alcohol if done excessively. Do smoke, do drink, and can't say a thing about sniffing dosages, but won't it be liberating if done with you exercising caution to display your control over them? I can't know to say stop, no, all I can say is step off for your sake as a person first before as a leader. Do what's respectable, serve in the good jail of life, where the sentence is clean image, sober appearances, occasional fun, private smoking and drinking, etc. your tickets of favour out of the bad jail of life...dp 

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[People love working for bosses]

Up close and personal a compromise that's unwelcome if it's too cozied in your working space. The intimacy it carries is a privacy policy thrower out the window, should you ask anyone in that situation. In my personal capacity it's never been an easy sail. When you are starting out it's challenging in that you interact with staff to the level of connection, and that a double-edged sword on its own.

With a startup there're numerous hurdles you just can't ignore and proceed with the race sans going through, and one of them is small premises. The challenge with working from a limited capacity space is that you get to be too close to your staff especially if the shared space is open planned. It's a common problem to every entity owner to be gotten too close to. It's actually uncomfortable for anyone to be in a space where everyone has an easy access to you as a leader. Think about safety, privacy and freedom of being self sans any awkwardness.

Being too close to staff is good but not so great if one needs to point it out with fact. As a person you have your good and bad days and for the staff having to at times be witnessing many of those days' moments live is a bad thing. There're certain sides to your character traits that should be limited to certain individuals because they're having the potential to break you in future as they can be used against you, so, what gets known about you is important to be protected. Not everyone needs to know you too well, it's a loose end to be tied at all cost.

A leader isn't ordinary, and shouldn't be expected to be found too proximate to the subordinates, and reason being that you are the reflection of your family, your business, your personal brand, and the face of the brand you represent. The time that staff spends around you gives off a lot as repute killers and makes for good  content that mongers are constantly on the look out for for your bashing, or even as good intel for selling you out.

In conclusion: be vigilant when it comes to your immediacy, you just can't be sure of anything. To counter the potential danger you may work remote and have one whom you liaise with on behalf of the whole staff, or have the space partitioned for you to have a closeted office for your peace of mind.

Any leader who socialize with staff never get back the respect that they should be given, because there's this and that that're known about them. You can only imagine how hard it becomes to lead a team that's in such a position with you on a personal level. Avoid such by creating a void in between you and them. Better they say you're distant and cold than being a subject of gossip and seen as lazy, useless, stupid, etc. all the bad stuff usually gets said about bosses. Mind you, a leader is only useful, hardworking, smart and all those other positive attributes if they're not too close to them, and remaining a big wish to be subjected to their friendship. Best they fantasize about you than they have you anytime they want.

The last resort is to build a solid invisible wall to shield you, and this is by your behaviour. Make sure they don't have that room for allowance to be in your face always. Give them room but limits to your corner. For that you have to develop a thick skin but works. People love working for bosses unfortunately, nice leadering is weak leadership, so, build that persona in you just for that specific purpose. Let them feel your crown, it's important for you to lead with success...dp 

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[What if dore is the correct spelling?]

With so many formulae to life, success and control, wonder how right are we of things we loudly declare wrong and right. What if death was to be danced for? And what if music was meant to be listened to in silent still mode? Think of the wrongness to wrongteousness and the rightness to righteousness, to cut it short.

Ever wondered why those we praise for their kindness suffer and some die young? And those we hate for their rudeness and cruelty are rich and live long? Is there a secret to the way things are supposed to actually be but us pushed into true life oblivion? Seems like a lot that we got taught as good not that good for us whilst the bad they condemned being the good we really need for our happiness.

You're taught of self inner-power but not doing anything for you out into the world, other men and women are having the outer power to tell you whom to be, where to be, how to do, and also tell you what to be and do if you want to be empowered by them. What's worrying is that with the power they wield, they do what's long been taught as bad to be and do. Why are we authorized by others instead of being in control to manage ourselves and things? We are ruled yet made to believe we're governing. Everything isn't what it should be per their teachings if you quite look at the order of days gone by and of the currency.

We have the law to maintain order, force to maintain peace, religion to restore morality and education to instil teachings as the epicentre of enablement. I read, hear and see daily how a scam life's ways of late are, and worse is it has since been from way back. The very complex concept called the system with its subs; the economy, the government, taxation, debt and interest, which are all under the hold of a select few via exclusive clubs and secret societies that makes us pay for being existent.

Ask yourself about things like tax, does the tax inventor pay it and too whom? Interest and arrears, do debt and bond originators pay them? Those are some of the many layers of the beast's hide that me and you will never feed our curiosity curriculum full with its true fibre of knowledge. But then again, how long are we excepted to stand behind the fence of reality and stir at them as our symbols of aspirations and ultimacy?

