How do you look at your next partnership coming from the one with teared emotion from its endless drama? How long do you take before jumping into the next? How will you treat the next partnership? What does the backdrop of the partner say about where they come from? Do you know why?
[Retrograde rebound]
A rebound is something of a double edged sides, it needs those involved in it to be supportive of one another. You both got an experience of a common something though differing in circumstances, and that the key to your bind. What sometimes puts you off rails is finding selves not going the same direction yet of the same mind to your set goal.
Past experience a blast of good memories whilst a trauma for the next. The formation of a new partnership comes with a lot of interesting things to be very knowledgeable about and some to be questioned before going in too deep. How we address these issues an options list to tick from. The biggest challenges to work on are balance and commonity.
Retrograde is when you turn in opposite direction yet together, bringing to the fore the question of what will you achieve that way. If you go clockwise and the partner going anti-clockwise, clearly you aren't as winning as you imagined. So, coming in on rebound course and on retrograde, not much will be in your bag.
In conclusion: in getting each other from the previous experiences of either good or bad, each need to offload all that was good and bad, how they felt of those experiences and what they felt should've been where they felt wronged. Whether in life or in business, if you want to build a solid relationship with someone, you ought to start there with heart to mind sessions. We sometimes fail in business as we treat it like a foreign phenomenon to our feelings, while it's very personal. Let's be prograde and good things will come out of our relationships...dp
[Refrain from bad vibes]
Life of business is infested with many tiny squabbles that if not managed well can lead to frenimity bubbles. The danger lies in you not knowing how to deal with disappointments and angers stemming from failures and mistakes. At times it just drains you, especially if you're faced with bad communication.
The key is developing the ability to spot at face value any signs of future troubles right there and then. For example, inviting a clueless somebody into business and be expecting them to have an instant understanding of what it means being in that strange space. Truth is, the business world is a strange space for one to find selves in, hence you lose friends and family so quick because of their failure to be sensible, supportive and respectful of your chosen path.
In business there're no quick earnings, everything takes time in that you build in stages that require recapitalization from time to time. Flop is, many people find the idea of being a business person as a fashionable status that they can do with success if they wanted to anytime. Fact is, there's no space for such in business.
The mistake we make at times is accepting guarantees and loans sans getting it right what they are in their truest sense from those advancing it to us. We need to educate those we engage with enough about relations with businesspersons and money so as to avoid unforeseen boat rockers. Apart from educating others, we too need to be well informed of what we require for our advancements. That'll help a great deal when conversing with others so we not go into arrangements and agreements that aren't peace bearing.
Also, business isn't for the lazy to read and research, unless you have tons of tender bills to your name. How will you communicate your dream and vision to success? Unless you're to work alone, there wouldn't be a need for constant upskilling of self. You need to be abreast with local, national and international current affairs if you're to connect with any aspirant and your prospective partners, investors and consumers with ease for impression. Be not lost in the fog, business is about impression every move you make.
In conclusion: anger is brought unto us by selves unfortunately in many a times in how we fail to communicate clearly, represent ourselves well and position our both personal and corporate brands well. How we address wrong takes should tell how matured and willing are we to our retakes. We need each other and how we relate today has an impact on our future, so we should do what's right most of the day in our dealings with others. We need to refrain from bad vibes for our growth...dp
[Peace of your money]
What gives you peaceless patches of times in your quiet moments? I don't want to turn this to me since I'm sensing you contemplate on that. Thing is, I got to learn a lot from experiences given by the business world in conjunction with money, and so are you.
Money creates friendships and breaks them. The security brought by money equates to the dignity depository on someone who's important to the economy. The economy responds better to you and treats your name with respect better than it does to the one with nothing much to their names. The open secret to life is to acquire the most important part of respect and that is money, outstanding leadership and repute. With those you're guaranteed power and more earnings potential. But atop those, you ought to be well read and informed so you be able to keep evolving.
A lot of interesting times we can't tell our value yet saying we know our worth. Our metrics is mostly based on the industry wages and that being our benchmark. It is laughable that in business still a lot of players don't know what they worth, whilst some pity selves against their own bank account digits, plussing that with their business income to arrive at the number stuck on selves as their worth.
No matter how much airtime we may give to the subject, it at the end of the day circle the issue of money. What we make, how we make it; what we lose and how much at what rate and why. It's a matter of ratio and values, that works out personal and collective worth. The standardization determined by factors that are drawn from both personal and professional background basis, academic attributes, self development and the result of the personal brand you are.
How bankable is your personal brand and yourself? How liquid are you? We forget how solvent we are in our worth and only be reminded that the day we want to buy debt. Most of us rank low in current debt buy and but ranking high on unsecured debt futures. With that, we become hard to invest on as we're assets that aren't guaranteeing lossproof to the risk takers in the now moment, unless they find something to hold one onto for their future with them.
In conclusion: then, what happens to the money you're having? Does it earn enough for you? Does it enhance your value in self accume? Does it give you inner happiness and peace? Are you sure where you've put it is secure? If your money doesn't give you peace, where are you moving it to? At the same breath, how confident are you with the peace you'll give to the money of the risk taker on you? The same way you want peace from your money so does them. How you don't want to lose it, so are they. So, work on being thy peace of your money, and so you'll be to that of another's...dp
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