Some things sometimes make you forget who you are, at times make you act like you don't care, but what matters is why you do it and whom for. Anger is not hatred and tough love comes from a good place, and that's a caring heart.
Every family has those heated moments and what gets said during them not to be taken to heart. Enemies use many ways and people to get their way into breaking others. The quickest example is that of divide and conquer, and the divider all of the time wins because those involved are cut off from each other. But then, what if a family employs a different approach in its strategy to fight back the divider.
If a family does allow for the divisive element to divide them, and through the factions formed within their home, do form separate units of strength against the divider, the battle will be returned to the agent of division.
Finding one's own voice and thought a result of looking at the world in a different way and acting in an unconventional manner. When there's some bad vibe that comes in between you and your family or team, build smaller teams to fight back the negative energy. To uproot disunity you have to be deeply rooted in unity, and the only way to achieving that being through positivity and common love advancing built one smaller group into the other until it's a whole collective again.
In conclusion: playing bad against the bad guy not a bad idea, the end goal here is split unity. Coming back stronger from a divisive phase not an easy task to win as other minds already eating out of the divisive element's palm. To win back your family or team from a divisive realm is to balance your criticism of the divider. The trick is to do as recommended and but with reservations so you be able to revert to your stance once tested your compatibility to their approach.
So, if you're in lead, do listen and carefully observe, and but if not bearing the desired result to simply pro-act against the force to counter its next move. Life is a game, and so is leadership; just know how to play it...dp