In conclusion: why do we allow to be told how to see and think of people who questions empirical impurity? They say they're conspiracy theorists, lie fabricators, and all other bad grammar to silence them and at times some killed yet such not questioned. There're lots of promises of no empanadas when we turn over the leaf of poverty and still voice no dissatisfaction yet witnessing signs of success only crowding their vicinities and us provinced in brackets. Time is now we ask selves what if dore is actually the correct spelling of door, and then we'll have the rightful answer to which wall we can draw the dore to our entrance into the cabal. Tired of running this fake race below their genuine one...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[The new PDNE]

"Kindness kills commerce, hence every successful one is unkind to the not have" [1], so she said to us when closing. Those were the words of a partner's friend during a chat over a relaxed conversation at his home. It was quite an eye opener for the fact that no woman in my life has ever uttered such to me, the reason why they stuck.

She actually made a couple of good valid points but that one remained locked in to me. Truth is, I've heard people say such in many ways a man may put them, just that somehow a woman has a subtle way into a man in word, and with where I am now with my life, managed to shake me into a true wake.

If you're a biznes person you aren't supposed to be a nice fellow I heard, and anyone who's nice should receive a PDNE sticker plugged to their name. In my days of schooling I was taught it stands for "please do not erase", but today got told it means "please do not endorse". How quickly times have changed to say it safely.

PDNE is now used for ones like me to be labeled as the good wrongdoers by the feisty wrongdoers. Any person finding themselves in the space of commerce is advised to not be their selves in kind but rather their selves ruthless. But then, my question is: "does one have to be unkind in order for them to be successful in biznes?" and the answer I now got is "yes, one has to be."

In conclusion: in biznes life we learn with each encounter and the lessons drawn in each somehow impacting how one builds in shape their legacy. One bad thing for some is the way situations have effect on us all the time, which is good for others though importantly yourself. There're certain moves by some particular persons that someway alter your outlook on life and force you to drop your advancing of character in favor of personality in dealing with some circumstancial eventualities.

'However you look at it, 'life in biznes is a path that chose you or chosen by you, via dictation from your lead circumstances' [2]. In biznes, you don't just learn, you grow. Whether you go in red or blue ocean, it remains your strategy to uphold in your journey as a biznes person, with your choices as your niches as you carry along. Remember that what's important is you shouldn't let PDNE work against you in that it should be by you putting it on others...dp

[1] by copyright control
[2] by KgeleLeso

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Guide your history]

'Know the danger of your own history and its use against you, especially if framed' [1]. I do understand that this may set the tone for a different message altogether in that it sounds like a scare statement but in fact a simple warning to those that have people surrounding them almost all the time and not having any control over how those situations are handled. They should've remember that: 'every moment when passed a history that forms conclusions about you' [2].

What should inform your mind is the fact that your acted out feelings are good or bad thoughts that tells your state of being in that particular space in time. It's amazing what past actions give off, be careful. It therefore requires you to be in control of your emotions for your actions.

When you lead, you rely on history and same is done of yours by those you lead, they consistently refer to what you've been through and how you navigated out. This is also done with investments. When you invest in something or someone, you fact check their history in that particular space to inform your decision. One thing though that ought to be minded is that in history lies no full certainty but rather a guide to your thought on the subject given its past, no guarantee of repetitive behaviour promised.

In conclusion: relate yourself with proper history, for it's where parts of you will be always found, as it's by nature a forever phenomenon affair. Your record of events is a picture that keeps progressing, and as such, needing guidance of how the records are made. History is an attraction and a deterrent simultaneously that matters not if you aren't relying on your past for glory of now or future.

History is important, it's what you are and who you are, significancing an established account of one's being with relation to things and others, wherefore can never be not a part of you, so embrace it. For yours to be favourable you have to be one with your hoped for outcomes to guide its shaping. Truth is, when captured in frame, telling more than when laid to paper in text. A picture says a lot to a lot of people's perceptions per their thought guidance, hence it's dangerous if given off sans scrutiny of pattern sheriffs. In a nutshell, be wary of what you give off in freeze or capture as you never know where it might end up an article of interest for an eye and thought of a different kind. Control what's been seen, told and thought about you starting by those around you...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso 

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Teach your talent to carry you through]

If it gets tiring it ain't for you they say. The tricky part about success is its thought palettes around it. Almost every person you can talk to about success, will have this or that to teach you, but trouble is finding those sayings useful is just another story. But then, along your journey of growth into your pursuit you come across some thought provoking teachings that will leave you empowered if not thirsty for more.

I remember one day in a meeting not so long ago with a humble, seasoned and respectable business executive who said to us that: "teach your hands to feed you"[1]as opposed to teaching your hands to harm, snatch or point blame. Hearing that thought provoking statement made me pause and reflect on my life and its all talents, and said to myself that I have to do something about that powerful utterance, and here I am using my very hands to write about it. Ask yourself how many talents do you have and how are you surviving through them. It's a tough one I know, but relatively a simple thing if are aware.

We all are born with a talent and have to go out to acquire a skill to hone it. Talent is a gift from birth that depends on you to utilize in order to sustainably support yourself. It but relies on your willingness and active lifestyle to really allow it to come out to show. As a natural craft, you need to teach it to carry you through by not failing your activities course. To support that you need to have a good care of your talent to enjoy the fruits of your innate source.

Your talent needs a feed, and each has its own type of that feed need. The basic feed need for any craft is practice and consistently learning more about it. We can't dispute the fact that there may be other ways than those but nothing beats this two, no matter the size or field of your talent. If you teach your talent to carry you through, it'll never abandon you. Talent isn't like skill but it can with skill be perfected.

In conclusion: it's important to let your mind be on your talent full time so as to perfect your delivery. Talent without your keenness to nurture it is of no use. Once your body gets into the program of your routine process, nothing will stop it from going on and on, and in the end produce exquisite outcomes. When in that stage you can easily earn from your craft as a turned income stream that will enable you to weather the poverty line storms fairer if not comfortably. Practice tenacity with your craft and you'll thank yourself in the end when it pays you for learning to be yours. Good luck...dp

[1] by Mr David Hlabjago
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Enterprise development made easy]

When was it your last time hearing, watching or reading about enterprise finance made easy? Chances are it has not been long. But, then, how useful is it to those in need of it?

Many start-up businesses are in dire need of capital and but are told they either do not qualify for it or need to have collateral and security before they could be listened to. Then if not that, you hear of sayings that aspirant businesspersons are too choosing when it comes to sectors they want in, something that comes naturally with politicians and cadres deployed in business financing and funding institutions.

This, springs to mind what I heard on the radio that our fund-seeking youths are not willing to get their hands dirty; they choose same sectors that are not industrialized. What these utterances mean is that it’s okay by the government for big financing businesses to class us as same and to apply a one-size-fits-all approach when answering to almost zero funding of black businesses. Thus, leaving us out of the funding line, and having to settle on looking on as immigrants go on taking all the funds deemed “industrialized”. Enough about heads of states' refusal of their failure to create jobs and economic development they promised.

Back to the business of this article: If one chooses a specific field to offer their services to, then to some it’s a problem. I then ask myself – what happened to freedom of choice we so much hear of?

We have many finance vehicles of which some one doesn’t even know what their acronyms stands for ‘cause it still won’t be any effective which are in our vicinity but to date I can’t point a finger in lay of claim that the fingered individual or group of persons have been assisted by them. It goes to show how bad things are. A lot could have been achieved if only they had given a chance to ideas that they encounter from time to time instead of pushing political agendas.

The other thorny issue is that of rental space for businesses. They claim to be housing businesses with dignity at reasonable rates but just go to their offices to enquire about office space you’ll come out reeling with shock. To me, I believe had they thought of developing smaller players from the word go, then there would have been provisions for start-up rental to encourage longer stay in the rented spaces and proper growth of businesses locally, of which a different case applies.

Many a small business fail due to rental being the core of their fall. If space could be affordable, we won’t witness the rate in which shops opens and closes.

Enterprise development corporations or institutions should employ people who have first-hand experience in administration, management and other related skills sets needed to run a business as their analysts, advisors and consultants. Thing is, it takes a brave man to go against the comfort of conformity and security to go into business. Don’t get me wrong here – it’s just that it’s not that easy to start a business and some fail in their attempt in it because of their quick buck making thoughts. If you want quick money, you’ll lose out dismally.

So, it is very paining and discouraging the way in which this brave job creators are handled at the so-called “business financiers” at the hands of inexperienced personnel. We have high unemployment rates and yet those offering a way out are shunned out as “clever ones” as some of our presidents labels them, and as such receive a cold shoulder by the less clever ones for their creative and innovative solutions.

In conclusion: as citizens, we ought to give pressure to the government to relax the red tape that’s hampering job creation attempts and to also stop fooling us with tax coffers eroding schemes of playing around with new institution names with but same faces and bad ways of poor service delivery.

Perhaps one day those in the hot seats of financing institutions will wake up and have a change of heart as regard the power of small businesses in their ability to turn the tide of unemployment. But, for now, it remains a case of maybe one day there will seat someone who will make it easier for businesses to obtain finance without being sent from one useless face to another clueless one...dp